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The Dream of the Red Chamber

Chapter 7 

Word Count: 7581    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

Palace - Chia Lien disports himself with Hsi-fe

did not find madame Wang in the drawing-room; and it was after inquiring of the waiting-maids that she eventually learnt that she had just gone over to have a c

ir grow. When they saw Chou Jui's wife approach, they forthwith surmised that she must have some message to deliver, so they pursed up their lips and directed her to the inner-room

knot round the top of the head, sitting on the inner edge of the stove-couch, leaning on a small divan table, in the act of copying a pattern for embroidery, with the wait

ikewise promptly

e of the couch. "I haven't seen you come over on the other side

've had for the last couple of days my old complaint again, and that I

to, miss? you should lose really no time in sending for a doctor to diagnose it, and give you somet

ed when she hea

ality was the cure of nameless illnesses. We therefore sent for him to see me, and he said that I had brought this along with me from the womb as a sort of inflammatory virus, that luckily I had a constitution strong and hale so that it didn't matter; and that it would be of no avail if I took pills or any medicines. He th

ld only tell me, it would be worth our while bearing it in mind, and recommending it to others: and i

nces of the pollen of the white peone, which flowers in spring, twelve ounces of the pollen of the white summer lily, twelve ounces of the pollen of the autumn hibiscus flower, and twelve ounces of the white plum in bloom in the winter. You take the four

. "From all you say, why you want three years' time! and what

ay, and twelve mace of the hoar frost, gathered on 'Frost Descent' day, and twelve mace of snow, fallen on 'Slight Snow' day! You next take these four kinds of waters and mix them with the other ingredients, and make pills of the size

bursting out laughing. "It's really enough to kill one!

e about this prescription, we got all the ingredients; and, after much trouble, we compounded a supply, whi

me or other of its own?"

the mangy-headed bonze also told it m

e words. "What do you feel like after all when thi

y pant and cough a bit; but after I've take

ther remark, when madame Wang was sudde

aited for a while, and seeing that madame Wang had nothing to say, she was on the point of retiring, when "

d against the sides of the door was heard, and in walked the waiting-maid,

of flowers," s

rought from the other side

d, if uselessly put away, why not give them to the girls to wear them in their hair! I meant to have sent them over yesterday, but I forgot all about them. You come to-day most opportunely, and if you will ta

Pao Ch'ai to wear," observed madame Wang, "and

süeh, "what a crotchety thing Pao Ch'ai is

sunning herself outside, Chou Jui's wife asked her: "Isn't this Hsiang Ling, the waiting-maid that we've often heard of as having been purc

Jui's wife at once seized her by the hand, and after minutely scrutinizing her face for a time, she turned round to Chin

tain!" said Ch

mily? and where are your father and mother at present?" and also inquired,

ll these questions, simply nodded her

and for a while they felt affected and wounded at heart; but in a short time, Mrs. C

and Tai-yü should only remain with her in this part to break her loneliness, but that Ying Ch'un, T'an Ch'un, and Hsi Ch'un, the three of them, should move on this side in

rooms as they were on her way, but she only found a few waiting-m

n her hand a tea-cup and saucer; and Chou Jui's wife readily concluding that the young ladies were sitting together also walked into the inner room, where she only

oth with a curtsey, expressed their thanks, and d

the flowers); "Miss Hsi Ch'un," she remarked, "is not a

isn't she?" inquire

Neng, a young nun of the "moon reflected on water" convent, talking and laughing together. On seeing Chou Jui's wife enter,

pose shortly shaving my head and becoming a nun; and strange enough, here you

this remark, and Hsi Ch'un told her waiting-m

Mrs. Chou of Chih Neng. "Where is that bald

calling upon madame Wang, my superior went over to pay a vis

Chou, "the monthly allowance for incen

y," replied

ances to the various temples?" interposed Hsi Ch'un, a

hou Jui's wife, "who's in

rival of the Superior, Yü Hsin's wife came over and kept on whispering wi

ssed under Li Wan's back windows, and went along the wall ornamented with creepers on the west. Going out of the western side gate, she entered lady Fe

o to the eastern room. Chou Jui's wife understood her meaning, and hastily came on tiptoe

of voice: "Is the young lady asleep at this ear

ther side, in which lady Feng's voice could be detected; followed, shortly after, by the sound of a door opening, and

d upon perceiving Chou Jui's wife: "What have you com

nd handed her the box. "I've come," said

she came from the inner room with two sprigs in her hand, and calling first of all Ts'ai Ming, she bade her take the flowers over to

ound, and as she was going through the Entrance Hall, she casually came, face to face, w

here for at this time?" p

o pressing that has prevented you from returning home? I waited till I was tired, and then went on all alone, and paid my respects to our ven

t here and there ever so long, and all for her! While attending to these, Mrs. Hsueh came across me, and asked me to take these flowers to the young ladies, and I've

an altercating with some person or other; and some one, I don't know why, spread some evil report, saying that his antecedents were not clear, and lodged a charge against him at the Yamen, pr

e! Go home and wait for me and I'll come straightway, as soon as I've taken these flowers to Miss Lin; our madame Wang a

urned round to go back, when she added as sh

se I will; you are young yet, and without expe

om, but in Pao-yü's; where they were amusing themselves in trying to solve the "nine strung rings" puzzle. On entering Mrs. Chou

d Pao-yü. "Bring them he

and upon opening the box and looking in, he discovered, in fact, two twigs of a

. "Have these flowers," she inquired eagerly, "been sent

same," replied Mrs. Chou; "and these

. "If all the others hadn't chosen, even these w

did not utter

k you over on the othe

rs. Chou, "and as I went to give her a message, 'aunt' Hsüeh

ome?" asked Pao-yü. "How is it she's

te well," rema

ound to ask how our aunt and cousin are getting on! ask her what she's ailing from and what medicines she's taking, and explain to her that I know I ought

d to take the message, and went off at once; and Mr

sale of some curios, he had expressly charged his wife to come and sue for the favour (of a helping hand). Chou Jui's wife, relying upon her master's prestige, did no

he observed, "of the things sent round to-day by the Chen family. As for the presents from us to them, we should avail ourselve

ed her head in t

Ngan, the mother of the Earl of Ling Ngan, have already bee

othing to do; let four maids go and all

r to invite me to go to-morrow to their place for a little chan

niors, so that, of course, it isn't such a pleasant thing for you; but as she doesn't ask us this time, but only asks you, it's evident that she's anxious

r cousins, likewise paid each her evening salutation and retired

o dowager lady Chia; but when Pao-yü heard where she was going, he also wished to go; and as lady Feng had no help but to give in, and t

s, and other servants, come as far as the ceremonial gate to receive them, and Mrs. Yu, upon meeting lady Feng, for a while indulged, as was her w

y asked lady Feng; "if you have anything to present me with

several matrons interposed, smilingly: "Had our lady not come to-day, there wou

ught sight of Chia Jung come in to pay his respects, which prom

re after his grandfather. You'll find sitting here," she c

back you, uncle Pao, expressed a wish to see my brother, and to-day he too happens to be

vants to mind and go with him. "Don't you let him get into trouble," she enjoined. "It's a fa

young gentleman to come in, and then I too can see him

ne is not, like the boys of our Chia family, accustomed to roughly banging and knocking about. Other people's child

t's all," smiled lady Feng; "te

en nothing much of the world, so that you are

I'd like to see him; so don't talk trash; if, after all, you don'

answered Mrs. Ch'in smilin

ppearances, superior to Pao-yü in eyes and eyebrows, (good looks), which were so clear and well-defined, in white complex

e made a bow to lady Feng

yü back. Then readily stooping forward, she took this lad by the hand and asked him to take a seat next to her. Presently sh

st time their mistress met Ch'in Chung, (and knowing) that she had not at hand the

lf to decide, and selecting a piece of silk, and two small gold medals, (bearing the wish that he should attai

preciation of them; and in a short time the repast was over, and Mrs. Yu, lady Feng and Mrs. Ch'in played at dominoes,

he felt at heart as if he had lost something, and after being plunged in a daz

seen the light in the home of some penniless scholar, or poverty-stricken official, I could long ago have enjoyed the communion of his friendship, and I would not have lived my whole existence in vain! Though more honourable than he, it is indeed evid

more, his hat ornamented with gold, and his dress full of embroidery, attended by beautiful maids a

poor family, how can I presume to enjoy his companionship! This is verily a proof of what a barrier p

of the same strain, in

in answer to these inquiries, told him the truth. A few more questions and answers

uggested, "We two don't take any wine, and why shouldn't we have our fruit served

ng, and hurriedly entered the room and hinted to Pao-yü: "Dear uncle Pao, your nephew is young, and should he happen to say anything disrespectful,

y lady Feng and Mrs. Yu sent another servant to tell Pao-yü that there was outside of everything they might wish to eat and that they should mind and go and ask for it; and P

so! But in our household, we have a family school, and those of our kindred who have no means sufficient to engage the services of a tutor are at liberty to come over for the sake of study, and the sons and brothers of our relatives are likewise free to join the class. As my own tutor went home last year, I am now also wasting my time doing nothing; my father's intention was that I too should have gone over to this school, so that I might at least temporarily keep up what I have already read, pending the arrival of my tutor next year, when I could again very well resume my studies alone at home. But my

introduction, but with the urgent concerns here, he didn't think it right for him to come about this small thing, and make any trouble. But if you really believe that I might be of use to you, in either grinding the ink, or washing the slab, why shouldn't you at once m

ll as sister-in-law Secunda Lien; and on your return home to-day, lose no time in explaining all to your worthy father

more for a time as they played at dominoes. When they came to settle their accounts Mrs. Ch'in and Mrs. Yu were again the losers and had to bear the e

r. Ch'in home. The matrons went out to deliver the directions, and after a som

d off to escort hi

go, but it happens that he's under the effects of d

" they said, "of asking him? that mean fellow should

ar too lenient. But fancy allowing servants in this househ

back, he saved his life. He himself suffered hunger and stole food for his master to eat; they had no water for two days; and when he did get half a bowl, he gave it to his master, while he himself had sewage water. He now simply presumes upon the sentimental obligations imposed by these services. When the seniors of the family still lived, they all looked upon him with exceptional regar

trouble is, that you won't take any decisive step. Why not pack him off to some distant farm

ting," interposed

s the entrance of the Main Hall, where they saw the lamps shedding a brilliant light and the attendants all waiting on the platforms. Chiao

ark, then you ask me, you disorderly clown! a nice way you act the steward, indeed! Do you forget that if Mr. Chiao Ta chose to raise one leg, it would be a good deal higher than you

having tried to hush him and not succeeding, Chia Jung became exasperated; and forthwith blew him up for a time. "Let some one

andfather wouldn't presume to display such side with Chiao Ta. Were it not for Chiao Ta, and him alone, where would your office, honours, riches and dignity be? Your ancestor, whom I brought back from the jaws of death, heaped up all this estate, but up

ou keep him in your house, won't he be a source of mischief? Besides, were relatives and friends to hear about thes

vehemence, and shouted in a boisterous manner. "I want to go," he cried, "to the family Ancestral Temple and mourn my old master. Who would have ever imagined that he would leave behind such vile creatures of descendants as you all, day after day

their wits' end, and they at once seized him, tied him up, and filled

ao-yü, seated in the carriage as he was, also caught this extravagant talk and inquired of

nkard! A nice boy you are! not to speak of your listening, but you must also inquire! w

entreated her to forgive him. "My dear sister," he cra

ur return we'll speak to her venerable ladyship and ask her to send some one to arrange

on was going on, they arr

what follows? if you do, the

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