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Doris Force at Locked Gates; Or, Saving a Mysterious Fortune


Word Count: 1431    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ourage Doris. If anything, it made her more eager to spend a few weeks

o her uncle what Dave had said, and that worthy at o

fully. "There's something funny about this whole affa

change your mind now. There probably isn't anything my

e investigating of my own,"

n Rumson, but that of late years they had kept close to their own premises. Recalling that Jake had at

began, "how are y

ed and regarded Mr. Forc

st rate! Miss Doris's roses goin' to

lth which had not been there when Wardell Force had first brought him to Chilton. At that time Jake had been broken in body and in spirit, but fresh air, good food and kindne

grounds usually stayed alone in his room. Seemingly, he lived only for the present, as he never mentioned the past

son before you came here, didn

ence to his past usually caused him to withdraw into

er a Gates hou

house it was, sir. Many a night I had to pass i

ive you the creeps," Mr. Force s

w a soul enter or leave. Folks said the gates ha

g of going there f

head as he pick

u, sir, but if 'twere me, I'

thoughtfully as he turned away. "I'll have another talk with

dying German. She put aside her book at once as he came o

for not going. The Misses Gates are probably just two dear old l

your heart upon goin

u will l

ne cond

hat is

some one to

, Uncle Ward. Kitty Nor

," Mr. Force returned wi

k her only a few minutes to compose a letter to her chum, and having finished it,

or a response. On the fourth day the postman brought the l

to a high old time at Locked Gates, and may we discover when they we

the suite in order and spent a great deal of time getting her clothes ready to pack. The problem wa

" she told herself, "but my guess is they won't. I'll

et Kitty. She was nearly the last one off the train and Doris was beginn

dly as two magpies, or at least so it seemed to Uncle Ward, who was q

told Kitty with his genial smile. "Doris

n beside him on the front seat. As they drove toward home, Doris told her

ready for a good time. If she excelled in basketball and tennis rather than in French and English, it was not because of lack of ability, but rather b

lace we're going to," she to

ff too soon. Uncle Ward is going out o

he Rotary Club, one at the church, and one at the Chamber of Commerce. That's

es tomorrow, we'll be left here

o, by al

rt right away. Dave said he woul

l time, too!" Kitty de

and Jake had said concerning Locked Gates, she li

e fall. Just fancy the crowd gathered around us while we tell in a solemn voice the mysteries of Locked Gates. I really hope something exciting does happen to

o keep up your present demeanor as we go forth on our

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