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Squinty the Comical Pig / His Many Adventures


Word Count: 2131    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

r's garden. The first time he had been caught and brought back by Don, the

ked carefully on all sides of him. His one little squinty eye was opened as wide as it would

might come from that direction, and the other ear he drooped over t

lly listening for was th

It will be time enough to go back to the pen when it is dark. Yes, that will be time enough," for of course

wait and see

p a little, he could still see out of it very well, and he s

r away, perhaps taking a swim in the brook, wher

a brook somewhere on the farm, for he could hear the tinkle and fall of the

ought. "I guess I can easily find it. Here I go!" and wi

ly out of the pen again he did not want to be caught the second time. He did not want Don,

ftly to himself, in pig language. "But if I had awakened them, and asked

nd sisters. You see he thought he would be back with them again in a few hours, for he did not intend

o vines. "To pull up any of it, and eat it now, would make it wiggle. Then Don or the farmer might s

f taking any of the farmer's potatoes. He did not yet know the taste of them. But, let me tell you, pigs who have eaten potatoe

and then toward the pen to see if any of the o

op Squinty from running away. Soon he was some distance from the pen, and then he thought it w

y. "It is much better and fresher than the

reason the pig weed tasted so much bett

house, and get a piece of bread and jam? If you ever did, you probably thought that bread and jam was much nicer than the kind you could get at home, th

much as was good for him. And then, as he saw one little potato on the ground, where it had rolled out

ig weed, then I could eat more of those funny, round things the far

any times a day. That is what makes them grow fat so fast--they

, father, sisters and brothers. He wondered if they had awakened yet, or had seen th

omething that sounded like a laugh. I suppose

all around. All he saw were the rows of potato vi

an do as I please, and not go back until night. Let me see, w

k ball, he closed his eyes, the squinty one as well as the good one. But first Squinty

e felt hungry, as he al

te. He did not look around for the little ones that might have fallen out of the hills themselves. No, i

a little pig, and he knew no better. In fact it was the first time he had really

s he wanted, and then he said

off in the water. That will do me good. After tha

tilting it up in the air, Squinty sniffed and snuffed. He wanted

imed Squinty to himself. "I can ea

p well down between the rows of green vines, for he

otato on the ground in front of him. He put his nose out toward it, inte

Squinty. "I must not hurt them, for they are good to catch the flies that tick

to the toad, 'I

pped on, and hid under a big stone. Maybe she was

r, Squinty waded in, and took a long drink. Then he rolled over and over again in it, washing off all the mud and

f, after his bath. "What shall

fact Squinty was very often hungry, so he thought

ht, "and now I would like some apples. I won

corn, he thought he saw an apple tr

made one when he ran away from the pen, and anoth

tall. At least not until they stand on their hind legs. That was a trick Squinty

look over the top of the corn stalks. No sooner had he gotten into the field, and started to walk along the corn

guess I had better go back. No, I will ke

But, though he went a long distance

ver again from there," thought Squinty. "I will not try to get any app

rows of corn, but he could not find the brook. He could not find his way back, nor could he fi

and dusty, the little

I guess

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