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Counsel for the Defense


Word Count: 2826    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

during the summer she had graduated from Vassar, had, until t

d seemed so fine, so big already, and loomed so large in promise-it was the fall following his proposal that he was elected lieutenant-governor-that it had been a humiliation to her that she, so insignificant, so unworthy, could not give him that intractable passion,

his mother, for his father had been a good-natured, hearty, popular politician with no discoverable bias toward over-scrupulosity. In fact, twenty years ago there had been a great to-do touching the voting, through a plan of the elder Blake's devising, of a gang of negroes half a dozen tim

lawn, shady with broad maples and aspiring pines, and set here and there with shrubs and flower-beds and a fountain whose misty spray hung a golden aureole upon the sunlight. It was quite worthy

going downtown to his office. She was informed that he was in. Telling the maid she would await him in his library, where she knew he received all c

. Blake, at this moment it was not forgotten by her. She could not subdue a fluttering agitati

straight figure entered and strode rapidly a

erine! I'm so g

nce vowed himself her lover, she had never overcome her girlho

t I had not expected to see you

rary desk. His manner was most cordial, but lurking beneath it Katherine sensed a certain constraint-

ll dressed but not too well dressed, as became a public man whose following was largely of the country. His person gave an immediate impression of

and trying to speak lightly, "that each time I come

our?" qu

e hear that you are spoken of to succeed S

elieve that I'm indifferent about the matter. But I don't need to tell you t

ilence. Then Katherine went strai

you know ab

need to say, Katherine, h

look black on the surface for him, but

" he said, hesitatingly. "For, frankl

d spoke rapidly, her

young girl had any right to expect-because I know you have the ability to bring out the truth no matter how dark

her, and his

ther's lawyer?

be my fathe

was flinging its iridescent drapery to the wind. She gazed

nocent," she urged pleadingl

to prove his inno

can easily

will he strove to control himself, he was profound

a most embarrassing

ght her

u m

hould like to he


I can

mean-you refu

s me, bu

as white

!" She gazed at him, li

ver-you have not considered," she cried rapidly. "I cannot take

slender, well-knit hand stretched out and clutch

feverishly pursued. "Do you not see what it will mean to m

y. "It is because it is beyond my

d your

cent. The faith you have is the faith a daughter ought to have. I do not

n, because you t

onclusive. It is beyond my power, beyond

ready hers, was a blow that for the moment completely stunned her.

kerchief. After a moment, he went

h to be chosen for that senatorship. Naturally, I do not wish to do any useless thing that will impair my chances. Now for me, an aspirant for public favour, to champion against the aroused public the case of a man who has-forgive

o her hands, "I do not blame you-I accept your

as I told you, I ad

ose. He like

u going to d

"I was so confident of your aid, th

has tried o

refused. You can g

lent for

ke the case

se!" cried Kat

u are a

admitted to the bar of the state. And, besides, a woman l

ng it, you know," he

you did not me

re came to her afresh. She gazed


but it is fin

ead d

d dully. "Good-by."


y-hued and were twitching strangely; for an instant she ha

rst time you asked aid of me


continually. "Remember, I am still your friend. Though I cannot take the case, I shall

re ver

you ac

refuse? T

home. This was sad news to bring her father, whom but half an hour before she ha

oom. With him she found a stranger, wh

wo me

aughter," sai

ger bowed

in his manner Katherine's quick instinct

ntinued her father,


e of the

ss," Bruce ca

glowed with hot colour. She moved up before the editor

ho wrote those brutal

nd manner, and there was a quick

true things about your fathe

you dare come

newspaper man dares go wher


ness here. Neither my father nor myself has a

herine!" interj

, his face

alled to see if he wished to make any statement, and I was asking him about his lawy

tepped toward

at did he say? Will

ked into the white, worn face of her



er arms a

d, father dear

t grew yet

d-the same a

ld him

r da

he ref

mind it," she tri

eld to Katherine a moment; then he moved waveringly to an old ha

oke the

, then, that your f

wed figure, and her anger lea

e cried. "Because of the inhum

m running a newspaper, and it is

the news! Look at my father there. Does it not fill your soul

do not let conventional sentime

ld of scorn in her voice. "A

nd maintain, decent standards

story for your yellow newspaper, a safe chance to gain prominence by yelping at the head of the pack. If he had been a rich man, if he

r's thick glasses, and his square chin t

s I would treat a young traitor, I tell you that I take it as a sign of an awakening public conscience when reputable lawyers refuse to defend a man who has done what your father has done. And, finally, I predict that

he crossed to the door. As his hand

ied. "Wait! He


d! And

you take back every coward

rine?" It was her

in his eyes was an eager, hopeful light. She bent

d, "since we can get no on

u?" he e

r you will or not, I'm going to sta

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