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The Chestermarke Instinct


Word Count: 2241    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

after opening the plate-chest, followed the new-comer in

id, as if accounting for the uncere

her, entered the arena of discussion a

e down from London to meet my uncle, and to go on with him to Scotland for a holiday, and I learn that he's disapp

nder this tornado of questions, motioned Joseph to place a chair for th

the fainting-to-order type of young woman. Just say what i

, with one of his peculiar smile

ppened there will be something for me to do, and it's foolish to sit down when one's go


our of addressi

ce," replied the young lady impatiently. "Mrs. Carswell has told you that already. Besides-you saw me, more t

eplied Gabriel suddenly, and losing hi

y is," repeated Joseph, in his suavest

him. It was a look which began with a swift speculation and ended in somethin

erence-if we knew!" he murmured.

shed her reflecti

u're Joseph Chestermarke. Now I will sit d

care to mention, disappeared on Saturday evening, and nobody knows where he is, nor whither he went. All we know is that we find some of our property missing-valuable securities. A

briel had finished, and Neale, silently watching her from the background, saw her fingers clen

ncle is a-thief?" she demande

Earl. "I-I-so far as I'm concer

ly. "But-you, Mr. Chestermarke?

of being a confirmed woman-hater, and it was plain that he w

y of much common sense!

well-to-do man! And if he wanted money, he'd only to come to me. It so happens that I'm one of the wealthiest young women in England. If my uncle had wanted a few thousands or tens of thousands to play ducks and drakes with, he'd only to ring me up on the tele

ace twitched a little,

I daresay they have their own way of looking at things-and of expressin

ly to develop into a passage-at-arms. "We're forgetting the suggestion made just bef

turned eagerl

"Do tell me? I'm sure you agree with

r and was staring out of the window, "suggests that Horbury may have met with an a

. She turned an indignant look on

ything to find my uncle?" she exclaimed with fiery e

ance until ten o'clock this morni

hours!" she said. "Has nothing been do

swered Gabriel. "It

ne step to the door

hink! Thank you, Lord Ellersdeane-and the other gentleman-for the suggestion. N

d the door, and Gabriel Cheste

police until-well, at any rate, tomorrow. We really do not know to what extent we are-but t

ink it's the best thing to do? To tell you the truth, considering


mine the contents of our strong room. We had been so occupied five hours when your lordship called. Do you think we could examine everything in five hours? No-nor in ten, nor in twenty! Our task is not one quarter complete! And why we don't wish publicity at once in here-we hold a vast number of securities and valuables belonging to customers. Title-deeds, mortgages-all sorts of things. We have valuables deposited with us. Up to now we don't know what is safe and what isn't. We do know this-certain securities of our own, easily convertible on the mar

s with an evident desire to comprehen

u that we only got home night before last-early on Saturday evening, as a matter of fact. Now, it was known in the town here that we'd returned-we drove through the Market-Place. Mayn't it be that Horbury saw us, or he

s might-and will-be raised, my

o carried our missing securities in his pocket?" asked Jos

wild-there's Ellersdeane Hollow, you know-a queer place on a dark night. And if a man took a short cut-as many people d

rdship propose to

uiry should be set goi

h drily. "Miss Fosdyke has bee

d be done by us,

ne to Superintendent Polke? Your duty will be to give him the mere information that Mr. Horbury left his house at a quarter to eight on Saturday evening and has not been he

They crossed the Market-Place in silence, but as they turned the corner of the Moot Ha

of all that, Mr. Neale!"

glanced at the E

t believe-?" he began

I can't account for those missing securities they talk about, but I'll stake my honour that Horbury hasn't

-Miss Fosdyke-from L

er wealth," rem

wealthy, too. She's the sole p

name on no end of public-houses in London. Sole proprietor? Dear me!-why, I have some

osdyke is their only child. Mr. Fosdyke died a few years ago, a

and up-to-date young lady, too: I liked the way she stood up to your principals. Of course

red that question

swered. "We want the solution of a problem: wh

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