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The Revelation Explained / An Exposition, Text by Text, of the Apocalypse of St. John

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 3606    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

st messenger had a very important message to deliver, even "the everlasting gospel." His message was not limited to the inhabitants of "the earth"-the Apocalyptic earth-only, but included "every natio

autioned the Thessalonian brethren not to entertain the idea that the advent of Christ was then near at hand, for it could not come until after the great period of apostasy that he predicted; but here is a messenger now claiming that the "hour of his judgment is come"-an event just at hand. He carries his special message to all peo

orward with burning missionary zeal. Romanism and Protestantism have conducted their missionary work and, according to chap. 16:14, their sphere of influence will extend throughout "the whole world"; but here is clearly set forth the fact that God has authorized another universal mess

we consider the fact (to be more fully developed hereafter) that God calls into this service all his people who are yet under the secta

to introduce their messages before the wrath of God is poured out upon apostate Christendom. The time is so short that these three messengers can not possibly refer to three distinct reformations in t

e parts, being a confederation of the dragon10 (heathenism), the beast (Catholicism), and the false prophet (Protestantism). Chap. 16:13, 14. It is evidently to this latter division of Babylon that this second message applies; for Paganism was always a false religion, and Catholicism was always a corrupt one, during whose reign the church of

anifesting himself in these last days to deceive the nations, working in conjunction with apostate Christendom. This phase of the dragon power which brings him into harmony with, and, in reality, a part of, modern Babylon, w

tandard; but in the cloudy atmosphere of that period they could not clearly discern the whole truth. Later, when the full tidings of the everlasti

e to God's people to "flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul," warning them that no one could any longer bear the mark of the beast or worship his image without forfeiting eternal salvation and that the fearful judgments of heaven would soon descend upon every one who refused to obey the message and to walk in the light. The last two phases, which apply to Babylon, are the same and in the same order as the description given in chapter 18:1-4. First, an angel from heaven cries mightily with a strong voice, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen"; and then "another voice" from heaven says, "COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE." The three successive phases of the message are now all combined in one, and God is gather

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s that God was against and that were destined to be destroyed, though they themselves were saved as by fire; but from the time this reformation began the redeemed die in the

eir patience was greatly exercised in waiting for the appointed time to arrive. It came with a great spiritual reformation. Then followed another period of apostasy, during which time God's people again looked forward to something b

the work which the sixteenth century was unable to ac

that the day and hour in which the Lord will begin to make bare his arm openly are still concealed from us. Oh, when will the communion of saints be complete? Lord, hasten the time; and let me have a place among t

e-field and to death. But if so great be the strength of a human idea, what power must not a heaven-descended idea possess, when God opens to it the gates of the heart! The world has n

willingly adopt this beautiful comparison.... The first day was the battle of God, the second the battle of the priest, the third the battle of reason. What will be th

lon will be known in his time. Also the one warning the people of God to come out of Babylon literally, spiritually, and practically, w

Through the kindness of a sister living in Allegan County, Michigan, the writer was enabled to secure the following fr

se St. John saw that which will never be: and the testimony will as certainly be received; for a company in the next chapter are to be seen that had gotten the victory over the beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name. It is also equally true that as yet it has never gone forth; and that at the time, great afflictions or suffering of some kind will be undergone to exercise the patience of the saints.... It is at this very time, no doubt, that the three unclean spirits, like frogs, come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet; spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the k

at this time will see as great opposition and spite to the true way of righteousness then set forth from sectarians and professors generally, as there was from the Jews towards Christ and his testimony: and also, like the Jews, at the very time they oppose the true way of the Lord with all their might,

we are assured by the angel, these are the true sayings of God: and I also believe that it will take place within two cent

kingdom of Antichrist in the earth. This is clear from the prophecies of the Revelation, and it will answer no purpose to take offense when the truth is spoken. These things will, moreover, sooner or later be declared with great plainness by some one; and then will the man of sin put forth all his strength; then will persecution come, and the beast mu

wly, and not come with any great outward observation. Few will at first see or embrace the way, being strange to them, and appearing on account of their prejudices, and the way they have been taught by the false

article of true religion through the influence of false ministers belonging to the different societies in Christendom, than any that has ever yet been in the world. But while they are making these great exertions, they are only preparing themselves and their deluded votaries for a more awful and complete

ing according to the best light given me; and any light that I can possibly communicate will in a little time b

d angel, Rev. 14:9, is the testimony that effectually overthrows the kingdom of darkness and establishes the truth as it is in Jesus, pure and undefiled.... The authors of this testimony will ... unlike to all who go before them, attack the evil at its root, and expose the deceit, hypocris

off the branches, or at the most, only strike at the body of the corrupt tree, while the roots remain untouched an

d that a person must be better than they are or be lost forever; that sects are an abomination to the Lord; denounce eternal death upon every advocate and adherent of men-made establishments; ... I say when such a testimony as this goes forth, as it sooner or later will, no wonder that the sects, all with one accord, should set themselves against it-should call it heresy-declare it will ruin the churches if it is not suppressed...

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