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Boy Scouts in the North Sea; Or, The Mystery of a Sub


Word Count: 2019    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s the street in the direction of the quee

flickering glare upon the automatic which Jimmie had drawn from his pocket. Without wa

oots clattered on the pavement, while the long stride clearly indicated to the boys that Jimmie and Jac

he lad's sprint was not sufficient t

, tugging away at his own automatic

fellow will just about get into a corner somewhere and knock J

leeing figure of their red-headed c

searchlight Ned urged caution. Directly the lads heard the sound of a falling body. This was at once fo

searchlight about the interior, lighting up a collection of me

ve gone so suddenl

it him over the he

w!" was Harry's belligerent comment. "Maybe that guy'll g

ion of the presence of their comrade. Once Ned thought he heard

e hissed. "W

our searchlight this way a minute. I

loom, revealing tiers of boxes and piles of bags and bales heaped up in orderly array.

ck, "we're losing t

fairly upon the lens. There was a quick cry of distress from Ned, a rattle of broken glass, the tinkle of the

pins. Harry received a blow on the jaw that nearly put him out for the count. Jack decla

chlight as he lay on the floor. Before he could recover it the boys heard the outer door slam and knew that som

" groaned Harry.

rotested Ned. "That

p so we'll get a little more 'pep'.

ected Ned. "We want

are we going, anyway? Do you suppose that was Jimmie that floo

the milk wagon. He also knew that we would follow him here. Possibly the lad is farthe

"He probably misled Jimmie in here

now?" queried Harry

called Ned i

was no answer. Comp

"Get your searchlight and let's hunt h

earchlight. Beyond the damaged lens the instrument had suffered no

oming alarmed over the failure of their chum to respond to their calls. All feare

ry, who brought up the rear of the li

!" called Jack, who followed Ned closely.

en a step into the passage he had just discovered. A sharp c

form of their missing chum. Jimmie l

ely dared investigate. Jack began growling out uncomplimentary remar

ng the flame of his searchlight on the re

agreed Harry. "I w

rected Ned. "Let's

cried Harry, in

Jack, pushing forwa

ting with indignation. "Mackinder will pay f

mall block of wood had been forced between Jimmie's teeth. This had been secured in place by tying a hand

s jaw a few times to relieve the strain

, Jimmie?" was Ned's

d the lad. "Untie m

uff King'! I want to say right now," the boy went on in mock seriousness, "there are very f

tor where I can lay hands on him I'll show him a trick or two that

ully passing his knife through the bonds

lk maid!" began Jimmie. "I at once crept in on tiptoe, because I reasoned that he would

to tiptoeing, too. I had my 'gat' ready and started in. I felt along the bales and boxes a

ed it around my face and then tied my hands together under my knees. Say," the lad continued earnestly, "that

r automatic?

he bug a minute. I'm sure I heard it fall, bu

oned Ned. "How do y

right hand. I could feel the scar as plainly as could be. It was the same scar I saw

poke at him just for

re a fellow as capable as he is. He tied me up so quickly and cl

arry. "And here's the milkmaid's dress

again complete and ready for action, "l

kinder first,"

question, Mr. Chair

ack, with surprise.

by chasing him. The 'U-13' package is not in our possession and he knows it. Besides, he's

et's get aboard the Lena Garlic and get

Knobloch!" co

!" declared Ned. "Kn

, let's get goin

they went directly to their room. Here a scene of confusion aw

Hot Boxes!" cried Ji

on again, I'll bet

with their first se

cart and dogs, slipped on an old lady's dress and chased down to the dock to see if he

quickly as possible!" declared Ned. "Through a mistake we're und

th skill and despatch the lads were soon

of the vessel. Entering they discovered Captain von Kluck sea

gan Ned, "we're her

u're reatty to go, vhy go! But you don'd g

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