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Golden Days for Boys and Girls / Volume VIII, No 25: May 21, 1887

Golden Days for Boys and Girls / Volume VIII, No 25: May 21, 1887

Author: Various

Chapter 1 water. 2. A small particle. 3. A fine white powder or earth, without taste or smell. 4. A paved way. 5. To convey or transfer. 6. Tidier.

Word Count: 5291    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

, Ill.

1. An

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rong arm and

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d equal ri

ough the h

, Pa. P.


solutions (Analyt. Chem.) 2. Little tufts. 3. Species of

ir seriously. 5. A case in which the relics of saints were

, N.J.

in our next issue; s

tory for each of the first correct s


ay, U. Reka, Sim Sly, Clarence W. Chapin, Reklaw, Io, Tom B. Stone, Toodlewinks, Jo Ram, Craftsman, Fly, Alpheus, Chinook, Puzz L., Teddy, Wm. H. Deucker, Annie Gramme, W. T. Anderson, C. R. Irving, Jr., Bennie Knowels, Monte Christo, V. G. Ohnja, H. U. T., Alphonzo, B. L. Under, Bryx, J. I. C., Harry S., Jno. Bopp, Cale and Harry Allen, J. Evans, Alpha Sigma, Liberty, Brooklyn Boy, Jno. Beck, Howard H.


were awarde

cket, La P

ce W. Chapin,

. Lectic. C

cyo, New

Ram, New

C. Lectic,



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for one year to one address, or

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eight copies (all sent at one time) wil

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ial Story

ung Silv





me was to cut and carve Mount Athos into the form of a gigantic man, holding in one hand a

his plan; though, amused at his extravagant notion

a manner upon a broken eminence of land that from a certain point a striking resemblance to an upturned human face is outlined. In addition

ls or coast line will lend itself to almost any fancy we choose, there are in different localities stones and cliffs bearing

rom the sea, lonely and majestic, a massive stone head, with the profile of the Iro

in of the imagination to transform into the figure of George Washington in a recumbent positio

Island, in the West Indies, is an isolated block of basaltic rock, many feet in height, bearing a marked li

rider about to plunge into the surf, fifteen hundred feet below. This gigantic illusion, to the fanciful

colossal head, covered by a stunted growth looking not unlike a cap with frills. Be

ornish point are seen the Great Lions, and lower down the shore the Armed K

ho uprears his gigantic form amid a sea of cliffs and rugged heights, in t

thy anxious

hung from the m

n that bare, sha

ous shape burs

ce-neck, chin, mou

its soil. In the grave, philosophical outlines is traced a resemblance to Franklin's countenance. A

n layer of water flowing over a sharp ledge worn and fretted by the continual wear of the current for ages, rock and spray together making up the illusion, is to be seen the fairy-like fo

eloved of the Great Spirit; but herself falling in love with a


cribe them. They consist of a series of curiously shaped natural monuments, which have been formed from sandstone rock solel

elements has been in progress. There are perhaps a hundred of the peculiar f

rkable freak of Nature, partaking som

and on end. They are some of the more marked of the numerous evid

an acre of ground, standing up on edge, 330 feet high, and you w



rimitive times played a very important part in the economy of early housekeeping. Matches were not then invented. Flint, steel and tow were the only means of lighting a fire or a lamp. Imagine for a moment the Bridget of to-day thus engaged, with the thermometer ten degrees below zero in




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and the num

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dn't buy much

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a sheet of p

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to heaven d

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his is what

y name is Mam

darling pa

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poor, and I

you will se

will send mam

g that's wa

our, some loa

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y dear mamma s

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Lord, if chic

also, if

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Lord, pray don

little do

dear mamma, an

t to heave

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ill think m

posted, the let

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was to assor

rom the won

dear Lord?" said

said another,

then!"-tossing t

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very few te

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with a nod

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old man s

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quite out of

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to Mamie

n Heaven." What

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heaven read: "

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s well as yo


m now till the

ll no more

ed down in that

-oh, gracious

hat letter to

and many

ew papa-who kno


out for T

H. S

, and be ready for Pylant's oranges. Suppose the old

t in its place. "I'm willing to work out a five-acre lot, but don't want any towns. Say, Dave, what do you think of the part

at section, and if we didn't have a good job here, I'd be for joining them. I begin t

while we've got a week's rations of bacon and hominy

o be the central dish at almost every meal, and

ocks since leaving their Western home, b

r, had come South to better his prospects, and with

called, he had fallen in with Tom Byrne, an India

nfrequently "tramping it," they had reached their p

"papertown" proprietor to clear five a

lmetto roots, and not only were the trees to be cle

week would complete the job. On the first, their employer was to commence

d, the boys were rugged and hearty, and th

stumps. Here and there one was dying out, and new fuel had to be piled around it. As one

with soot, and looking more like negroes than white folks, the boys darted around, shouting glee

ix-by-ten shanty, where they kept their belongings and occasionally slept. More fr

r rest, but they very soon got accustomed to it, and also to the startling challenge of

of surveyors stopped at their shanty to get a drink of wat

ept it, and five minutes were sufficient to put their

ination, and as soon as they had partaken of a l

ut as a rule had taken little interest in them. They were usually ventures

ng chain, and very soon became inter

ly narrowing into a strip six or seven hundred yards wide and runni



men, and that they were endeavoring to buy at nominal figures all the choice lan

e future of this hillside could bear no comparison with the other paper towns they had seen. A number of ver

then in almost a bee-line toward Palatka. Ten years from now, and this hillside for forty miles will be a succession of orange groves. Near the depot we shall have a limited number of business lots, while the balance of the land will be surveyed into

s that point jutting into the la

eatured man of middle age, whom

when we came out, and should we go back now and value their land, they will put on four prices. Our policy is to go back as though we were disappointed in the land, and by the time we return next week they

will be worth as many h

sly, and wondered how they would feel if

to five-the boys were paid fifteen dollars, and told they would

e set to work to prepare a supper suitable for such an occasion. Fried quail (which they had snared), orange slump, pineapple shortcake, baked beans and a pot of steaming

e boys went to

rand. "I saw last week it was most done. Reckon you'll want a little money and t

lant, we'd rather have the

n one year there'll be a city on that land, and you'll be rich.

"We intend to get some land when we can, but we mus

ot near the village for two hundre

nt cheaper land, and are willing

would have to pay out money. "How far would you be willin' t

if the land is go

ou," cried Pylant, his face brightening;

w f

t hes

at length said, slowly; "but it's

ce from town," said Dave, dubi

ant lowered the figures he had ment

an acre. I reckoned on sellin' to the party here last week, and I 'lowed t

gh hesitating, "I reckon we'll tak

aring the boys might change their mind. "

nd Tom were the owners of

d in the orange grove and added anoth

le, and they now had nearly

aps, weeks of idleness before them, if they remained where th

and with these, and with a miscellaneous collection

o their backs in the most convenient manner

and looking up the stubs which marked

s free from palmetto, and consequently much easier to clea

they had heard nothing

boys were already calculating how many

he roots of a lofty pine, preparatory to setti

What are you

to meet the keen

ew purchase," answ

ewd face broaden

I saw Pylant yesterday, and was told that you had the land. The old man was nearly c

ave. "Our twenty acres wouldn't make much differenc

is friends laugh

. It will come sooner than you expect, perhaps. But we shall want your services fo

he streets and blocks of the new town; a sawmill was quickly under way; buildings went up

ew arrivals, seeking work; and soon hundreds of axes could be heard on the hillside, cle

d odd moments in burning the trees and stumps on their land. By the first

three hundred and fifty budded trees. They took especial pains in setting the

t of what they had laid aside; but when they looked at th

railroad was built, and its advent mad

ut invariably declined to consider them. As the depot had been

oved ten acres, and after a short consultation, decided to accept it. Dave had not seen his people for nearly two

father was, he was greatly surprised at the thriftless look of everything. A man was hobbling acros

oken leg and the long, hard winter following it, with no on

my boy," said his fa

spect of things. The bills were paid;

turn with him and spend the winter in Florida, and give that g

ry began





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