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Doris Force at Locked Gates; Or, Saving a Mysterious Fortune


Word Count: 2006    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

oadster vanish down the street. "I would have fixed his old gas line if he hadn't be

m if he knew any one by the name of Gates and he looked at us so suspiciously-or rather,

p," Marshmallow suggested.

uburbs of Plainfield, and was one of the most attractive houses in the city. The grounds were beautifully landscaped with silver-tipped evergreens, an

nd brought it out upon the porch. Doris spre

n't be more than fifty miles away. You take the Center Ridge roa

ction Dave lives," Do

shmallow drawled teasingly. "Y

Rumson," Doris went on, scarcely n

you every day or so. No wonder girl

urned proudly, "but he'll soon finish his flyi

arriage?" Marsh

urself!" Doris r

om the porch and lazi

s baking in the kitchen, and I'll just ankle aroun

ap for several minutes and then tossed it aside as she caught sig

n those packages

thing nic

. Though Wardell Force was of middle age, with hair fast turning gray, he walked with the step of a boy and his energy was equal to tha

men and in great demand to head committees and speak at important gatherings. Doris was proud of his ability to move large crowds with his magnetic voice. However, she sometimes felt that

me," she told him as she accepted the packa

swing and Doris eagerly b

ight. "And novelty jewelry, t

at picking out trinkets for the ladies. Thought they might

"I'm not giddy and yo

he began, the smile fading, "I'm afraid I shall h


the campaign will be carried on all summer. That means I must go out of town f

s me to go camping

d over Wardell

the state of your finances for some time," h

to inform her that her funds were running low and that a camping trip was

erving his preoccupation, and shrewdly guessing the thoughts

s, there was an unexpected interruption. Jake, the hired man whom Wardell For

d Doris with a grin. "I'll bet two c

m of an airplane motor, and with her uncle following

a bright red star on either wing of a monoplane wh

that the observers on the ground could plain

s murmured anxiously. "I never saw him fly at such a low

nal. Doris had known the young aviator for several years and was well aware that his liking for her had steadily grown. Ho

e had sent her to Barry Manor, a good boarding school, and had given her training by the best vocal teachers in the city. In some ways, Mr. Force had been overin

of her own son. Doris was likewise a favorite of Jake, the hired man, though his devotion was expressed only by the way his eyes followed her whenever she was near. Wardell Force had told her little of what he knew concerning the man's past, and since he had come to wo

claimed as she watched the monoplane slowly circle abo

ane. It struck the sidewalk a short distance away and before she

he said, handing it to her.

inly a new way to get

citement, she quickly sca

and take you to the big aviat

reading the note, promptly waved her handkerchief in token of assent

all that pantomime?" Uncle Wa

e aviation meet in his roadster. I'm thrilled to death!

rplane," Wardell Force grunted. "I don't want y

ncle Ward, and he's considered the best o

er, we can get back to that discussion we were

out money, and hoped that nothing would interfere with her plan to spend the summer with Kitty. Onc

nd a few weeks at a camp," she declared.

immediately, but sat looking

on't understand just how matters stand. Your carfare to this ca

ers and spo

ey, Doris-a great deal

heritance would

oling has cost a great deal, and only today I received a letter saying that the tuiti

"I suppose I could give up boarding school and my music l

ry. And I frankly admit, I hate to see you go into an office.


you this, that you will understand the situa

iving up that camping trip. I suppose, though,

f and her fa

Misses Gates!" she finished. "Perhaps the

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