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Part 2 Chapter 5 A Raffle

Word Count: 5301    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

oner was in the most prosperous train; he had seen the prisoner, heard the particulars of his story, which all tende

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1 To The Queen2 Part 1 Chapter 1 A Family Scene3 Part 1 Chapter 2 Comic Gambols4 Part 1 Chapter 3 Consequences5 Part 1 Chapter 4 Studies of a grown Gentleman6 Part 1 Chapter 5 Schooling of a young Gentleman7 Part 1 Chapter 6 Tuition of a young Lady8 Part 1 Chapter 7 Lost Labour9 Part 2 Chapter 1 New Projects10 Part 2 Chapter 2 New Characters11 Part 2 Chapter 3 A Family Breakfast12 Part 2 Chapter 4 A Public Breakfast13 Part 2 Chapter 5 A Raffle14 Part 2 Chapter 6 A Barn15 Part 2 Chapter 7 A Declaration16 Part 2 Chapter 8 An Answer17 Part 2 Chapter 9 An Explication18 Part 2 Chapter 10 A Panic19 Par 2 Chapter 11 Two Lovers20 Part 2 Chapter 12 Two Doctors21 Part 2 Chapter 13 Two Ways of looking at the same Thing22 Part 2 Chapter 14 Two Retreats23 Part 2 Chapter 15 Two Sides of a Question24 Part 3 Chapter 1 A few kind Offices25 Part 3 Chapter 2 A Pro and a Con26 Part 3 Chapter 3 An Author's Notion of Travelling27 Part 3 Chapter 4 An Internal Detection28 Part 3 Chapter 5 An Author's Opinion of Visiting29 Part 3 Chapter 6 An Author's Idea of Order30 Part 3 Chapter 7 A Maternal Eye31 Part 3 Chapter 8 Modern Ideas of Duty32 Part 3 Chapter 9 A Few Embarrassments33 Part 3 Chapter 10 Modern Ideas of Life34 Part 3 Chapter 11 Modern Notions of Penitence35 Part 3 Chapter 12 Airs and Graces36 Part 3 Chapter 13 Attic Adventures37 Part 4 Chapter 1 A Few Explanations38 Part 4 Chapter 2 Specimens of Taste39 Part 4 Chapter 3 A Few Compliments40 Part 4 Chapter 4 The Danger of Disguise41 Part 4 Chapter 5 Strictures on Deformity42 Part 4 Chapter 6 Strictures on Beauty43 Part 4 Chapter 7 The Pleadings of Pity44 Part 4 Chapter 8 The Disastrous Buskins45 Part 4 Chapter 9 Three Golden Maxims46 Part 5 Chapter 1 A Pursuer47 Part 5 Chapter 2 An Adviser48 Part 5 Chapter 3 Various Confabulations49 Part 5 Chapter 4 A Dodging50 Part 5 Chapter 5 A Sermon51 Part 5 Chapter 6 A Chat52 Part 5 Chapter 7 A Recall53 Part 5 Chapter 8 A Youth of the Times54 Part 6 Chapter 1 A Walk by Moonlight55 Part 6 Chapter 2 The Pantiles56 Part 6 Chapter 3 Mount Ephraim57 Part 6 Chapter 4 Knowle58 Part 6 Chapter 5 Mount Pleasant59 Part 6 Chapter 6 The Accomplished Monkies60 Part 6 Chapter 7 The Rooms61 Part 6 Chapter 8 Ways to the Heart62 Part 6 Chapter 9 Counsels for Conquest63 Part 6 Chapter 10 Strictures upon the Ton64 Part 6 Chapter 11 Traits of Character65 Part 6 Chapter 12 Traits of Eccentricity66 Part 6 Chapter 13 Traits of Instruction67 Part 6 Chapter 14 A Demander68 Part 6 Chapter 15 An Accorder69 Part 6 Chapter 16 An Helper70 Part 7 Chapter 1 The right Style of Arguing71 Part 7 Chapter 2 A Council72 Part 7 Chapter 3 A Proposal of Marriage73 Part 7 Chapter 4 A Bull-Dog74 Part 7 Chapter 5 An Oak Tree75 Part 7 Chapter 6 A Call of the House76 Part 7 Chapter 7 The Triumph of Pride77 Part 7 Chapter 8 A Summons to Happiness78 Part 7 Chapter 9 Offs and Ons79 Part 7 Chapter 10 Resolutions80 Part 7 Chapter 11 Ease and Freedom81 Part 7 Chapter 12 Dilemmas82 Part 7 Chapter 13 Live and Learn83 Part 8 Chapter 1 A Way to make Friends84 Part 8 Chapter 2 A Rage of Obliging85 Part 8 Chapter 3 A Pleasant Adventure86 Part 8 Chapter 4 An Author's Time-keeper87 Part 8 Chapter 5 An Agreeable Hearing88 Part 8 Chapter 6 Ideas upon Marriage89 Part 8 Chapter 7 How to treat a Defamer90 Part 8 Chapter 8 The Power of Prepossession91 Part 8 Chapter 9 A Scuffle92 Part 8 Chapter 10 A Youthful Effusion93 Part 8 Chapter 11 The Computations of Self-Love94 Part 8 Chapter 12 Juvenile Calculations95 Part 9 Chapter 1 A Water Party96 Part 9 Chapter 2 Touches of Wit and Humour97 Part 9 Chapter 3 An Adieu98 Part 9 Chapter 4 A Modest Request99 Part 9 Chapter 5 A Self-dissection100 Part 9 Chapter 6 A Reckoning