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On Land and Sea at the Dardanelles


Word Count: 2758    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

as. He stood, grasping the door handle, listening to the thunder of

new that the boats were being lowered. His worst s

was not the sort to yield weakly to panic. He p

hrown the dynamo out of gear. Then he remembered the little electric torch which

over which he had stumbled in his first rush at the enemy signaller. This lay alongside

seconds to lay down his la

pedo, the ship was already beginning to list heavily. The f

n swung it up as though it had been no more than a f

but the result was not what Ken had hoped. Hinges and lock r

y moment. It was all he could do to keep his feet. Ugly, sucking noises down belo

best he could opposite the door, he pounded frantically at the crack

s head through-let alone his body. His one chan

ing like a trip-hammer as he dropped the

e had to cling to the door, as h

gers closed on the key. It turned, but even

. As he clawed his way through into the passage, the sea water

o the mess deck. There was not a soul in sight, and the ship now lay ove

el. Then he was on the boat deck, in a glare of white light flung on the sinking

ion the searchlights of the escorting destroyers wheeled and flashed, as t

ich only perfect discipline ensures, every soul had already been got away into

ish, it was far better to drown in the open than


ing up into the se


ship out for you,' excl

n now. Tell you afterwards. I say, old man, it was jolly good of you to

s on. Sharp, for she won't la

fe-saving waistcoats which are now used

as he saw Ken glance at him

in slipping on the queer

the weather rail. Ken followed, and they had barely reached

her steel side which w

ll pull us down if we're n

m, the ship did not sink at once. She lay upon her beam ends for four or five minutes, and gave them time to

ine ship slid slowly downwards, and a minute later there was no sign of her except a great eddy in which

g into th

e. 'This means that the T

n Austrian or German craft. Well, thank good

through,' growled Dave. 'My word, but it's cold!

ling hard towards them. A couple of minutes later they were hauled aboard,

commander, Lieutenant Carey, a keen, har

answered. 'I believe every o

d fresh ships all right, and so far as I know they haven't got a single man. But you fellows look perish

,' answered

en pa

to make before

looked a lit

ll be a hospital case if you stick a

had seen in the bathroom of the 'Cardi

ey listened w

is fellow?'

but by his voice I am pretty

matter at once by wireless, and if he is aboard any of the other ships, you may be sure he'll be attended to. And I congratulate you on getting out

nial warmth of the engine-room, where he found Dave already chan

oollen garments which are the regular cold weather wear of the British Navy, an

y salute

r reached the beach covered b

g through his chilled frame, nodded. Then he and Dave were given a couple of blankets ap

h the hatch overhead, and the smart little ship lay at a

ome breakfast. The old man's going to put you aboard the 'Charnwood' t

submarine?' was Ke

onest face

of us set eyes on her. What are ye to do with a thing like

y and warm. Shift as sharp as ye can.

onducted for'ard for breakfast. Biscuit, butter out of a tin, sardines, and

ge when they came on deck. He greeted them kindly, and

so far as any one knows. Probably he's food for the fi

e side into the collapsible, and were pulled straight across to the

. Warships and transports by the dozen, British and French, were lying at anchor in every direction, and i

siness!' said Dave, as he gl

here, there were two tramps and an old T

nwood,' to be greeted with shouts of delight from a number

re immediately surrounded and smacked on the back, and generally congratulated. The two were very popular with the who

ding officer, Colonel Conway. He had, of course, already heard of Ken's advent

' he said. 'I do not think it possi

have had plenty of time to get on deck, and, s

ubmarine could have

y moment she had fired her torpedo. If she

t Kemp, sir,' said

er answered kindly. 'And you are to be c

marks of his companions who had, one and all, lost everything they possessed, except what they stood up in, it was clear

e out yet, but the rumour was everywher

es and ammunition to replace those lost in the sunken 'Cardigan Castle.' Spare uniforms,

w rifle. 'There's stuff ashore here for an army corps, they tell me. It's no slouch of a

the people at home didn't realise first off that forcing the Dardanelles was almost as important as keeping the Germans out of Calais. If they'd sent us here two months ago instead of fooling rou

ding places are t

e cliffs are covered with scrub, and so are the hills inl

s if you'd

urnt almost saddle colour by wind and sun. His dark blue eyes gleamed

e surrounded by a crowd all eager for any information he coul

There's the signal

the funnels, and in a very short time the whole fleet of transports was moving

place, the men lined the sides an

Dave, as the big transport pas


. George's Day. Then I tell you what,

'll be lande


out it,' h

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