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Dick, Marjorie and Fidge: A Search for the Wonderful Dodo


Word Count: 1547    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

-and down the children sped at a terrific rate, so quickly indeed that after a moment or two they must have lost their se

rough a big black hole for hours and hours, and then, all of a sudden

might have been the case on the other side of the world. "But, of course," Marjorie explained, "we are not really quite

ce is hot enough, anyhow, whew!" and he unbuttoned the heavy fur

o, pointing to the palms and other tropical plants to be seen

ng ship to come and take us back to England," said Marjorie, who was as fond as her brothe

right tropical flowers, and the others, feeling the heat very oppressive, were glad to follow his example, and get rid of their cumbersome clothing. Marjor

re they heard a voice cryi

! move on

icularly as he once more displayed his white kid gloves and his bright necktie,

cried, looking

! Do you hear?" cr

nd left, in front of them, and beh

e!" exclaimed Dick.

to the trees, the children saw a huge green parrot, with a red tail, hanging down

ot," said the Dodo, in

nly a parrot, indeed. Who are

it the Ichthyosaurus, while you are merely a common or garden parrot, and not at all fit and proper person for us to

gloves and your consequential airs; but allow me to inform you that I am some one of consequence in these

be offended, and she certainly couldn't say "gentleman," so she got out of it this way)-"if this is a p

he parrot, ungraciously, "but I don't choo

culous bird; there is no

ut it," replied the parrot. "There's

was the children couldn't determine till it came a little closer. They waited and waited, but it scarcely

first," suggested Marjorie, wisely, and so they ran

seemed to puzzl

rently enjoying themselves very much indeed. The snowshoes seemed to puzzle them considerably, howeve

wn at once!" shouted Dick. "How da

he monkeys. "Findings keepings. We

. Give them back at

hildren's reach, they made grimaces at them, and openly defied them. Indeed, one of them w

ren, hastily gathered one or two of the cocoanuts, abandoned the c

had seen in the high-road, but a rumbling sound, as they neared the place where they had last se

angry in a minute

at resembling the pictures which they had seen of the old Roman chari

se," laughed Fidge. "It i

ick; "I don'

" said the Dodo. "I

d the sloth-be

,'" said the Dodo, rebuki

er, the creature

g him violently. "The idea of dropping off

began talking about something that I shouldn't do or say, and I alway

u going to?"

was the reply.

where the steamers start for

in the direction of the cart; and the children, highl

dangled his legs over the back of the "chariot," the Dodo solemnly squatting down a

ing the reins, "we are read

it transpired that the

ver get anywhere at this rate. I say, do wake up," he cri

on, then!" and he took two or three steps forward, and then stopped

is might. "I shall get very angry with you in a minute. It's perfectly ridiculous going on in th

om the sloth-bear, who had onc

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