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Boy Scouts in the North Sea; Or, The Mystery of a Sub


Word Count: 2118    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

"There he stands with his arms folded and grins like a cream stealin

if you were right, J

should be after us! What have we done? He see

ge out of that hut and then continue to insist that we have i

ad, "and that hand is a dead give away! I

he package," explained Jack. "Can anyone

they had recently encountered the lads proceeded to their hotel, where they spent some

y. At the first opportunity they proceeded to

he was laughing and chatting away without a care in the world. His

declared Jack at length. "I'd really li

ly the cashier can tell us where they will h

native," spoke up Jimmie. "I'll bet he can t

evidently a seafaring man. His dress and manner betokened the deep

emen!" the stranger s

, with a wave of his ha

vas goot, but you couldn't get 'em here

" snapped Jimmie somewhat confusedly, "

surprise. His shaggy eyebrows raised as he extended his chin and

composure in a measure but with his face stil

Don'd forgot dot 'Captain' part, eider. Und I haf learned dot you

smile, beginning at the tiny wrinkles surrounding the corners of his eyes. From there it spread all over his face, gra

fine ship go, Captain

he captain solemnly. "Me, I am a goot navig

ed. "If you can arrange to furnish us pa

ng his shoulders until they nearly reached his ears. Over his b

efully. "Bud I vill put you ashore in Engl

er than nothing at

mie. "Anything to ge

eady to sail, Capt

ned the captain in

u, your crew and we

"Vhell, I'm ready now. Yet I haf some chee

mmie. "We have the Grey Eagle over here at the railroad station

n de schip go!" c

tly cried the lad

Captain?" asked Ned,

e captain. "Dot's vot you English beoples ca

s will remain with him to arrange details while the other two hasten away and get a truck

imself. "Und I know a man vot vould hau

" proposed Jack. "I don't like the idea of

can get some English papers," ventured J

A waiter came bustling up with an air of deference. Evidently he

to return presently with several newspapers. These were spread upo

lot. "Listen to this-three vessels sunk in the mouth of the Mersey river by a German submar

them?" inqu

each case the diver has been identified as the 'U-13' by t

is the river leading to London, while the

d Scout, go to the

no nonsense!"

travel to get from one place to the other. It must be all of seven hundred miles a

on Wednesday morning. Those at the Thames, or rather 'off Margate,' as the article sta

r about twenty-eight hours is running al

submarine. They were permitted to take to the small boats and then the Wanderer was torpedoed, going down at once. The submarine was positively identified as the 'U-13.' Then the other par

ine should have attacked a peaceful mercha

upply of the nation," ventured Ned. "You see the article relates that all the ships

iles off the Lizard Head. It escaped by its superior speed, but only by a narrow margin, for

me little old 'U-13,

ughed Jack. "You're

anced about the group with startled looks. "What about that 'U

ty was expressed in every face. A look of

package," the lad said presently. "Boys, we're surely stu

von Kluck, "what do you know about th

apacious pouch. Gravely he packed the tobacco into the immense bowl, accompanying the pro

ay it submarine! Und dot liddle schip goes 'Boom'! und down goes

uating his statement with a poke at the par

s dey claim to haf

yours how do we know that the 'U-13' won't come along and t

vhas like me, you iss willing to took a chance. I go, und das Lena g

must say!" returned J

just the same, Capt

the captain, in n

d the Lena Knobloch!" cried Jack. "The sooner it's over the easier I'

That individual put up a strong protest at taking out his horses at the unseemly hour, but

red the consent of the official in charge of the freight sheds

lost no time in loading the cases aboard t

t. He bawled out orders to his crew, emphasizing his commands with sundry fistic punctuatio

to the hotel to secur

aching. In the vehicle were some milk cans. T

rly for the milkla

declared Jack. "L

Jimmie cried. "See t

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