Golden Days for Boys and Girls / Volume VIII, No 25: May 21, 1887
lose to him before he was aware of their presence, and it is the greatest
omers, in order to make sure of their identity, he laid his gun acro
his morning, did you, you little snipe?" he shoute
ed Dan, who had a faint idea that he understoo
very much delighted, at the way things had turned out. "Here you have been and tramped all over them mountings, and never got a cent for it, while I have ma
, up to this moment, had not been able to do
ithout help from any one, and that was more than fifty ot
"Hold on there!" he added, turning fiercely upon his prisoner, who just then moved uneasily upon the be
rposed. "You've got him tied up too tight.
xclaimed Silas; "and I won't let the rope out not
Byron's Corsair, seemed to be a mild-mannered man. "I have been tied up ever
exclaimed Silas. "Come away from the
you going to do with your captive? Do you i
scared me," replied Silas, dropping the butt of his g
any length of time; he always w
, 'cause- Why, just look a-here, Joey," added Silas, moving up to the door, and
on the table, where Silas had placed it, a belt containin
ued Silas, "and if this feller'
g," interrupted Dan. "Bri
d, and finally he turned an inquiring glance
at there is them in the world that are just as lucky and smart as you be, don't it? Yes,
hat, he hit the nai
think you ought to keep this man here all night. The sheriff is now at Mr. Warren's house, and it
ction on the part of Silas and Dan that m
rose from the bench and stamped his feet to set the blood in circulation again, his exci
't think this man is foolish enough to try to run off while his han
"When you and Dan went away this morning, I just naturally shouldered my gun, walked up the road to the foot of the mountin
at night, and the ferryman was prepared to give him a warm reception. Before he devoted himself to the task of holding down that log by the roadside, he took the trou
out popped this feller. He was running like he'd been sent for, and that's why I suspicioned him. Of course I didn't know him from Adam, but I asked him would he stop
other now?"
. "She helped me figger up what I would get for catching him, and then she dug out. I'm worth almost as much as you be now, Joey, and that
y altercation which might end in a fight or a foot-race between his father and Dan. "
ive hundred when I give up the prisoner?" inquired Sil
rse he
for wo
haps it was never put into his hands at
re of my money," said Silas, reflectively. "I guess
the law," said Joe, decidedly. "If you don't give him up of
ny sense in such a law as that, but he
hear and see all that was said and done when the prisoner was turned over to the officers of the law imp