Farm Gardening with Hints on Cheap Manuring / Quick Cash Crops and How to Grow Them
and mellow, and where, perhaps, shelter is afforded by hill or woodland. Such a spot, especia
high enough to be out of the way of floods. Such a location is by no means rare. There are countless acres fulfilling
evel. Deep plowing of low land will rarely bring up the sub-soil, and, after a good coat of lime, t
ng, whatever that may be, in choosing a place for vegetables, trusting th
rket is that quick growth is necessary for quality, and, hence, for profits. Good
oint of prime import
n be attracted by the good appearance of vegetables or fruit, a sale is certain to be made. It will pa
h taken in Dock Street Whol
rices, while poor stuff begs for buyers at rates yielding no profit to anybody. The wholesaler is frequently blamed for
first-class stuff in new packages. Such produce reaches what is known as the
in old or unclean baskets or boxes, may make expenses out of the business, b