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The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church


Word Count: 1464    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

l ought to be Christians. The children having been given and consecrated to Christ in holy baptism, and having had Hi

be under the influence of evil, and to be permitted to "sow wild oats" before divine Grace can reach it, is certainly a principle that is contradictory to the whole scheme of salvation. Yet this seems to be the idea of those parents who will not believe that God can r

principle of both the American Sunday-school Union and American Tract Society; institutions otherwise so excellent that we are loth to say aught against either. This idea pervades also the undenominational helps and comments of the International Lesson System. This is the undertone of the great mass of undenominational Sunday-school hymnology. It is the key-note of the County, State, National and International Sunday-school Conventions and Institutes. So popular and wide-spread is this idea that many Lutheran pastors, Sunday-school

the baptismal covenant, and the possibility of keeping that covenant, is true, then this popular idea, set forth above, is false. And vice ver

ere we have lambs of Christ's flock. Ah, how many more we could have, how many more we would have, if the fathers and mothers in the Church understood this precious article of our faith, and pra

-school. How is the school to treat them?-We speak now of the baptized children

mpress upon the minds and hearts of these little ones the idea that they are not yet Christ's, and that Christ has nothing to do with them, except to seek and call them, until they are converted? And shall they go home from Sunday-school with the impression that all their prayers have been empty and usele

e whole atmosphere of the school impress on that child the precious truth that it is Jesus' little lamb. Feed that lamb, feed it with the sincere milk of the Word. Lead that

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of the doctrine, whether it be true;" who are "rooted and grounded in the faith;" who are "ready always to

gs to Him, and then have the Sunday-school teacher teach it that until it experiences some remarkable change, which the teacher cannot at all explain, it belongs not to Christ, but to the unconverted world. The teaching of the pulpit, the catechetical class, the home a

helps and equipments for teacher and pupil. The worship of the school, the singing, the opening and closing ex

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