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Marjorie's Busy Days


Word Count: 2623    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

aid her father, "You sigh as i

easant living-room one ev

g, and Kitty was idly playing with the kitten, while Marjorie, her head bent ove

pelling lesson. I just can't learn

ring me your book, and l

ide, and, big girl though she was, perched her

d with an e, and 'indelible' with an

aid Mr. Maynard, "but, since they didn't, we'll hav

I'll never use anyway. Why would I want to use 'harassed'

led at the trou

ation to learn to spell them. Come, now, I'll help you, and we'll


that it was a Frenchman named Daguerre who invented the proces

ever forget that. 'Macaron


put two c's or two r

le letter in it, and then spell it just as it sounds. Why, macaroni

t so easy. Of course I'

each word of special interest, and so fixed it in Marjorie's memory. At the end of a h

there's to be a spelling-match on Friday, between our class and Miss Bates' class, an

l change all that. You and I will attack Mr. Spell

r it's only some few of those catchy words that I can't

r father had a spelling-class of thei

the lessons. Marjorie brought home her schoolbooks on Thursday, and left them in the house while sh

said Marjorie, looking admiring

ing. There's a very nice dinner prepared for you children, and you must have a good time by

g, too?" cried

ou may fasten my g

er to help me wi

room. "And I'm sorry I have to be away to-night. But I'll tell

morrow af

then hop up early to-morrow morning. You and I will have an early breakfast, at about seven o'clock. Then from

o study alone to-night, and then you can help me a lot to-morr

I leave here by half-past eight that will do nicely,

ing the three children to dine by themselves. The meal was a merry o

f in her mother's place. "These dishes are all gold,

and Midge proceeded to eat it with an exaggerated ai

ian chief, and I'm eating wild boar steak, wh

iding from my pursuers, so I go around in pla

to be dining at one

l came separately, and just chanced to sit at

home is in the sunny climes of Italy, and I'm travelling ab

e. My tomahawk is in my belt, and whoever of

; "I pray you be not so fierce o

with her whole soul. The others would sometimes drop back into their eve

liant. "Have no fear of me. Should aught bet

ie. "Can you champion u

t this is a peaceful hostelr

ak out apace. Might I enqu

ly about, "I am, of a truth, the Queen of-of Macedonia. But dis

they tor

. But tell of yourself, Princes

s. Cavalrymen and infantry attend my way,

d," said King, in admira

proached her with a dish of pudding. "This damsel! S

children, Sarah couldn't entirely rep

itty," she said, "an' do

. "She knows me not! 'K

the meal, for the Maynards ne

ast rose from the table. "Father said I might go down to G

'm going to study my spelling.

om. Nannie is going to tell

rom it. To her dismay it was not there! The book which she had mistakenly brought for her speller

elling-match was to be the next day, and how

gan to plan what she

choolhouse after the missing book. If King had been at home she w

ndered if she couldn't get up even earlier still, and go to the schoolhouse for the book be

uld lose her evening's study, she determined to go t

and I'll leave it on her dressing-table. Then, when she hears me prow

active, but suddenly Marjorie thought that she might not

," she pondered. "I've a good notion to go for that key to-night. Then I can go t

dark, for, though the streets were lighted, th

evening, but this was such an exceptional occasi

off on his own errand, and she knew that when he returned he woul

blocks away, and she could run d

at if she told Nurse Nannie or Kitty of her errand, they would raise objections, so she determined to steal off alone. "And th

elt a thrill of excitement as she walked down the da

the doorbell. Mr. Cobb was not at home, but when Mrs. Co

. So you're goin' over to the school at sun-up! Well, well, you've got spunk, haven't you, now? And don't bother to bring 't back. Mr. Cobb, he can stop at your house for

only trouble is that will awaken my sister, too. But I 'spect she'll go right

now and get to bed early. Are you a

blocks, and I'll run all the way. I'

. I'm glad to accommo

Marjorie, and in another momen

blocks away, and Marjorie was thinking how she would run over there the next morning. And then a crazy thought jumped into her brain. W

use, alone, and in utter darkness, gave he

street lights will shine in some, anyway. Pooh, I guess I wouldn't be very brave if I was afraid of nothing! And

hen she turned away from her home and toward

rjorie Maynard! There's nothing to hurt you, and if you

f bravery, Marjorie sta

d a little, but a dogged determi

herself. "I'm not doing anything wrong, and there's no reas

jorie lived, and she passed several vacant lots. This made it seem more lonely,

ping the key, and roundly sco

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