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On Land and Sea at the Dardanelles

Chapter 10 PRISONERS

Word Count: 2341    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

irrups. For a moment the two stood, side by side, behind the trunk of the live oak, peering out over t

the wood,' said Ken quickly.

nstant a shout rudely shattered that illusion. They scurried on as hard as they could go, but the wood was so open and the trees so far

ed Ken breathlessly. 'We'll dod

eir manoeuvre, and shouted an order. His men split out fan-wise and before Ken and Roy were half way across

st. The bullet caught the horse between the eyes and down

ng straight down upon him. He sprang aside, the lancehead missed him by inches, then

He was hauled roughly to his feet, his rifle snatched from his hand, and his cartridge-pouch torn away. A few yar

These men, trained by Germans, paid by them, and soaked in their brutal tenets, were among

iercely at th

growled one, and

iles behind our lines. Why do we waste time taking th

down?' suggested another. 'Sticking

faced man with a pair of fierce

. We have his orders to bring them before him. It will go hard with yo

one of the men who was holding Ken picke

s indignity, but he checked himself. It would be better, he remem

t was, he managed to get one hand loose, and before the others could seize it again one of t

better than Germans. They'll only frog-march

ury. 'D'ye think I'm going to be h

ey're going to take us to headquarters. It'

sergeant who seemed in a hurry, gave brief orders, and galloped on with most of hi

e mo

ellow, giving Ken a prick with his lance. 'And keep going, or,

nderstand, although to Ken every word of it was only too plain. From something the corporal let drop, he learnt that they were bein

one, as they tramped rapidly onwards under

call him Hartmann. It appears he was cute enough to suspect that we had hidden

y answered, gritting his teeth. The disgrace of the handcuffs was bit

at were parched, and his tongue like a dry stick in his mouth. The dust rose around them in choking clouds, flies bit and stung, yet he co

thing, Ken used his eyes to take in every feature of the country through which they travelled. Small hope as he had of ever seeing aga

sight of a group of squ

eni,' Ken

orporal caug

uage, 'and, by the beard of the Prophet, y

he narrow street of the place reeked with filth and foul odours, and swarmed with a pestilence of flies. The two youngste

g in the centre of the low-roofed room.

aid hoarsely. 'I'll be even w

Take it easy while you can. Remember, we've g

imself down

a bit. But heaven pity that black-moustac

His eyes closed. Instantly he was sound asleep. Roy stared at him vaguel

ough the blazing afternoon. The sun was setting when the

hem with a

' he ordered. 'Captain

ere both in condition so fit and hard that they were little th

lat-topped houses stood on slightly higher ground. Through an open door they were driven

whom was a typical Prussian, fair, with hard blue eyes and close cropped hair

deep-set, narrow eyes as th

et'-this to the corporal-'you have done well. I will see that your co

to his c

the overcoats of Turkish soldiers, they contrived to destroy one of our quick-firers, and to-day they were discovered hiding in a wo

e meaning of the man's infamous accusations. 'Liar!' he burst in. 'We were

Achmet, the corporal, str

hem down on th

s shackled hands, brought them down upon the man's head with such fearful f

wo of the guard seized Roy and flung him to the ground, two more laid hands on Ken. Anot

prang forward and seized

orders that he wishes to see these men before they are executed. Stan

Hartmann. The man obeyed at once, and in a few moments order was restored. Two

lips were bleeding, and the foul blow had fo

his eyes blazing. 'Small wonder a people who do such

rled back Hartmann. 'You, a private soldi

dy ashamed of

bitter contempt, 'or do y

excess of rage. He bit his lip till the

ou stand before the muzzles of the fir

he only man among them to remain

d harshly. 'Captain Hartmann, it is ou

us if you have already made up yo

man glare

is bossible that, by giving us certain information, yo

omething in his face which made

ed grimly. 'You'd better proceed at once with y

face went the colour of a ripe plum, for a moment

the house to the yard opened sharply, and a stout, coarse-looking ma

amrods, and saluted him. They stood at th

thick guttural voice, as he seated himself, 'th

pon the latter he started ever so slightly. At the same moment Ke

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