My Not-So-One-Night Stand With a Billionaire
s a victorious smile stretched my face
uscript to Sera. My editor was in for a treat. She had no idea what was abou
of my mind. He was there at every corner, every turn of thought, lurking in the shadows, reminding me of ho
this world. I never allowed myself to think about it too much because then I wo
me circles so the chances of us meeting again was next to nothing. I would die of shame. Besi
red it off Amazon and it was the best purchase I'd ever made in my lif
I smiled with a blush, recalling how she'd cheered gleefully especially
ke of people I would probably never meet in life was a ridiculous thing to do, to me it wasn't. I was nothing without my readers. They got to see a part of me I would
my sanity while growing up with my parents and twin sister. I think it was a blissful escape from the emotional negle
hem down. Slowly, it went from my side of the story to actual stories. S & Jones Publishing had scouted me on a web novel platform two ye
ys wanted to study law. I majored in law in college but the truth was
her MBA and was now working for the family. When I'd explained to them t
years of living, it was that I couldn't please everyo
t agree and our relationship
retrieved my phone and smiled when I saw the caller ID. Pressing the green butt
era's usually penetrating voice was no
g mighty proud of
s time? I was beginning to t
d a hand. "Just saving the big guns for
ing. "Good, good. Christ, this is the hottest thing I've read
d a bit of spanking and screamin
is manuscript is fire. Secondly, you've been chosen by a VIP clien
y ear that it might as well have gone through th
, said client just arrived. Are you free right now? They
ning to my wardrobe to get chan
ing for something special even though my life was as eventful as taking a walk in the park inside the
y. I sped into the building and to the elevator, holding
aight to her office. Just outside, I stopped to catch my breath, cou
aid this was a high-end client, then I believed the shit out of her. I had to make a good im
d the office. From this angle, I could see the clie
e saw me. "Ah, here she is now. May I present
ds where they sat in the middle of the office. The client
ezing. No, no, no. I had to
-famous jeweler and owner of Artemia
that stupid club that Yas took me to. The same man I'd run out on while he was i
couldn't stop
om the looks of it,
s sc