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Chums of the Camp Fire


Word Count: 2705    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

er eye. She evidently believed she had cause for feeling angr

l's misery. Bandy-legs had perhaps been seen in close connection with the raging beast just be

ould have the law on you for that? And what's that you've got in your hand there? Looks like

rd Bandy-legs. She was large, and looked as though she might alm

rst kind. As this was an antagonist against whom he was debarred from using force he t

d up the little contriv

l as possible. "It holds just a little mite of ammonia, and is used by bicycle riders to keep savage dogs from tearing them

oked lower extremities, and the faintest

put in an en

me fresh eggs and milk. Of course I did know you lived up in this region somewhere. But my chum wasn't to blame at all, Mrs.

up to then. Her entire attention had been focussed on the guil

he fact of the matter was, that she had been supplying his folks with fresh butter and eggs for sev

most delightful sensation. It was similar to what a fellow might pass through when he had been hauled

the farm. And if this other boy is a friend of yours, why, of course I'll have to forgive him for hurting my poor old Carlo. Perhaps he had to do it, as he says;

s any one would want to know; but he always does object to letting dogs take a piece

his house on my very next trip to Carson, too. That's queer, isn't it? Clarence, shake hands with me, and excuse me for seeming to be angry. We have tramps come here so often, and they always shy stones at Car

rights. He would never have held his own respect had he allowed that beast to g

king amends for her first outburst, insisted on their accepting a bumper glass of fresh buttermilk each

rd of cows back to camp; while several dozen snowy white eggs from Leghorn fowls were pla

he failings of his chum, and one of them was in the line of making frequent stumbles, whe

th winter apples that had been kept over in the cool cellar belonging to the farm,

laughingly, as they both walked along, each with one hand f

n into the fire. It seemed tough enough battling with Carlo; but the way she looked at me, like she could eat me up, was a whole lot worse. But then that was

had seen no sign of any wild animal on the way, a fact Bandy-legs was glad

their cooking utensils; so that each article could be found whenever wanted. Steve had improved on the fireplace, too, having noticed that it had not been built so as to get

was apt to do, this being April weather. There is nothing more uncomfortable when camping than to find that the tent leaks, or that on acc

proudly exhibited the same to

idea, and I don't c-c-claim to be the inventor. This sapling is h-h-hickory, and she's got a d-d-dickens of a s-s-spring too. It was all S-s-steve and me could do to bend her d-d

r here," suggested Max. "Yes, I've read of traps like this before, though I never used

ch pulls tighter and tighter the harder he jerks, till in the end it draws the notched end of the bent sapling free, and of course the same shoots

ng it for me, Bandy-legs,"

," Max told the trapper, for he had taken note of the fact that ever

ffirmed. "Why, I wouldn't be surprised if it could jerk a feller of even my heft up

it?" demanded the c

mile walk, and that little circus with Carlo. But I'm willing to take your word for it, Toby, that it'll do the business O.K. And I only hope now some sneaker gets his hind

e earlier hours of this, their first day in camp. Clouds had g

here was no dissenting voice, much though the rest would have liked to argue the other w

ee, here's a splendid place to keep it in, under the upturned roots of this fallen tree. If the rai

ather all the stuff lying around. When you strike a rainy d

at we ought to have for supper the rest of you might just as well get busy dragging all the loose wood to

but then he had been mysteriously hinting of late that he had been taking a course of lessons in cookery from the accomplished Nora who presided

ot to spoil the omelette he was making. In the end it proved to be a pretty decent supper he spread before them; and they agreed that

when they complimented him on his success; "there isn't muc

. "It'd give me a h-h-heap of satisfaction to j-j-just satisfy my mind. You'd be about as h-h-hefty as a wolf or a tiger,

his coaxing w

as before, it's too soon after supper to be yanked around, and turned up

on, meb

ing the hay, and feel dopey. I've heard my dad say so lots of times. Keeps you wakeful all through the first part of the night. But that trap's all right, I'm

we get waked up by a lot of screeching, like the world was coming to an end, I'll be ready to

pleaded Toby. "G-g-give us all a chance first to see w

emanded Steve

ple have pets, and think what it'd mean to

oo. According to my mind the only good hyena is a dead hyena. And if so be you ketch that sort in your bull

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