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Flying the Coast Skyways; Or, Jack Ralston's Swift Patrol

Flying the Coast Skyways; Or, Jack Ralston's Swift Patrol


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1669    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ine to

dead ahea

hear you announce that

it mout be Birmingh

nail on the head tha

hich I'm naow agwine to

his head you might be somebody other than just a Down-in-Dixie product from Alabama,-raised in the North, where you ac

oup fog-pack we done got lost in not so far back. By gravy! I doant b'li

s-Yankee, your native brogue; Canadian patios, contracted while with the Northwest Mounted Police; and now a pidgin English, such as a Southern

e or black boy never does guess anything-I reckons, suh, I'll git a strangle-holt on th

ere able to hear every word uttered, simply because they were wearing their usual earphone attachments, without which they never made a flight. "I'm

few church steeples apokin' a finger through the same. So, there she lies, my own, my native city! Ain't it affectin', though, ole pal, acomin' back like this, after many years, an' discoverin' th

course was also sailing under a nom-de-guerre, as well as his best pal-with him the new name was "Rodman Warrington," and he was supposed to be a rich and eccentric New York City sportsman, weary of the routin

; "if you stop and think you'll remember how every American boy who grew up and amounted to shucks was always getting a great th

gham in the rear, haow long 'fore we drop

was any necessity for fetching it up to an even hundred-and-fifty we could easily enough do the same-and then some. I reckon we'll come in sight of Candler Field

k; who apparently was not wholly advised of his leader's plan

in Atlanta-from him we'll receive a certain amount of information, and be referred to another party, high in the secrets of the Service in Charleston. When we jump off from that South Carolina city we'll know all we're

er-reckon, partner?" Perk speculated, his ma

necessary stops to prevent spies from learning as to who we are, and why we're heading east) if it hadn'

k exulted; as enthusiastic as a boy over a Christmas present of a brand new shiny pair o

he same there'll be less chance of giving our game away; for if any kind of quick-witted spies should hear us exchanging words they'd remember the real names of the two sky detectives

t in the nick of time. "I kinder-reckoned it mout acome from the gent over in

ak away, and what to do on the skyway east. There was also some interesting information concerning the j

in' us white, not sayin' as haow we'd done the Service proud, the way we fetched Slim G

iples to over praise those working under them, for fear of giving the poor guys the big-head. You can read the letter before I destroy it, brother. The Big Boss in L. A. also wrote that Slippery Slim

culars, eagerly surveying the checkered landscape a mile or more under the bottom of their fuselage; and which continued to prove of considerable interest to Perk, t

corn, cotton, tobacco; acres of fruit trees, pecan groves, even sugarcane p

town squatted on a river, an' painted on the roof o' a house was a name, fo' the benefit o' fliers like weuns-Tallapoosa she read, which tells me that must a been the river Tallapoosa-

s skinned to pick up another smoke cloud dead ahead, which will be th

until finally he gave a half sup

re rushing daown on aour goal like a river afire;


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