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Flying the Coast Skyways; Or, Jack Ralston's Swift Patrol

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1141    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he Daw

e'd hit civilization

e continually shifting; and since Jack had dropped down latterly until they were not more than five hundred feet above the level ground, only for their hearing being overwhelmed by the noise of their own speeding ship, they might have easily heard the puffing of switch

f the compass, took up a new line of flight-no signalling for switches, puffing of a steam engine for a start, nothing save a turn of

and before long the last vestige of the bust

better when able to watch the panorama spread out like a vast chart under the swiftly speeding air craft, with towns, villages, and hamlets following in each other's train; the country

surface of the earth, and the sun could be seen in all his gl

ought was concerned with the fact that they were swiftly passing over South Carolina, and getting closer to the

nt clique, latterly giving Uncle Sam so much bother; and persisting in their thus far successful smashing of the patrol boat bl

, and possibly some of those defiant pilots would be numbered among the "has

it was allers the same ole story over an' over agin. Right naow a good many cells in Atlanta, Leavenworth, an' a few more penitentiaries air filled by lads what reckoned nawthin' could beat 'em a

ass-without a peer, yet modest withal, shrinking from praise, and content to let the heroes of unsurpassed air flights, as well as all manner of broken r

ght throw all their labors into the discard. On this account, and because they were now bearing down clos

lves, and try to actually live the parts we're about to play. Let's consider we're actors, with a critical au

to impress this point particularly on his, Perk's mind-"I'll try my darnedest to keep athinkin' a thousand eyes and ears they be on to me, searchin

to be. Try and forget you were Yankee born, and swap places with a son of Dixie, filled with veneration for those heroes in gray, soldiers of Lee, Jackson, Forrest, and all the o

borned an' brought up in Birmin'ham, where them bully stories o' the colored folks that make yeou laugh like fun keep acomin' fr

l down in a pinch-it meant a matter of life and death with them, in view

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