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The Son of Clemenceau, A Novel of Modern Love and Life

The Son of Clemenceau, A Novel of Modern Love and Life


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1824    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

March, 1841, I was t

ney in Corsica. You can embark at Toulon, in twenty hours you will

n't sneer at the moderate price, for the horse hired or purchased will perform as great feats as the famous Gascon horse which leaped over the Pont Neuf, which neither Prospero nor Nautilus, the he

e pleases; he does not mind the danger. We may add that with this horse, which can go an

e old baron or legendary hero, or to sketch a tower built ages ago by the Genoese, the horse wil

the house wherein he will rest, he knocks at the door. An instant after, the master or mistress will appear upon the threshold, invite the traveller to dismount; offer him a sha

r, the servant happen to be a young girl, one may fitly offer her a coloured handkerchief, with which she can make up a picturesque co

ouse are relatives of the owner, and the former being in reduced circumstances, offer their

enth and sixteenth degree, because the contrary is the case, and the custom is not thought any

re are bandits in abundance; but these gentlemen

the whole island without a shadow of danger, but do not go from Oceana to Levaco, if you happen to have an enemy who

, at the beginning of the month of March, an

arked at Bastia, and there had purchase

io, and just then I was trave

I am about to speak I was rid

ount of my being obliged to climb the slopes of the mountain chain, which, like a backbone,

the summit of the hill, which at the same time overlooks Olm

lency wish to stay the

almost deserted. Only a few women were visible, and they walke

ndred or hundred and twenty houses of which the village was composed, I therefore carried my eyes from house to house till they lighted upon one which

fortifications; but I may mention that the provinc

he house of Madame Savilia de Franchi. Go on, go on, Signor, you have not mad

is 86th department of France

demand hospitality from a lady, for if I under

astonishment; "but what inconvenience d

propriety-or, perhaps, let us say, of Parisian self-res

the meaning of the word I had rendered in Italian with all t

eginning to feel impatient; "t


he receive a young

old, or thereabouts, and was

ed the guide; "why, what difference can

rmation out of him by this mode

is Madame

or nea

houghts than to my guide, "all the

ns-fine youn

I see

one of them-he

the othe

ves in

are the


t, b

hey are

ssions do t

Paris is s

the o

er is a

made in the most matter-of-fact tone. "Well, now, let

urney, and entered the villag

ot so completely, perhaps, for that the poverty of the inhabitants could not attain to, but purely and simply with oaken pla

aid they were known as archères-a reply which convinced me

the more fully to comprehend the profound char

stained a siege, and the marks

s eye flashing upon us from an embrasure; but it was impossib

indicated to my guide, and which was evid

ard appearance as it was, it was not so in reality, for there were neither oaken planks,

e been made by the passage of a bullet; but they were of old d

ed, not hesitatingly, nor in a timid manner, but wide

et waistcoat, trowsers of the same material, and leather gaiters. The breeches were fastened at the

of me, who knows nobody in Sullacaro,

efore which he stops." "Maria," he continued, turning to a servant, who was standing b

t rough ladder-like steps which led to the en


her concern," he said; "all your l

to idleness-one of the most agreeable

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