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Chums of the Camp Fire


Word Count: 2658    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

a camp. Immediately all of them became very busy, for considerable work had

spring that ran close by. This fed a pond that Max told them could be reached in ten minutes or less, a

sloped just enough to shed water in case of a downpour of rain;

n that they had had considerable experience in these things, and knew j

ith a "minimum of discomfort and a maximum of pleasure," as he remarked

tion that was to serve as a fireplace, it could not be equaled as a steady foundation for coffeepot, kettles, or fryingpan. The boys had once

ing with all the frills; but there remains the longing for the open, and the smell of the burning wood, so that after a certain time has elaps

n with Nicodemus, for he laughed and joked with the rest. Perhaps some of that forlorn look had been artfully assumed so as to cause Toby to believe he was breaking his heart ov

r in the woods. As this was just before Easter Sunday, and that event always comes immediately after a fu

d wonderfully fine to the boys, because they had their appetites along with them. But the surroundings no doubt had a good deal to do with it, for there was

ery inch of it; and the fumes that were wafted into their faces with each change of wind

hey draw in a big breath, and immediately picture the camp fire burning, with good chums seated around enjoying

nd they felt disposed to talk more or less; "because, while the bass season won't open until the end of next month we might pic

he took a second helping of fried potatoes from one of the fryingpa

ay, as he filled his tin cup from the coffee pot, and then added some condensed milk of

ed Toby. "Why, they're ready to b-b-b

what a pickerel or a pike is, a regular buccaneer. Why, I've been out on the ice on a big lake in winter where dozens of little cabins an

f fishing, but never had a chance to se

?" Bandy-legs pleaded as well as a fellow c

ight now," Toby hastened to say, "you'll have a n-n-nice lot of pit

; "I always go slow when I'm on a fish diet, and don't you forget it. But, Max

ittle sport fishing through the ice when it's bitter

rs do the same because they like it. They even keep a little stove or a fire of some sort going in those cabins and tents; and let

hat has to do with the lin

inkle with a bite; others have red strips of cloth that are pulled up to the top of a short stick; but the common way is to make a crotch cut from a branch of

rt of pickerel fishing," Steve observed; "but I brought my minnow seine along, so we ought to scoop up plenty of live ba

about h-h

rything, Max?" que

how we stand. I like to hunt as well as the next one, but all the same I don't believe in shoot

" ventured Steve, "we're all glad

ed quick gla

led it in your mind yet, Steve, that what we saw disappearing wa

t have been some beasts got away that they never did find again. Just what they were nobody seems able to

, don't they?" asked

es. They feed on carrion mostly, and are cowardly by nature; but all the same, they're nasty looking brutes, and always snarli

t, that I don't like the looks of, you'll see me knocking the spots out of him first, and then finding afterwards what his

hear 'em?" aske

ir guns, placed conveniently near; but hesitated when they saw

at p-p-pond you was telling us about, Max. Yum! Yu

stated by the observant Toby; and they knew that with that pond so close b

ttle target gun along," rema

" Steve told hi

long to the end, with one of the hooks attached; and then fix a small clipping of the red stuff to the hook. When you see a big greenback on the edge of the water sneak up behind him,

he bright thing, which I reckon he thinks must be a juicy sort of a bug. As soon as he feels the barb of the hook he tries to climb up the line and jump all around

"Even a sportsman can be merciful to his game b

hot anything I want for

tle c-c-club along when I g-g-go

derstand; "he must think he's a policeman, and meaning to knock

r you've c-c-caught the same!" Toby hastened to

he certainly had a weakness for the "ambrosia" as he often called it, thou

r than their capacity for stowing food away, judging from the minute amount that was wasted it would seem that they knew

ly back on his blanket, and commenced to pick his teeth after the manner

together," Bandy-legs added, as his quota of

ds, when we spent that joyful time with

ons all around us. And seems like we might squeeze all the fun we can manage out of this little vacation. Here we are, away off from everywhere, and if we want

in a while. His imagination sometimes ran away with him; bu

ys sat upright, and seemed to be straining his hearing to the utmost, as though so

s that n-n-noise like thu

ooked p

t it sure wasn't thunder. "As for me, now, I'm racking my poor brains to guess whether it could only have been a

ll that supper had been eaten, else their a

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