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The Dream of the Red Chamber

Chapter 4 

Word Count: 7422    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

an ill-fated young man - The Hu Lu

arrived from her elder brother's wife's home, and conversing also about the case of homicide, in which the family of her mother's sister had become involved, and other such relevant topics. Perce

had the good fortune of leaving behind him a son, to whom the name of Chia Lan was given. He was, a

e absence of literary attainments in his daughter was indeed a virtue, so that it soon came about that she did not apply herself in real earnest to learning; with the result that all she studied were some parts of the "Four Books for women," and the "Memoirs of excellent women," that all she read did not extend beyond a limited number

evertheless resembled in every respect a block of rotten wood or dead ashes. She had no inclination whatsoever to inquire after anything or to listen to anything; while her

certainly had the several young ladies to associate with her, but, outside her aged fath

ost than a charge of manslaughter was laid before his court. This had arisen from some rivalry between two parties in the purchase

ervants of the plaintiffs brought before

r over again to the Hsüeh family. When we came to know of this, we went in search of the seller to lay hold of him, and bring back the girl by force. But the Hsüeh party has been all along the bully of Chin Ling, full of confidence in his wealth, full of presumption on account of his prestige; and his arrogant menials in a body seized our master and beat him to death. The murderous master and his crew have all long ago made good their escape,

e as the murder of a man, and the culprits have been allowed to run away scot-free, without being arrested? Issue warrants, and desp

ble, wink at him, signifying that he should not issue the warrants.

ivate chamber, from whence he dismissed his followers

miling, "has persistently been rising in official honours, and increasing in wea

liar," observed Yü-ts'un, "but I canno

d. "What! Have you even forgotten the place where you started in life? and

me astonishment; and past even

e to rest his frame, he remembered how light and easy was, after all, this kind of occupation, and being unable to reconcile himself to the s

observed, "You are, indeed, an old acquaintance!" and then pressed him to take a sea

, "contracted in poor circumstances should not be forgotten! This

permission to take a seat, a

ck," Yü-ts'un inquired, "not a

ought your worship here, and is it likely you have not t

hilactery?" asked Yü

ould inadvertently, at any moment, one give umbrage to persons of this status, why, not only office, but I fear even one's life, it would be difficult to preserve. That's why these lists are called office-philacteries. This Hsüeh family, just a while back spoken of, how c

ich he handed over to Yü-ts'un; who upon perusal, found it full of trite and unpolished expressions of public opini

o fit residence for a "Shih" of Chin Ling. The eastern seas lack white jade beds, and the "Lung Wang," king of the Dragons, has come to ask for one of the

heard the announcement, communicated by the beating

the room to greet and receive the visitor. Returning after a short while

of their interests! Now this Hsüeh, who is charged with homicide, is indeed the Hsüeh implied by 'in a plenteous year, (Hsüeh,) snow, is very plentiful.' In fact, not only has he these three families to rely upon, but his (father

of the Retainer, "If what you say be true, how is then this lawsuit to be sett

irl, and made up his mind to purchase her and make her his second wife; entering an oath not to associate with any male friends, nor even to marry another girl. And so much in earnest was he in this matter that he had to wait until after the third day before she could enter his household (so as to make the necessary preparations for the marriage). But who would have foreseen the issue? This kidnapper quietly disposed of her again by sale to the Hsüeh family; his intention being to pocket the price-money from both parties, and effect his escape. Contrary to his calculations, he couldn't after all run away in time, and the two buyers laid hold of him and beat him, till he was half dead; but neither of them would take his coin back, each insisting upon the possession of the girl. But do you think that young gentleman, Mr. Hsüeh, would yield his claim to her person? Why, he at once summoned his serv

ssibly know?" a

ou are indebted for great obligations; for she is no one else than the daughter of

rise. "I heard that she had been kidnapped, ever since sh

en set her a few questions. She said, 'that the kidnapper had so beaten her, that she felt intimidated, and couldn't on any account, venture to speak out; simply averring that the kidnapper was her own father, and that, as he had no funds to repay his debts, he had consequently disposed of her by sale!' I tried time after time to induce her to answer me, but she again gave way to tears and added no more than: 'I don't really remember anything of my youth.' Of this, anyhow, there can be no doubt; on a certain day the young man Feng and the kidnapper met, said the money was paid down; but as the kidnapper happened to be intoxicated, Ying Lien exclaimed, as she sighed: 'My punishment has this day been consummated!' Later on again, when she heard that young Feng would, after three days, have her taken over to his house, she once more underwent a change and put on such a

e Foolish and overbearing Prince,' is the most perverse and passionate being in the whole world. What is more, he throws money away as if it were dust. The day on which he gave the thrashing with blows like falling leaves and flowing water, he dragged (lit. pull alive, drag dead) Ying Lien away more

served, "a retribution in store for them! Their encounter was likewise not accid

ngth, obtained the means of escape; and being besides full of warm feeling, had he actually made her his wife, and had they

tious and inordinate habits, cannot ever be held equal to Feng Yüan, who had set his heart upon one person! This may appositely be termed a fantastic sentimental destiny, which, by a stra

servant has heard that the promotion of your worship to fill up this office is due to the exertions of the Chia and Wang families; and as this Hsüeh P'an is a relative of the Chia mansion, why doesn't your

jesty the Emperor, by a restoration to office, and selection to an appointment, how can I at the very moment, when I may strain all my energies

of old to the effect that great men take action suitable to the times. 'He who presses,' he adds, 'towards what is auspicious and avoids what is inauspicious is a perfect man.' From what your worship says, not only you co

his head for a

r idea to be done?" h

eport that the victim had succumbed to a sudden ailment, and by urging the whole number of the kindred, as well as the headmen of the place, to hand in a declaration to that effect. Your Worship can aver that you understand perfectly how to write charms in dust, and conjure the spirit; having had an altar, covered with dust, placed in the court, you should bid the military and people to come and look on to their heart's content. Your Worship can give out that the divining spirit has declared: 'that the deceased, Feng Yüan, and Hsüeh P'an had been enemies in a former life, that having now met in the narrow road, their des

um can be handed to the Feng family to meet the outlay of burning incense and burial expenses. The Feng family are, besides, people of not much consequence, and (the fuss made by them) being

he smiled. "Let me further think and deliberate; and possibly by succee

ts'un examined them with additional minuteness, and discovered in point of fact, that the inmates of the Feng family were extremely few, that they merely relied upon this charge with the idea of obtaining some compensation for joss-sticks and

in a random way; and as the Feng family came in for a considerable sum, with which to meet the expe

that time commander-in-chief of a Metropolitan Division, simply informing them: that the case, in which their worthy

and, lest he might in the presence of others, divulge the circumstances connected with the days gone by, when he was in a state of penury, naturally felt very unhapp

efer to the young man Hsüeh, who purchased

of tender age, lost his father, and his widowed mother out of pity for his being the only male issue and a fatherless child, could not hel

and they were, at this time, in receipt of an income from H

e haughty and supercilious. He had, of course, also been to school, but all he knew was a limited number of characters, and thos

to take advantage of the friendships enjoyed by his grandfather in days of old, to present himself at the Board of Revenue to perfunctorily sign his name

-in-Chief of a Metropolitan Division; and was, with Madame Wang, the spouse of Chia Cheng, of the Jung Kuo Mansion, si

this girl, and had her read books and study characters, so that, as compared with her brother, she was actually a hundred times his superior. Having become aware, ever since her father's death, that her brother could not appease the anguish

called forth from private life and chosen as Imperial secondary wives, the daughters of families of hereditary official status and renown were without exception, reported by name to the authorities, and communicated to the Bo

ceiving how youthful Hsüeh P'an was in years, and how much he lacked worldly experience, readily availed themselves of the time to begin swindl

presented itself,) first of all to escort his sister, who was going to wait for the selection, in the second place to see his relatives, and in the third to enter personally the capita

en for sale. As soon as Hsüeh P'an saw how distinguée Ying Lien was in her appearance, he formed the resolution of buying her; and when he encountered Feng Yüan, come with the object of depriving him of her, he in the assurance of superiority, called his sturdy menials together, who set upon Feng Yüan and beat him to death. Forthwith collecting all the affairs of the household, a

e capital, he furthermore heard that his maternal uncle, Wang Tzu-t'eng, had been raised to the rank of Supreme Gover

ld have my maternal uncle to exercise control over me, and that I wouldn't be able to gambol and frisk to my heart's

years or so, there has been no one to live in them, and the people charged with the looking after them must unavoidably have stealthily rented them t

and friends; and it is, either at your elder uncle's, my brother's place, or at your other uncle's, my sister's husband's home, both of which families' houses are extremel

, so that, of course, in his house, things must be topsy-turvey, on account of his departure; and should we be

s journey, that your aunt of the Chia family won't do all she can to press us to stay? Besides, were we to have our house got ready in a scramble, won't it make people think it strange? I however know your idea very well that were we kept to stay at your uncle's and aunt's, you won't escape being under strict restraint, unlike what would be the case were we to live in our own house, as you w

intervened and lent his good offices, and was at length more composed in her mind. But when she again saw that her eldest brother had been advanced to a post on the frontier, she was just deploring that, deprived of the intercourse of the relatives of her mother's family, how doubly lonely she would feel; when, after the lapse of a few days, some one of the household brought the u

heir lives, so that mixed feelings of sorrow and joy thronged

pay their obeisance to dowager lady Chia. They then handed over the various kinds of presents and indigen

Cheng and Chia Lien, was likewise taken to

ere he to live outside, that something would again take place. In the South-east corner of our compound," (he sent word,) "there are in the Pear Fragrance Court, over ten apartments, all of which are

n dowager lady Chia also sent some one to say that, "Mrs. Hsüeh should be asked to put

d that some calamity would be brought on; and she therefore, there and then, expressed her sense of appreciation, and accepted the invitation. She further privately told madame Wang in clear terms, that every kind of daily expense and general contri

üeh and her children took up their q

to the street, and the people of the household of Hsüeh P'an used this door to go in and out. At the south-west quarter, there was also a side door, which communicated with a narrow roadway. Beyond this narrow road, was the eastern court of madame Wang's principal apartment; so that every day, either after her repast, or in the evening, M

t his mother had made up her mind so positively to remain there, and what was more, every one in the Chia mansion was most pressing in their efforts to keep them, that there was no alternative for him but

half of whom were extravagant in their habits, so that great was, of course, his delight to frequent them. To-day, they would come together to drink wine; the next day to look at flowers. They even

second place, the head of the family, at this period, was Chia Chen, who, as the eldest grandchild of the Ning mansion, had likewise now come into the inheritance of the official status, with the result that all matters connected with the clan devolved upon his sole and exclusive control. I

vided with a separate door opening into the street, so that, being able at their own heart's desire to go out an

f time gradually extinguished from his me

ubsequent days, the follo

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