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From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon


Chapter 1 The Gun Club

Word Count: 1820    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

Baltimore in the State of Maryland. It is well known with what energy the taste for milit

ever passed the School of Instruction at West Point; nevertheless; they quickly rivaled their compeers of the o

s, but that they exhibited unheard-of dimensions, and consequently attained hitherto unheard-of ranges. In point of grazing, plunging, oblique, or enfilading, or point-blank firing, th

aphysicians — by right of birth. Nothing is more natural, therefore, than to perceive them applying their audacious ingenuity to the science of gunnery.

and the office is ready for work; five, they convene a general meeting, and the club is fully constituted. So things were managed in Baltimore. The inventor of a new cannon associated him

(more or less) perfected a cannon; or, in default of a cannon, at least a firearm of some description. It may, however, be mentioned that mere invent

entific exponents of the Gun Club, was “proportional to the masses of their guns, a

s attained colossal proportions, and their projectiles, exceeding the prescribed limits, unfortunately occasionally cut in t

e, from those who were just making their debut in the profession of arms up to those who had grown old in the gun-carriage. Many had found their rest on the field of battle whose names figured in the “Book of Honor” of the Gun Club; and of those who made good their return the greater proportion bore the marks of their i

e little facts, and felt justly proud when the despatches of a battle retur

s were muzzled for an indefinite period, the cannon, with muzzles depressed, were returned into the arsenal, the shot were repiled, all bloody reminiscences were effaced; the

Still in default of practical experience what was the value of mere theories? Consequently, the clubrooms became deserted, the servants dozed in the antechambers, the newspapers grew mouldy on the tables, sounds of sno

the fireplace of the smoking-room; “nothing to do! nothing to look forward to! what a loathsom

one hastened to try it in the face of the enemy! Then one returned to camp with a word of encouragement from Sherman or a friendly shake of the hand from McClellan.

on the horizon! and that too at such a critical period in the progress of the science of artillery! Yes, gentlemen! I who address you have

rily to a former invention of the Hon. J. T. Maston, by which, at its firs

d? It’s mere waste of time! The New World seems to have made up its mind to live in peace; and our bellic

, “they are always struggling in Europe to


for enterprise down there; and if

eamed Bilsby; “work at gunnery

han doing nothing here,

son; “but still we need no

?” demanded

t. Those fellows believe that one can’t become a general without having served first as an ensi

the arms of his easy chair; “but if that be the case there, all

e ranges of projectiles? Shall the air never again be lighted with the glare of our guns? No international difficulty ever arise to enable us to declare war agai

kely to happen; and even if it did, we should not profit by it. Americ

we don’t fight. We save up our arms and legs for the benefit of nations who don’t know what to do with them! But

d Tom Hunter, stampin

on, “why should not England in h

t and fair,” returne

f the United States,” cried J. T. Mas

he four teeth which the war had

on, “he mustn’t count on my

ed unanimously all t

ortunity to try my new mortars on a real field of battle, I shall say good-by to

ill accompany you,

threatened with approaching dissolution, when an unexpected

y member of the association received a sea

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un Club has the honor

of the 5th instant,

an extremely interesti

y will make it conv

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