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Dorothy's Triumph


Word Count: 3468    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

lm satisfaction by Aunt Betty, whose joy at seeing her girl so well pleased with the arrangements made for he

the first meeting would be productive of better results if held at Bellvieu, where the girl would be free from embarrassment. Here, too, was a piano, the note stated,

was contrary to his custom to visit the homes of his pupils, but that in the present instance, and under the exist

were to fail-! She crowded the thought from her mind, firmly resolved to master the instrument which is said by all great

stole up to her room to dress, the taste of Dinah's

he conjured up all sorts of pictures of a stoop-shouldered little German, her final impres

she had heard, with a tone so full and sweet as to dazzle the Herr's

est gown, a dainty creation of lawn and l

f simple things, both in the way of clothes and colors, and I am anxious that you shall make a good impression. He, himself, always dresses in black-linen during the

e Herr. After holding him up as such a paragon, is it any

you are not

d themselves on the gallery to await the arrival of the guest. "But I do feel a trembling sensation when

all. He is just like other men; very ordinary, and sur

nd Ephraim came around the corner of the

Chesapeake to court the denizens of the deep, and I'm willin

-brimmed straw hat and

y. "Fish do not always bite when you want them

as many as 'leben fish in one hour. Big fellers, too-none ob yo' lil' cat-fish en perch. Golly! I suah 'members de time she hooked dat ole gar, en hollered

awed loudly, and with such enthusiasm that Aunt Bett

wiping the tears from her eyes. "But we landed old 'Mi

hook a gar to-

ntiful in de bay. Hardly a day go by, but w'at two or t'ree o

for lunch," were Jim's parting words, as he and Ephraim strode off down the path toward the gate. "We will be

But she laughed heartily. It pleased her to see Jim enjoying himself. "Oh, maybe I'll cook somet

me about it n

s of Bellvieu, and with a last wave of their hands, J

gate, opened it, and continued his way up the walk, and Dorothy Calvert, her heart beating wildly,

he Calvert mansion, hat in hand, both Mr

tly drooping; keen blue eyes, which snapped and sparkled and seemed always to be laughing; a nose slightl

dis morning, ladies,"


hy's T

r hand. "I am glad to see you again. This is the young

in his own, he went on: "I hope, Miss Dorothy, dat ve vill get on very good togedder. I haf no reason to believe ve vill not, an' perhaps

ope so," was the girl's fervent repl

urned to A

de battle. Too many things are lost in dis world t'rough a lack of conf

h of Dinah, with the result that mint lemonade, cool and tempting, was soon served to the trio outside, greatly to the delight of the Herr professor, who sipped

owers, de shrubs-dey are all de same. You know," he added, "I live in Baltimore, dat iss true, yet, I see very li

" said Aunt Betty, "It serves as an inspi

n in vhich I spend a great deal of time, both morning und evening-it iss de inspiration of a grand

ere, no doubt, by recollections of his younger days in the Old

Deichenberg, to welcome you here, and we trust y

e, and it may be dat I vill decide to give Miss Dorothy her lessons in her o

to see your studio," said the girl, "th

able to show you my studi

a?" Aunt Betty wanted to know, as

no difficulty in finding employment in New York City, vhere I played in a restaurant orchestra for

een back across the w

alive. Now I have few relatives living, und almost no desire to visit Germany again. America has taken h

s she told of her lessons from Mr. Wilmot at Deerhurst. Then, apparently satisfied that she would prove an apt pupil, he asked to be allowed to li

to find if the instrument was in tune, she notic

t a careful scrutiny, peering inside, and

as goot as either a Cremona or a Strad, but by

" said Dorothy, "and I prize it very

the Herr. "Come, now,"-moving toward the

mitted tha

before the large, old-fashion

able to judge both of your execution und your tone. There iss de chord. Ah! now you are


small baton, and with this flourished in his right hand, his l

, Aunt Betty-everything but the music before her. Delicately, timidly, she drew her bow across the strings, then, when the more strenuous parts of the

er, as if to miss a single note would be

o the accompaniment of the famous piece, his hands

tty vowed she had

iserere, and turned toward their interested listener for

o Dorothy. "You have an excellent touch and your execution iss above reproach, considering de

the rare compliment the great professor had paid her

e, dear, I

tty. "That is positively the most

showed his teeth

charmed by vhat she hears? But come," he added, sobering, "let us try somet'ing of a different nature. If you are as proficient in de second p

n, waited for the Herr professor to select from the

air und may be played with a great deal of expression

music master playing the accompaniment with an ease that was astonishing. In every movement the old German showed the finished musician. Twice during the rendition of the piece did he s

eichenberg was even more lavish

w. But for a young lady of her age und experience she has made rapid progress. Herr Wilmot, who gave d

as taking his leave, the professo

ou und have you for a pupil. Vhen

a quick glance

r weeks, Herr Deichen

r veeks! Vhy iss it dat you vait an eternity? Let us

of strenuous study at the Canadian school of Oak Knowe, and

going avay, please notify me of your return, und I vill manage to come to Bellvieu to give Miss Dorothy her first lesson. But don't make it t

be many more, Herr Deich

through the gate and out of sight behind the hedge. Then they turned agai

I played as I have never played before. Somehow, I felt I could not make a mistake. I'm so glad the Herr professor was pleased. Isn't h

lery to say that Dorothy

id the girl. "I didn't think any

the receiver at her ear, in ke


thy, dear! H

voice and the to

quite catch the-! Oh, su

home. I'm just dying to see you, to learn how you liked your trip and the adventur

rse. On our campi

ong as we like-that's what he bought the auto for. Gerald and I hav

I'll speak to Aunt B

row to discuss the details. Did that nice bo

trip-at least, Aunt Betty said he

immensely, dear-lots more



d you're trying to

But he's a dear boy and y

eceiver. "I guess I won't!" she muttered, as she went out to join Aunt Betty again.

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