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The Waif of the Cynthia""


Word Count: 4220    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ted by a hall in the center, which led to the boat-house where the canoes were kept. Here were also to be seen the fishing-tackle and the codfish, which they dry and sell. These two roo

a blazing fire of wood was always kept burning, gave to the interior of the most humble home

ire-place, where a huge kettle was boiling, containin

tic breezes, and his hair was gray, although he was still in the prime of life. His son Otto, a great boy, fourteen years old, who bore a strong resemblance to him, and who was destined to also become famous as a fishe

nt him. Katrina, Hersebom, the goodwife, was occupied peacefully with her spinning-wheel, while li

-white color, with wool as thick as that

nd the copper lamp suspended over their heads, and fill

ive to Dame Katrina, who for some moments had

ould keep qui

r to-night," she said, "it is t

eated himself nearer the fire-place, whilst Vanda laid aside her k

little girl, "that our Erik a

do not know where he learned it all. The more questions the doctor asked the more h

" said Vand

listened, with their mouths open. We were only afraid that our turn would come. Bu

doctor, and quite as learned," cried E

an gave him an

ould be the superior of all the doctors in the town, and besides he

ona ruined any one?" as

dred and fifty to two hundred kroners a year. But that is all ended now-nobody will buy the brown oil, or, if they do, they pay so little for it, that it is not worth while to take the journey. We must be satisfied with selling the livers to the factory, and God only knows how this tiresome doctor has manag

some minutes except the clicking of the plates, as Vanda arranged them

Numerous objections presented themselves to his mind,

her," he said, "but is it just to accuse Doctor Schwaryencrona of having

; and that is the reason why all the fine ladies in the town prefer it, no dou

ssential that the public should experience as little disgust as possible in taking it. Therefore, if a

ebom scratc

as a doctor, but that is no reason why he should

ree hundred, whilst there were only twenty in Noroe at

hy the business is no longer

able," said Dame Katrina, who saw that the discu

d be out of place, and he did not answer the last argume

ends in childhood?" he asked, in orde

although they are both ten years older than I am. Mr. Malarius was the son of the physician, and Doctor Schwaryencrona only the son of a simple fisherman. But

ok a spoon to help the smoking fish and potat

. And without waiting for permission the person who had s

the three children, while the

ve not seen each other for many years, but I have not forgotten your exc

isitor, and he did not know what to say. He contented himself, therefore, with returning the doctor

and you, Vanda, prepare another place at the table," she said,

onor, doctor, of eati

you. But it is not an hour since I took supper with Mr. Malarius, and I certainly would not have called so early if I h

ife, "at least you will not refus

on that, you eat your supper first," answered th

boring room. The rest of the family understanding with native courtesy that it wo

the dry wood that Katrina had thrown on before going to supper. He talked about old times, and old friends

hat was more remarkable, he succeeded

ld not refuse it. It was the famous "snorgas" of Norway, slices of smoked reindeer, and shreds of herring, and red pepper, minced

liteness, he was soon able to do honor to some preserved mulberries which were Dam

ottle of "schiedam," which h

an enormous pipe which his host offered him,

octor had always been a member of the family. They joked and laughed, and were th

it is growing late

dren to bed, we will talk

Otto, Erik, and Vanda bade th

octor, after a moments' silence, fixing

elcome," answered the f

yourself what motive could have induced me to leave the society of my old friend Ma

tell us," replied the go

ill not help me, I must face it alone. Your son, E

n of him," answer

ool, and I was very much surprised by the extraordinary ability which his answers displayed. I was also astonished, w

is wife remained si

ked with Malarius, who told me that he was not your son, but that he had been cast on your shore by a shipwreck, and that

answered Hers

with moist eyes and trembling hands. "Between him, and Otto, and Vanda, we

of the brave woman. "But I beg of you, my friends, relate to me the history

en seeing that the doctor was waiting impatient

and cold, but did not appear to have suffered much from his adventurous voyage, if one might judge by his lusty screams when he awoke, as he did immediately, when he no longer felt himself rocked by the waves. Our little Otto was over two years old, and I knew how to manage such little rogues. I rolled up a bit of rag, dipped it in some eau de vie and water that I had with me, and gave it to him to suck. This quieted him at once, and he seemed to enjoy the cordial. But I knew that he would not be quiet long, therefore I made all haste to return to Noroe. I had untied the cradle and placed it in the boat at my feet; and while I attended to my sail, I watched the poor little one, and asked myself where it could possibly have come from. Doubtless from some shipwrecked vessel. A fierce tempest had been raging during the night, and there had been many disasters. Bu

ch this recital had filled with tears. "And he is our child now, for we have a

and I do not see that it co

begged my friend confidentially to relate his history. He told me that Erik believed himself to be your son, and that every one in Noroe had forgotten how he had beco

brigand, and I assure you that it was not long be

ly. "He was so white, and strong, and plump; and

ssed?" asked Dr

nswer, but his wif

king could not have more. Everything he had was beautiful. But you can see for yourself, for I have kept them all just as they were. You may be sure that we did not dress the b

fore a large oaken chest, with an antique lock, and af

the doctor. She also showed the linen, which was exquisitely fine, a little quilt of silk, and a pair of white meri

y you named the chi

ibition, while her husband's face grew more gloomy. "See," she sai

rattle of coral and gold, su

here surrounded by a La

arius told us it meant 'always the same,'" she continued

nt the child belonged to a rich and distinguished family," he ad

dea what countr

about it, since I found him

all vessels to write on the buoy the name of the ship to which it belongs,"

id the latter,

uoy, what nam

y own language a little, but as for fore

you showed it to Mr. Malarius, with the rest of the articles-make a little

hing like that," answer

at country does it belong in

rgen, except once or twice to fish off the coast of Greenland and Icel

ng no notice of his crossness. "It would be easy to decide on account of

urnt up ages ago," answer

king to himself-"and the letters on the linen certainly are. It is therefore probable that the 'Cynt

lish, German, or Russian, makes no difference to me. For many years according to a

longed?" said the doctor, whose glasses seemed to shine with irony. "You doubtless w

to find his people, who perhaps care little for him? Put yourself in my place, doctor. I am not a millionaire, and you may be sure if we had spent all we

ying her eyes on the corner of her apron. "If we have anything to reproach ou

your kindness to the little shipwrecked child inspires me with

ust say that this tenderness has blinded you to your duty. You should have en

ect silence fo

ead under this reproach. "But what is done can not be altered. Erik belongs to

l not betray your confidence,

and I wish you good-night-a night fr

ally with his hosts, and being conducted to the doo

on the threshold, watching his re

!" he murmured, as at

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