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The Aeroplane Boys Flight / Or, A Hydroplane Roundup


Word Count: 2005    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he busy little Kinkaid motor; and looking down, they could see Larry, Elephant, ye

best girl keep her eyes on the skies all the day long, l

t Laura, who thinks just as much of me as any mother could. But Andy, neither of us said anything when Larry told about that h

ok your way," returned Andy, promptly. "It sort of

e right now, know who one of the robbers was, why they wanted to steal an aeroplane to make their get-away

queried h

k, our having an aeroplane, where we lived, what our habits were, and then about Percy's biplane in the bargain. Now, that's something serious; if there's a m

s if we hope to do all that sort of thing," comme

hed Frank, as he stopped mounting upward in

oys ever tired of such wonderful sights; and although by now it had become an old story, they enjo

with its many coves, and points jutting out, the water glist

own of Cranford, on the shore opposite Bloomsbury, and headed toward a small lumbering camp far up the left bank, possibly to deliver sup

ds, their hand to the plow, they would not allow themselves to be discouraged by thoughts of the home ties. That accounted for much of the success that had been their portion in the

ere few towns could be found, and pretty much all the country was a vast

inary methods would never find them, save through a mere chance; but when one can copy the eagle, and mount to dizzy heights, with a pair of powerful glas

uture years, since it has been proven that they are not so very dangerous aft

ctly safe from pursuit," ventured Andy, who was sweeping the marine glas

eft, where the high mountain towered, its heavily wooded sides looking as gloomy as ever, and the white cliffs that ma

reached the top." Andy cried, as he focused his glasses on a sweeping pair of huge birds that were heading their

laughing again. "Why I'm thinking those birds have hardly grown new fea

urr of the now steadily going motor that sent the propellers whizzing around so rapidly; for there was

oplane headed straight up the lake the last you

en those hundreds of old crows came sailing along on the wind, cawing to beat the band, and goin

s, and these could report seeing a strange biplane passing over, so giving the police a clue. No, chances are ten to one they kept right on toward the north. And there's where we've got to do

worked all right with the rascals, and by now they're away off, so far distant

ve only started as yet. The field is before us, you know, with a whole day's supply of gas to push us on, if we want to ke

ch with Bloomsbury Headquarters. The Chief as much as promised that he'd leave word there to put us wise to anything that had

he machinery was doing its duty; for that is always the weak link in modern avi

in the far distance so wonderfully that a man could have been recognized

ke always attracted him very much like a magnet would, whe

ilothouse, grasping his wheel and guiding his charge among the shoals that were charted in the northern end of the

g the shore, and consequently every minute they drew nea

northward; perhaps it might have been the first time some of these people had ever seen such an interesting object; but in the region around Bloom

was heard to utt

at that can be fluttering among the bushes at

d covered the region spoken of, he

after a system, as we would signal with wigwag flags. There, I counted seven times he did it; then comes a halt, and one, two, three times, another halt; an

lake; can you see any small boat in sight, And

can see," replied the bo

steamer, then," sugge

gave an exclamati

t seems to be copying the one on sho

l, and staring at us; are any of them interested, do you think?" continued Fra

ms to come from the pilothouse, an

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