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Nero, the Circus Lion: His Many Adventures


Word Count: 1863    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s he felt himself falling into the spring of water, w

he spring was deep-and Nero had to think of getting out. So he splashed and scrambled his way to shore, clawing and spluttering and half choking,

to shore, a very wet and bedraggled lion boy indeed. On the shore

ggy, tawny-yellow coat. "I'll fix you for that! Fun is all right, but you know I don't like jumping into the water,

paw to push Nero away if the younger lion cub sh

led Nero. "You pushe

d drink, when I heard a noise, and I looked up and saw yo

iercely for a little lion boy. "Who did? If I find o

tchie quickly. "They won't come near

ay I couldn't drink on his edge of the spring, and th

ng came something which, at first, looked like a log of wood. It w

ro, in surprise. "Are you a

codile!" cried Switchie. "I forgot a

uth with many sharp teeth in it, the little lion boy ran after Swit

ke a log floating in the water?" asked Nero, when he an

if they get hold of your soft and tender nose, when you are drinking at the pool, th

't know about them before. Was it the c

an knock you into the water with their tail, and then they bite you. I didn't know there were crocodiles at our spring, o


at he had t

od open a



" said Nero. "My side is sore whe

," growled Switchie. "That was a mean crocodile! We had just as

But he was stronger than I, and so

s of the jungle, that it is the strongest a

othing except the men hunters. And the lions, when the elephants are not near, are the real king

he crocodile was not afraid of them. And, being big and strong, he just knocked Nero

little way further through the jungle and back from the

m going home and lie down in the cave. My side h

Play tag!" b

Nero. "I'm

s mother saw him, wet and muddy

ppened to you? Did y

answered Nero. "But

aid Mrs. Lion. "I knew something would happen if you played with that

the water," explained Nero.

happened. But I'm sorry your side is hurt. Go into the cave and lie down. I'll bring you a nice piece of goat m

" promis

elt very comfortable to his sore side. And the goat's meat, which lions eat when

Chet and his sister Boo wer

ischief!" exclaimed Boo. "T

n his story was ende

I had, I'd have scratched t

tails, much harder and thicker than our skin, and even that of an elephant. You can't hurt a crocodile by scratching his back. The only way to hurt

, and Boo and Chet

the lion boy lay in the cave. "You are growing large and


le, your mother and I hunted the goats and other animals that we have to eat. But now yo

n to hunt, to

Boo wante

jungle is full of danger, and I can teach only one of you at a time how to be c

cave for a day or two, until his side, where the crocodile

ossed into the spring, he noticed his fathe

that for?" Nero

Mrs. Lion. "I heard him say something about taking you

bits of bark fly as he pulled it from a tree in

in the big African forest, as the thick trees shut

oing to have

away," said Mr. Lion. "You are go

the little lion boy, who was grow

the time I have long waited for-to teach you to hunt in the jungle. Your mother and Chet and Boo are going to have supper with Switchi

ther say this. The lion cub felt brave and strong, a

there came a distant sound as if of thunder. There was a

sked Nero, looki


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