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Part 1 Chapter 7 Lost Labour

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

repose, till Eugenia, the most juvenile of the set, had attained her fifteenth year.Sir Hugh then wrote to Leip

choice; the only labour that asks no relaxation.Steady occupations, such as these, kept off all attention to her personal misfortunes, which Sir Hugh had strictly ordered should never be alluded to; first, he said, for fear they should vex her; and next, lest they should make her hate him, for being their cause. Those incidents, therefore, from never being named, glided imperceptibly from her thoughts; and she grew up as unconscious as she was innocent, that, though born with a beauty which surpassed that of her lovely sisters, disease and accident had robbed her of that charm ere she knew she possessed it. But neither disease nor accident had power over her mind; there, in its purest proportions, moral beauty preserved its first energy. The equanimity of her temper made her seem, though a female, born to be a practical philosopher; her abilities and her sentiments were each of the highest class, uniting the best adorned intellects with the best principled virtues.The dissatisfaction of Sir Hugh with his nephew reached not to prohibition: his consent was painful, but his remittances were generous and Clermont had three years allowed him for his travels through Europe.Yet this permission was no sooner granted than the baronet again became dejected. Three years appeared to him to be endless: he could hardly persuade himself to look forward to them with expectation of life; and all the learned labours he had promoted seemed vain and unpromising, ill requiting his toils, and still less answering his hopes. Even the studious turn of Eugenia, hitherto his first delight, he now thought served but to render her unsociable and the time she devoted to study, he began to regret as lost to himself; nor could he suggest any possible consolation for his drooping spirits, till it occurred to him that Camilla might again enliven him.This idea, and the order for his carriage, were the birth of the same moment; and, upon entering the study of Mr. Tyrold, he abruptly exclaimed, ‘My dear brother, I must have Camilla back! Indiana says nothing to amuse me; and Eugenia is so bookish, I might as well live with an old woman; which God forbid I should object to, only I like Camilla better.’This request was by no means welcome to Mr. Tyrold, and utterly distasteful to his lady. Camilla was

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1 To The Queen2 Part 1 Chapter 1 A Family Scene3 Part 1 Chapter 2 Comic Gambols4 Part 1 Chapter 3 Consequences5 Part 1 Chapter 4 Studies of a grown Gentleman6 Part 1 Chapter 5 Schooling of a young Gentleman7 Part 1 Chapter 6 Tuition of a young Lady8 Part 1 Chapter 7 Lost Labour9 Part 2 Chapter 1 New Projects10 Part 2 Chapter 2 New Characters11 Part 2 Chapter 3 A Family Breakfast12 Part 2 Chapter 4 A Public Breakfast13 Part 2 Chapter 5 A Raffle14 Part 2 Chapter 6 A Barn15 Part 2 Chapter 7 A Declaration16 Part 2 Chapter 8 An Answer17 Part 2 Chapter 9 An Explication18 Part 2 Chapter 10 A Panic19 Par 2 Chapter 11 Two Lovers20 Part 2 Chapter 12 Two Doctors21 Part 2 Chapter 13 Two Ways of looking at the same Thing22 Part 2 Chapter 14 Two Retreats23 Part 2 Chapter 15 Two Sides of a Question24 Part 3 Chapter 1 A few kind Offices25 Part 3 Chapter 2 A Pro and a Con26 Part 3 Chapter 3 An Author's Notion of Travelling27 Part 3 Chapter 4 An Internal Detection28 Part 3 Chapter 5 An Author's Opinion of Visiting29 Part 3 Chapter 6 An Author's Idea of Order30 Part 3 Chapter 7 A Maternal Eye31 Part 3 Chapter 8 Modern Ideas of Duty32 Part 3 Chapter 9 A Few Embarrassments33 Part 3 Chapter 10 Modern Ideas of Life34 Part 3 Chapter 11 Modern Notions of Penitence35 Part 3 Chapter 12 Airs and Graces36 Part 3 Chapter 13 Attic Adventures37 Part 4 Chapter 1 A Few Explanations38 Part 4 Chapter 2 Specimens of Taste39 Part 4 Chapter 3 A Few Compliments40 Part 4 Chapter 4 The Danger of Disguise41 Part 4 Chapter 5 Strictures on Deformity42 Part 4 Chapter 6 Strictures on Beauty43 Part 4 Chapter 7 The Pleadings of Pity44 Part 4 Chapter 8 The Disastrous Buskins45 Part 4 Chapter 9 Three Golden Maxims46 Part 5 Chapter 1 A Pursuer47 Part 5 Chapter 2 An Adviser48 Part 5 Chapter 3 Various Confabulations49 Part 5 Chapter 4 A Dodging50 Part 5 Chapter 5 A Sermon51 Part 5 Chapter 6 A Chat52 Part 5 Chapter 7 A Recall53 Part 5 Chapter 8 A Youth of the Times54 Part 6 Chapter 1 A Walk by Moonlight55 Part 6 Chapter 2 The Pantiles56 Part 6 Chapter 3 Mount Ephraim57 Part 6 Chapter 4 Knowle58 Part 6 Chapter 5 Mount Pleasant59 Part 6 Chapter 6 The Accomplished Monkies60 Part 6 Chapter 7 The Rooms61 Part 6 Chapter 8 Ways to the Heart62 Part 6 Chapter 9 Counsels for Conquest63 Part 6 Chapter 10 Strictures upon the Ton64 Part 6 Chapter 11 Traits of Character65 Part 6 Chapter 12 Traits of Eccentricity66 Part 6 Chapter 13 Traits of Instruction67 Part 6 Chapter 14 A Demander68 Part 6 Chapter 15 An Accorder69 Part 6 Chapter 16 An Helper70 Part 7 Chapter 1 The right Style of Arguing71 Part 7 Chapter 2 A Council72 Part 7 Chapter 3 A Proposal of Marriage73 Part 7 Chapter 4 A Bull-Dog74 Part 7 Chapter 5 An Oak Tree75 Part 7 Chapter 6 A Call of the House76 Part 7 Chapter 7 The Triumph of Pride77 Part 7 Chapter 8 A Summons to Happiness78 Part 7 Chapter 9 Offs and Ons79 Part 7 Chapter 10 Resolutions80 Part 7 Chapter 11 Ease and Freedom81 Part 7 Chapter 12 Dilemmas82 Part 7 Chapter 13 Live and Learn83 Part 8 Chapter 1 A Way to make Friends84 Part 8 Chapter 2 A Rage of Obliging85 Part 8 Chapter 3 A Pleasant Adventure86 Part 8 Chapter 4 An Author's Time-keeper87 Part 8 Chapter 5 An Agreeable Hearing88 Part 8 Chapter 6 Ideas upon Marriage89 Part 8 Chapter 7 How to treat a Defamer90 Part 8 Chapter 8 The Power of Prepossession91 Part 8 Chapter 9 A Scuffle92 Part 8 Chapter 10 A Youthful Effusion93 Part 8 Chapter 11 The Computations of Self-Love94 Part 8 Chapter 12 Juvenile Calculations95 Part 9 Chapter 1 A Water Party96 Part 9 Chapter 2 Touches of Wit and Humour97 Part 9 Chapter 3 An Adieu98 Part 9 Chapter 4 A Modest Request99 Part 9 Chapter 5 A Self-dissection100 Part 9 Chapter 6 A Reckoning