Farm Gardening with Hints on Cheap Manuring / Quick Cash Crops and How to Grow Them
and another pair for cold-frame work, can turn them to very good account in the early spring, not only in starting such bedding plants as may be required in his own operations, but in p
s about 3 × 6 feet. A board shutter, the exact size of the sash, or a mat of straw, completes the outfit. The depth of manure, depending on the purpose in view, should
d by boards and covered with glass. There is no bottom heat of any kind, but i
started. The usual seeds sown here at that date on heat are cabbage, cauliflower, radish, lettuce, o
orn salad, spinach, etc., and in spring for the reception of the things s
the production of early market crops, and profits
sashes and their uses is the imperative necessity of