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Mappo, the Merry Monkey / His Many Adventures

Chapter 3 MAPPO IN A NET

Word Count: 2440    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ty cocoanut shell with which he was going to play a trick on Bumpo or Jacko. The tiger was creeping, slowly, s

ay down deep in his throat. "A

little doubt of that. Mappo shivered. He wished he had not tried to play the tri

looked up toward where he knew his tree-house was. He

cunning tiger, lashing his striped sides with his

n the tree-house. Nor was his papa or mamma there. The whole monkey family had

rting out Mrs.

e is

down the tree toward the ground. Bumpo did not know what his brother was goin

. Monkey. So away they all went, leaving the tree-house empty, an

ont of the bad tiger. The tiger knew none of the monkey family was n

, can often smell danger much better and more quickly than they can see it. And, had Mr. or Mrs. Monkey smelled the tiger, they would ha

tiger, speaking in his own language, which Mappo understoo

a way of their own for talking one to another. To us it may sound only like chatter, growls, meows and bar

d stop, when the driver tells him? Or how would your dog know when to come to you, and t

the tiger, and the t

he crouching tiger as bravely as he could. Nearer and nearer crept the striped beast

talk. That was his way of calling for help. All monkeys do that in the jungle, w

at way!" growled the tiger, deep i

monkeys seemed to have gone away from that part

ay. So Mappo thought, besides being brave, he might be polite, and ask a favor of the tiger. For animals are often

would ask the tiger, as a f

ybe papa will come, with a whole lot more monkeys, and drive the tiger away. Or, if he does not,

!" begged Mappo. "I never di

en I tried to get a little deer, but it ran back with the rest of the deer, and, as the big deer had such sharp horns, I dared not go after it.

he would be safe. For, in the tree, he could run much faster, from branch to branch, than could the tiger on the ground. But in gettin

" thought Mappo. "He'd have me in a second. And there's no use asking a fav

t shell in his paw-the shell with which he

ird in the garden. Tigers are only big cats, you know, very much bigger and stronger than your pussy. And they always creep slowly, slowly up toward any

e cocoanut shell. The little monkey chap made up

Tiger!" called M

at the tiger's head. Monkeys are very good throwers. They a

racked open-I mean the cocoanut cracked open-where

r he did not know what to make of the cocoanut sh

he thought it was his own head. Tigers are sometimes silly

ad!" cried the tig

rack of the cocoanut shell made him thi

r on his hind legs. This was

e little monkey chap. "

re his house was built. By this time the tiger had seen the empty cocoanut

he tiger. "He can't fool me that way! I'll ge

big jump, and ran after Mappo. But Mappo was not waiting for him. The little monkey boy was now

as safely out of the way. The tiger's claws stuck in the trunk of the tree,

a high limb, Mappo, as he look

t catch me! I fooled you! Chatter-chatter-c

ad tiger, as to warn the other monkeys in the woods that the bad

attered the other monkeys, far off in the jungle, as they heard

on the lookout for me now. I'll have to wait until after dark to cat

orry that he had not caught Mappo. They were all glad the monkey boy

l at the tiger, Mappo," said an old grandfather monkey, high in a tr

uncle monkey. "Mappo is a smar

feel pretty pr

e my papa and mam

ove," said the grandfather monkey. "Be c

ppo thought it would be safe to travel through the jungle, especi

s folks, who had gone on,

where he saw something very strange. It was strange and also nice,

ve left that there for me. Maybe my papa or mamma did, knowing I would come this way. Yes,

lived long enough to know all the dangers of the jungl

angers from men-from hunters-and these Mappo did not know so well. For, as yet, he had never seen a man-a hum

d the monkeys for circuses, for menageries and for ha

tree where he had come to rest. He saw no signs of dang

find my papa and mamma and brothers and sisters," t

d Mappo had to eat a great many of them before he felt he had enough. Each piece was a li

e reached for it with his paw, and t

stant he was all tangled up-his paws and tail were caught. He yelled and chattered in fright,

's net in the jungle, and the pieces of cocoanut were

shrill, chattering voice

ghter the net

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