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The Revelation Explained / An Exposition, Text by Text, of the Apocalypse of St. John

Chapter 2 Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Word Count: 2910    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

and sixty years' reign of the first beast, but that he was no such terrible beast politically as the one before him is proved by the fact th

iet, although fierce wars followed afterward. He stands as a symbol of Protestantism in Europe; although his power and influence afterwards extended beyond the "earth"-the Apocalyptic earth-into "the whole world." Chap. 16:14. That this beast came up upon the same territory occupied by the Papacy is proved also by the

l power over the nations, and by the force of arms they have had their authority torn from them. Religion has been referred to as "the basis of government"; for the legislators of any country are to a great degree influenced in their deliberations by religious sentiments. In all Protestant countries that greatest of Protestant principles, religious liberty, is as truly recognized by statute as was that infernal principle of the Papacy, religious intolerance, when formerly enforced by law. Protestant principles have so far permeated the nations of Europe formerly controlled by the Papacy that religious toleration is generally granted. In Italy, the headquarters of Popedom, where the Catholics are greatly in the majority, religious liberty is granted by law. And even Spain, denominated by the Encyclop?dia Britannica "the most Catholic country in the world," exhibits "a general indifferentism to religion," meaning that the fanaticism and intolerance of former ages that caused thousands, and perhaps millions, to be slain, is rapidly dying out. In

t sects, from God's standpoint of viewing, are all alike in character, as were the multitudinous forms of heathen worship represented under the single symbol of the dragon. Hence only one beast, or the making of one image, was necessary to stand as r

d her daughters (Rev. 17:5), and by the help of the Lord we shall point out a similarity of character in this and subsequent chapters. The symbol of the church of Rome in chapter 17 is that of a corrupt prostitute, while the symbol of Protestantism is that of her harlot daughters. The Roman church is a humanly organized institution governed by a set of fallible men, their claims of infallibility to the contrary notwithstanding. Protestant sects, likewise, are all human organizations (even though they may sometimes deny it), and are governed by a man or a conference of men. The Roman Catholic church makes and prescribes the theology that her members believe. Protestant churches, also, make their own disciplines and prescribe rules of faith and practise. The Word of God, inspired by his Spirit, could not be enforced in Romanism withou

Every living body is animated by a spirit. The sectarian spirit that animates the Methodist body will lead people into that body, etc.; but the one Spirit of God will, if permitted, baptize us all i

cles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast." Fire from heaven upon Elijah's sac

to the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days." The time-prophecy is the same and covers the same period as the reign of the Papal beast; ther

ent light and truth to again bring into prominence the work of the Spirit and the true people of God. "Fire from heaven" may therefore be regarded as describing the divine work of

inhere in the work of bringing down "fire from heaven," but in image-making and image-worship, for which the Spiritual work simply furnished an occasion. The Spiritual work of reformation is therefore to be distinguished fro

man-made, man-controlled, unscriptural sect machinery manufactured in imitation of the Papal original. To exalt such earth-born churches and lead people to adore and worship them is but a species of idolatry and the rankest deception. It is a sad fact that multitudes of people in Protestantism are more devoted to their par

ext step-making an image. Thousands of honest souls, lacking better light, have been induced to submit to such human organization. But the truly saved have always loved and adored their Lord more than the human c

es taught in their discipline and accepting the government of their man-made institutions. Subscribing to the rules of faith and practise that originated with the sect shows how its members worship the image. They are also said to worship the first beast, the original of the image. How is this fulfilled? In the same manner that the worshipers of the first beast worshiped the dragon that preceded it; namely, by accepting and believing false principles of faith that originated in the system immediately preceding. Protestant sects have transferred many of the false doctrines of Romanism to their own creeds, hence they worship the first beast just as truly as the Papists worshiped the dragon by accepting heathenish principles. Th

ed by the Romish hierarchy was that of claiming to be the head of the church and the right to prescribe and enforce their doctrines, naming their organization the Holy Catholic Church. In making their sect organizations in imitation, Protestants, as above stated, have transferred the same principle and

n account of its superior excellence, has since superseded every other. Previous to this great discovery, the letters of the alphabet were used to denote numbers, each letter having the power of a number as well as a sound. The same system is still retained among us for certain p

self, its authorized head? The Scriptures point him out particularly as the "man of sin," "the son of perdition." 2 Thes. 2:3, 4. Has the Pope of Rome a name the letters of which, used as numerals, make six hundred and sixty-six? Yes. He wears in jeweled lette

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