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Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot


Word Count: 1771    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

water-tank and strain a full supply of gasoline into the fuel-chamber. The car was then backed into an unuse

himself down-stairs. His me

ere eating, but Matt had very little to say

asmuch as the Red Flier was to make an early start for Flagstaff, the foll

door, he drew up a chair close to Carl's and began telling him, in a

"dere iss unterhandt vork

"I don't know where Tomlinson's roo

t'ing aboudt dot?" whisp

n't belong to him, and I'm going to read it and see what it has to say. If i

. "It's funny dot you

I had better do. If James Trymore is a Denver crook, I can't

Carl, shaking his head ominously. "Vell, let's se

ort, but its cont

on me. Will cut loose from Wienerwurst to-night, check trunk through to the Ne


dot's der feller vat run avay und took all vat

ind, "was written in answer to the one you found on the floor

re und Pringle put oop some chobs to rop Domlinson oof dose bearls, und Domlinson vas doo sharp for dem. He sailed avay from der roppers und d

tt could, and he began to open up a line

stop, when the robbers commanded him to, but hit it up and sailed away from them. Now, if Trymore had that letter, and if he an

his fingers through his hair. "I nefer vas mooch oof a

st have been mixed up

haf nodding to do mit fellers like Drymore und Pringle. Pesides, Domlinson h

Maybe this fellow who calls himself Tomlinson isn't the real Tomlin

al feller, und dot he lifs in Tenver, und d

. If Tomlinson is a jeweler, he might naturally be on the lookout for pearls. Trymore may have found out he had that fortune in black pearls, and have put up a deal to get ho

sp. His brain was whirling with the

tell der deputy sheriff, und make some misdakes, den you lose your chob, und ve bot' lose a shance

letter under the mat. If we find that he did it, then we'll know he must be one of the robb

u do do

oes after it. If Tomlinson is mixed up in this business, he'll be thinking about it, and he'll know that letter

der ledder down und put him vere he come from-aber vait schust a lee

is hand, Carl ran his fin

erwurst'," read Carl. "Vat

Carl was as good as a

s that he'll cut loose from yo

e ain'd so mooch himseluf. Den look, vat I see again. 'Vill check trunk drough to der Needles.' He means py dot, meppy, dot der tru

letter away fro

dle pitzness mit me, und you

r and let themselves out into the hall. Making as little noise as possible, they descended to the

everything was gloomy and sile

suggested Carl, following Matt into the blank

is, and a light might give us away. You stand in the door, Carl, and I'll p

s to come vile ve vas here, den ve

gh the gloom and came to the front of the machine. With one hand sliding over the bonne

h the letter in his hand, a pencil of light leaped

denly, he whirled hi

es were blinded, and

him and grab that letter!" The next instant a fist leaped out of the gloom

lder, and he toppled backward. At the same m

"vat vas going on, anyvay? Who you

r. While Carl was talking, some one ran into

down, two men

down. Some one else was coming, and h

uffed savagely. "I go

ed voice. "Take after those two m

and withdr

So many t'ings vas habbening, all in a pu

hed away in the dir

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