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Squinty the Comical Pig / His Many Adventures


Word Count: 2317    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

being led along by his ear, there was so much noise in the farmer's potato patch, for a fe

hold of Squinty's ear, though he did not pinch very h

lled Squinty. "Oh, please

e, and Squinty squealing in his pig talk; but they could

ly awakened from a nap. So did

g making a noise?" asked

n the feed trough, to see if the farmer had left any more so

," said Wuff-Wuff, the la

d Squeaker, a

ounting her children to see if they were all there. She

cried Mrs. Pig. "Oh

ecame louder. So did

rd off the side of th

me outside with him," said Wu

utside there, making all that noi

by himself," said the father pig. "Som

the barking of Don, as well

t the loose board near the hole in the pen, through which Squinty had run a little while before. Mrs. Pig so

pig down on the ground in the middle of a row

w!" bar

uee!" crie

!" grunted Mrs. Pig. "Wh

en to see what it was like outside, and I was just ea

e or big, is in their pen. The farmer does not want you to come out and spoil

the garden," went on Don, still keeping hold of Squinty

Squinty. "Only let loose of my

nty's ear?" asked Wuff-Wuff.

iggy boy's ear. "I did not bite him hard enough to hurt him," said Don. "But I had to catch ho

tail, and I never got over it. In fact I have the marks yet," and he tried to look ar

r," went on Don. "Did I hurt you very much?" he

as he saw a bunch of pig weed close to him, he began nibbling that. And h

sorry, but all you pigs must go back in your own pen.

with a sigh. "Yet it is very nice out in

's garden, much as we would like to do it, he would have no vegetables to eat this winter. The

g here and there. "I will show you the

ck to the place where Squinty had run from, and where all

n, heard the barking of his do

ybe the big bull has gotten loose from his fi

driving Squinty, and his brothers and sist

se!" the farmer cried. "

barked Do

were very good, and did not want to cause Don,

e safely in the pen again. The

speaking to pigs just as if they could understand him. And they did, just

or it isn't much fun to stay cooped up in a pen all the while. But still I can't have yo

ssed it into the pen. He also gave them plenty of sour milk, w

pushed off. Perhaps the farmer thought one of the big pigs--the papa or mamma one--had made the hole for the others t

s bad when he ran out of the pen, for he did not know any better. But, after the board was

one another, and squealing and grunting when they were found. They raced around the pen, playing a game much like our game of tag, and if they

s backs, and climbed upon the fat sides of their fathe

d take a choice, tender piece of pig weed, which the farmer had

others and sisters, and they would hunt all over for it

tice for them, and their mother a

will be very good rooting

would go to sleep again, for they did not need to practice digging, having done so when they

on, the dog, bit?" asked Mrs. Pi

d Squinty. "Don did not bite very

Mrs. Pig. "But you must be ca

dogs alike?" the l

e. They would bite you very hard if they got the chance. So, whenever you

d not know how soon he would be glad

Squinty pushed his nose against the board the farmer had nailed

o get out again?"

ld answer. "I think it would be

. "Some big dog might chase u

content to stay in the pen. He wanted to have some adventures. H

If there was, he made up his little pig mind that he would go out again. But he said nothing of this to h

in the pen all the while," though

Often horses run away, so I don't see why pigs can't

e in the garden, Squinty had no chance to slip

was very hot. The

l ground, and lie down in them," sai

when she wants to take a dust bath. Squinty dug his hole

g hole," he tho

he could see under the bottom of the board

out of the pen by crawling under a board, as well as by pushing one l

r, and soon it was large enough for

ooked all around the pen. His father, mother, sisters an

d slipped under the side of the pen, through the hol

id Squinty, in a jolly whispe

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