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The Aeroplane Boys Flight / Or, A Hydroplane Roundup


Word Count: 1983    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

k, "I think it'll pay us to slow down a little,

ouch with the bank robbers, can you, Frank?" Andy exclaimed

resting, you know," the other replied; and from this Andy could easily guess that while Fran

lied, still having his eye

g now?" cont

I c'n see," re

rchiefs waving around

of an understanding. Wish I knew what seven, three, five meant; something p

g, in a rather serious tone, as though he believed there might be more

ton, Frank?" asked the

ell as I do, perhaps bet

paper about getting Todd his position with the steamboat company this last spring; they alw

ition to ask the company to give Todd the position of pilot; and stated the belief of all those who signed

to fill the place you'd think all he had to

straight as he is today; and lots of people believed he would never hold his place a week; but h

nd used to drink and gamble, I suppose. Perhaps, now, he e

even a hobo, I heard, before he took a brace, and ca

orry to hear tha

?" demanded the cousin,

you, about what the Chief said when he spoke of the yeggs knowing so much about things, that he thought they must have had inside

n a personal friend, at least, when, in truth, he only knew Todd Pemberton

mpanions in crime and been tempted, or forced to join them in t

do believe, as sure a

think the same way you do

we agree, and again we have different minds; but in

and see if you can pick up that man again, the


there now?" the

perhaps birds flying around this way and that; but never th

the meanest and loneliest place of all the Disston Swamp lumber company. Nobody hardly ever goes there except to shoot snipe and woodcock in the fall, an

ous, Frank, do

pay to investigate a

ndy had watched the signal waving. By looking almost directly down, he cou

e remarked as he continued to scan every part th

ne, I take it," cam

and worse still to climb up out of one. Didn't we have the toughest of times down there in that South American forest finding open spo

out that you've made any sort

rank, I wish you could take the glass

st as well, I think

beach in front of the

Frank inquired, seein

gs when the sun is just right? It's doing that now. I can look down on the sand spit at the point; and for

or animals?" th

ruck me that perhaps the biplane came down right there early this morning. It was headed this way when I saw

re; that they had an acc

round Bloomsbury before skipping out of this section for good. With the aeroplane to make a quick get-away, they might

t," replied the other. "But it would clinch it if you could only glimpse t

e fretfully, "but so far without meeting any success that

and then this one would look foolish. We'd be sorry then, that we thought so bad of Todd. Perhaps, after all, he

uitting the home field, where the workshop and the hangar stood. Andy still continued to us

forest lay below, Frank quickened matters somewhat. Truth to tell, he hardly knew what to think, and

e concealed hobo thieves; for they could not get within a mile of the shore up there at Norton's Point by such methods. The only way it could be reached was by boat; or possibly through

over such a large space of territory in this part of the country. This was generally because of the swampy nature of the ground, which

ory over which they passed, and never did a break occur, however small,

s, and get Bloomsbury on the long distance phone; perhaps they might have some news they could give us," and as Andy at once agre

y landed on the big green. Frank asked his cousin to stay by the machine whil

there was sent along the wire some information that rather gave Frank a shock, because of its natur

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