Six Thousand Country Churches
and persons assisted in collecting the data here given. Lists of churches were obtained from correspondents in every township in Ohio, and township maps were sent to them for ma
including country church maps of twelve counties and many data for s
ownship associations supplied needed information. Miss Clara E. Clemmer, Secretary of the County Association, gathered nearly all the data for Prebl
desired information themselves, or supplied the names of others
United States Geological Survey gave the locations of certain churches. The Year Books of the various denominational bodies were in con
thus been collected in nearly every township, while at country church institutes and conferences in various parts of the State, many facts were secured from the discussions on rural church conditions.
the future, still other churches should be found which are not on the maps, the number of them will be insignificant. Their discovery will doubtless in no
tion for rural church betterment, as well as in the survey, the Ohio State Un
ion and the Association are deeply grate