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The Chestermarke Instinct


Word Count: 2454    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

one of the two men, and he hastened his steps a little as he and

table from Ellersdeane. The other man looks like

steps, and came slowly in Neale's direction

of anything about Mr. Horbury?" suggested

, then, there's not much chance of hearing anything hereabouts. The others have gone round asking at houses, and such-like-to find out if he was seen to pass anywhere. Of course, his lordship was figuring on the cha

ned to th

aturday night?" he asked. "You've a good

ome this way-this isn't our land. Our beats lie the other way-t'

term common land ever since anybody can remember. This here Mr. Horbury that's missing-your governor, sir-I once met him out here, and had a bit of talk with him, and he told me that it isn't even known who worked them old lead-mines down there, nor who has

ancing at the fire, whose flames

sy, the folks call him. He's come here for many a year, at odd times. Camps out with his pony and cart, and goes round the villages

ded the gamekeeper. "Only he takes good c

ny inquiry of hi

n about here at nights, when he is here. But I don't know how long he's been camping th

there and speak t

eeper depression fringed about by a natural palisading of hawthorn. And as they drew near and could see into the dingle-like recess

Creasy!" he remarked. "And good

the visitors appeared; they also lighted up the tinker's cart in the background, the browsing pony close by, the implements of the tinner's trade strewn around on the grass. It was an alluring picture of vagabond life, and

"Here again, what? I thought we should be seeing

ady was of the party, rose and touched the edge of his fur cap to Be

ay," he answer

policeman. "Ah! that's a pity, now.

quizzical eye on the

terday?" he retorted. "You're the sort of chap that want

t and rubbed the top of his head

d it's thought he came out this way after dark, Saturday night, and s

miles of 'em," said Crea

bank manager," ans

etty. "I've talked to him a hundred-and-one times on this waste. So

sked Bett

ficantly. "He knew every inch of this Hollow. Some folks, now, might take a header int

eman. "There's a search being made, all rou

Neale and

e," he answered, "and foxes, and weasels, and stoat

udibly. He and the keeper moved away and talke

" he said. "If so be as you see our super, Mr. Ne

fferent path; at the top of a rise in

r!" he


d aught," said the policem

lancing at Neale and Betty, who still lingered, he let fall a muttered whisper under

er its tilt, evidently felt for and found something, and came back, glanc

pers and policemen as their natural enemies. They'd both of 'em turn me out o' this if they could!-only they know they can't. For

omething you can

rday!" exclaimed Betty

yon man asked, anyway-I told him the truth about all that. But-you say Mr. Horbury's missing, a

e glare of the firelight showed them, lying acros

etters engraved on the silver band-'J. H. from B. F.' 'J. H.' now?

took the pipe in her hand. She turne

aid. "Of course I know it! Where did you find it?" sh

wits sharpened and my eyes open. Point out to Polke, and notice yourself-that whenever that pipe was dropped it was being smoked! The tobacco's caked at the surface-just as it would be if the pipe had been laid down at the very time the tobacco was burning well-if you're a smoker you'll know what

t!" exclaimed Betty. "But-won't you show

nd slightly tilted the lid. Then he signed to them to go

u see, miss. But it won't take a minute to show you where I found the pipe. Now-what's the idea, sir," he wen

et off in this direction, and there's a probability that he crossed over her

ldn't happen anything by accident in an ordinary way

ave been," r

ught valuable on him, surely-tha

admitted Neale. "I

of the promontory, at a point where a mass of rock rose sheer

ught the gleam of the silver band. Now what should Mr. Horbury be doing down here? The path, you see, is a good

e rocks and said nothing. And Creasy pre

from the top there, he got too near the edge and something gave way," he said, "there's about as good m

lead-mines?" m

fenced in-most isn't. Some of their mouths are grown over with bramble and bracken. And all of 'em are of tremendous depth. A man could be thrown down one

niece, and I'm offering a reward for news of him. Will you ke

s fire, while Neale and Betty turned away towards the town. Neither spoke until

ng of that pipe shows h

t. But-I saw him with this pipe in his lips at t

police," said Betty. "We kno

y they were shown into the superintendent's dining-room, where Polke, hospitably intent, was mixing a drink for a stranger. The strange

ly. "Allow me-Detective-Sergeant Starmidge

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