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Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot


Word Count: 1944    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

be supposed to evince some surprise at finding the bag of pearls, but his amazement went

is voice, staring strangely at Matt over the side

ents of the bag. "There are twenty of them, Carl,

ck you slap-sited? Bearls! Und vat vas dot t'ing I findt me in

lly in his pocket. "This is a big thing we're up against, and we've got to handle it right. Make the

re the man had been found, picked up his automobile-cap and gave a hasty look around for anyth

rl," suggested Matt, "and keep the

shpeak mit you aboudt vat has habbened mit me. I don'd

ound and crawled into the front seat, he loo

, Carl," said he, throwing in the cl

leaning over the back of the seat and pushing

, and Matt read them almost at a glance.

oose and meet us as per let

s," that sent an electric s

rom?" he asked, keeping h

h, so. Ven I knocked py his room in der morning, I don'd ged no answer. I knock some more, und den I findt me der door vas oben, und I valk in mit meinseluf. No Pringle. N

ou and Pringl


you doing i

py San Francisco, vere ve blay a circuit in vaudeville. Aber Pringle he pull out mit himseluf, und I vas left in some lurches. I go on py Ash Fork, and t'ink meppy Pringle come up from Ph?nix, so I vait py Ash Fork. Vell, he leaf me doo shirts und dree pairs oof socks, und vile I peen in Ash Fork va

that question. The

e to Pringle, Carl, and

at I haf. He vas a pad egg, you bed you. Oof I ketch hi

ay not have meant that these pear

idt dose t'ings vas bearls, und I recollectioned vat vas saidt in der note about bearls. Mep

e. How is t

r same lik

and they had taken the turn in the road and wer

w up in front of it. Some loungers on the sidewalk, observing the unconsci

"We found this car running away and picked up

estion. Some of the bystanders helped remove the man from the tonneau an

; "don't tell any of these people what we've found.

e as you t'ink, Matt. Ve ought to ged a rake-off on d

's office, and the room was cleared of all the morbidly cu

he blood-stained bandage, kept up a

en stopped, just where the man had been found, whether he

att was glad that none of the doctor's re

head has been grazed by a bullet. A tight squeak, but i


ing him around in a jiffy, and then he

and to put on a fresh bandage. Then, holding up

hain and the good clothes. "But what does a wealthy man want to be pound

start and opened his eyes. For an instant he stared blankly into the fa

u're weak, yet. Wait till you get a little

f the stimulant, and seemed to

come here

had been stopped, and how he and Carl had gone back alon

ring Matt's explanations the

he to Matt finally, "you m


answered, "and they had me give demonstrations. I

m arose in t

he 'Red Flier,' and the chauffeur was taken sick at the Needles. Am expecting to pick up a friend in Flagstaff. The friend is waiting there for me, and I though

fired at me, and one of their bullets grazed my head. I was stunned for a moment, but managed to keep my senses and hold the automobile in the road. Had an idea that I could get to Ash

me bushes where I could be out of the hot sun. After that

doctor excused himself for a moment and went out,

y. Thrusting a hand into his pocket, he withdrew it with a cr

g of a bag, a little gree

from his pocket an

oat as we were lifting yo

lief went up

ns?" he queried, opening th

Matt, "twenty

ere all in the bag, Tomlinson clos

in a guarded tone. "You boys are honest, and will be rewa

ame in with a roughly dressed individua

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