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Young Hunters of the Lake; or, Out with Rod and Gun

Young Hunters of the Lake; or, Out with Rod and Gun



Word Count: 1481    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

g swimming. Who

Snap," answe

our. "Why, you couldn't keep me away if you tried. I'

a small, stout youth.

u want to be r

d Whopper, because of his propensity to exaggerate when speaki

swim and a cow eat clover? To be sure I'll go.

the lad called Snap. "But I can be

we go?" ask

ing up to Lane's Cove

ied the smallest

t that a n

that Ham Spink's father has bo

f that,

ming on his property--because

called Whopper. "Why, I've been swimming at the cove

o," said Shep Reed. "I know he

yet?" asked o

come home as soon as that boardin

ll try to make

," said Shep Reed; and then the boys separated, to get their s

Lake Cameron. The town boasted of a score of stores, several churches, a hotel, and a neat railroad station at which, during the summer

p was Charley Dodge, the son of one of the most influential men of that neighborhood, who was a school trustee and also part owner of the saw mill and a large summer hotel. Charley was a brave and wide-

tdoor life, and one who was as strong as he was handsome. He and Snap had been chums for many years, a

xaggerating had speedily gained for him the nickname of Whopper. But Frank was withal a truthful lad his "whoppers" being of the sort me

, I've made up my mind over a million times to--" And then h

cottage on one of the side streets of the town. Mrs. Caslette thought the world of her offspring and Giant was fully worthy of the affect

r, they were driven by a saw mill owner named Andrew Felps, who ran a rival concern to that in which Snap's father owned an interest. The young hunters then moved to Firefly Lake, a mile away, and there hunted and fished to their hearts' content. They were freque

omfortable camp, and rescued a half-frozen tramp. But the tramp did not appreciate what had been done for him and ran away with some of their things, which brought on a lively pursuit. Then the boys had more trouble with Ham Spink and his crony, Carl Dudder. In the end it was discovered that Ham and Carl

er!" declared more

ave to g

, in

began to plan what to do

stand some hard knocks--and go through Lake Cameron and Firefly Lake to Lake Narsac? Jed Sanborn

ild place, so I wa

rd," put in Whopper. "Snakes are so thick you h

nt any snakes," answer

" said Snap. "But of course that wouldn't sc

m all of the o

to scare me will get h

his so drolly tha

se, "with fish, game, snakes and ghosts we'

very deep?"

Snap. "The lake lies right between three tall mountains. He said we might h

t to--providing the

ere cleaned, camping outfits overhauled, and the lads looked around for just the right boat in which to make the trip. Through Mr. Dodge a fine, strong craft was obtained; and then the

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