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Dorothy's Triumph


Word Count: 3075    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

were loath for the time to approach when they would

and Gerald. But as the results were considerably less than on the day the girls had accompanied them, there w

g discovered. Among them was a cave of large extent, where stalactites and stalagmites aboun

few days in camp Len was allowed to show himself, though he did not venture far from the

Dorothy were so taken with his winning manners and extreme good nature that they already regarded him as a

alacrity that astonished them. His resolve to make something of himself w

he boys began to gather up the camping paraphernalia which was

spent running about over the mountains in the machine. The journey home would then be made by moonlight, Gerald having

n for it. Why did I ever let you persuade me to b

I only know that you did. I have your promise, remember! And,"

my promise, but I

e sees how easy the big Ajax covers g

timore by moonlight will be i

iles from home, not planning to start until the moon is

lay for this big Ajax. Why, I could easily do the s

rald, if you don't stop that silly talk, I shall sit myself

thy; "to feel the wind fairly blowing the hair off your head; the lands

, and if Gerald lets his car get beyond a fair rate of speed during our journey ho

t this, and resumed their w

but enough food for their mid-day lunch, w

r seemed to possess the lad that his uncle would be prowling about the mountains and apprehend him when he

he decline, and the shadows in the valley had commenced to lengthen, Gerald, at the whee

a few moments they fairly made the welkin ring. Then as the machine was plunging down a steep descent

then climbed slowly, seeming to exert itself very

he valley to the hotel where they had stopped for the

d feasted on the good things he had set before them, greatly to his

d tea for those who desired it, and strawberry jelly and chocolate cake for dessert,

the moon peeping over the undulating land to the eastward, shedding its brilliant ray

large veil, her lips tightly compressed in prospect of the fast ride Gerald had promised was to come. She had little to say. In he

g part of his promise. Knowing that something over half way to their destination there was for several mil

ntil she was doing fully forty miles an hour. This could be kept up only on the smooth level stretches which they encountered every now and then. In climbing the hills, the

that met their ears as they went flying up hill and down dale, past farmhouses and over bridges. The great highway seemed dese

any animals were unused to automobiles, hence were li

pon the moon and his lamps for guidance through crooked streets. At times they passed little groups of people, come out from nearby houses to watch them go by; at others

reathing freely once more, conscious of the fact that in Gerald the big auto had a good pilot, and con

to Gerald's delight. "I hope I shan't develop a mania for speeding, however, as that wo

d Dorothy, a note of authority in her v

ke she rules the

" replied the girl. "One thing

nch," Aunt Betty intervened. "I rule it and

auntingly. "Told yo

and caught her arm in a vise-like grip, refusing

ge which Gerald said was the half-way mark

he next half hour it will be slower going. But wait till we strike the gravele

and apparently felt not the slightest tremor at the thought of going at a fas

t of the trip was over, the front tire on the left exploded with

threw her arms around Gerald's neck, and cl

diately, then gave himself up to the task of releasing Molly's arms. When he had succeeded, he kissed her on the l

ied. "I'll never, neve

tter individual is surely entitled to some reward for his valued services-particularly as he will

ing around to the left front wheel, examine

ted, "this mean

d Dorothy, "particularly when you

the machine since starting on our trip. Bu

so glad

de that time a little. Come, Jim! Get that jack out of the tool chest, and help me hoist this wheel off the ground.

k was under the wheel, where it required but a moment to

the end of the pump to the air tube with astonishing swiftness, and Jim began at once to force the ozone into the rubber. Tiring after a few moments, he gave way

in the chest. Then Gerald and his helpers crawled into the machine and the big car s

ve always dreaded the thought of being in an automobile away from the city when a

appen to have an extra in

ld n

The idea is alw

ou do if you hadn

the hole in the punctured tub

ave to wait hours for

w minutes. Of course, a tire fixed in this way would never be considered as satisfactory as a new inner tube, yet they have been kno

the level highway at a rapid pace that no one reali

e! Those must be th

liant glare which lit up the sky as

d in the east!" cried Do

y, I'm all turned around. Then

f course, you

ms as if we have been

. "It is only eleven o'clock and it was a few minutes to nine when we left th

ponse, delivered in a

re vehicles, the majority of which s

ns are all going th

ntry produce, such as vegetables, eggs and fruit. They leave the farms early in the nigh

n an electric light burst before their vision off to the right, then another, and

the speed of autos when within the confines of a municipality. Gerald had never been fined for sp

y-lighted residence street, thence into smaller, narrower stre

ght twinkling from the servants' quarters in the rear, burst upon thei

oked at h

have beaten the time I suggested by several minutes-enough to give you t

girls seized their other belongings. Then, bidding Gerald and Aurora good night, with many th

elight had begun to light up the mansion. By the time the party rea

tired camping party, for no matter how enjoyable a time they had

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