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The Flaw in the Sapphire

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 9100    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ch had never seemed so contracted as now, to the Land of Nod was somewhat del

s of the most surprising horticultural experiments until, what with orchids as big as a barrel, and geraniums which could be reached

l lassitude which oppressed him as an indication of the arduous nature of

d worn on the occasion of his visit the evening before, since his remaining

of such indulgence

ces, what did a shir

d into paradise and receive tw

a robe of white I want." However, he compromised on a new

s proceeded to the dining-room and revived the spirit o

ion to mortgage providence by the bestowal of a gratuity moderat

that Dennis was under the influence of a danseuse, and the proportions of the br

nis paused to inform the bar

s decoction, said, as he poured an amber-colored fluid into the glass: "This wan is fur grief at the goin', an' th

membering his recent exper

win' wan's sintimints." Then, reaching for the glass, he added: "I'll do th' honors fur th' two av us"; and with the singular tendency, so often noted under such circum

lishment of his employer,

informing the foreman o

ed in the performance of this disagreeable duty, but

, was to be less embarras

was about to ta

engaged in an animated conversation with a young man whose prevailing expression was so penitential

ent with which the young fellow surveyed him from head to foo

f Dennis, to be calculating his chanc

at the foreman had s

e latter with an expression in w

his employer stepped aside

stated his case he exclaimed: "Shure, now, it's an aisy way out av a bad muss, so it is. Here, Phil!" he shouted, turning to the young fellow in the background, w

disappeared and was replaced by an expression which indicated tha

f his debauch st

s lips dry and tremulous, and the hand w

t's well over"; and addressing the one h

ked his as

signation. He felt that he presented an absurd appearance, an

Dennis, who followed him into his of

over everything right

av promises; an' you have no children an' he has, an-oh, the divil!" cried the foreman, weary of the series of explan

s, "you mean that I

out th' si

at this injustice, "I tried to be

rview; "there's no use talking about it, it's got to be done"; and turning to a d

burly porter fill

ption, as he hastened, with unnecessary and suspicio

in vain for the return of the foreman, and that,

bjected to some rugged experiences, but could not

ll his cal

realities of the present and the blissfu

repentant prodigal, his needlessly elaborat

t the cheap amusement

wdry invitations s

estion of riotous expenditure to destitution, the poo

ly elaborated with a whitewash brush and finished in the thr

libidinous suggestions in placards, which prop

shoddy jewels presented the chance o

t, and faced the unpleasant prospect of th

ly in preoccupied interest, as if all that was vital and worthy was to be found at either

four one-dollar bills and abou

each night in advance for his lodgings, a

for his meals, unless he developed a mania for Delmonico's, and for his ca

up the street, and looking in that direction he beheld a glittering engine, drawn by

othing more to do apparently than to attend fires and scramble with a morbid cur

suddenly he became aware of a desperate clutch at his hand, heard the rattle of scattering change

ss. He was as abandoned as the unfortunate marooned by rushing w

d and prepared to give chase to the thief, a score of other men and boys

he fire vanished and was replaced

slumber, and since this deity never gets up before n

hat d

ew moments since only a few

t was the Third National

sed him; but there was not enough of th

ounted his


any rate, and dine on one

ed to cheer himself with this reflection, but the only

his brains for some homely sug

the echo of a groan; and through such ment

ld do nothing radical

st, at least, and that might

office he glanced

aged individual to trust him until

ited if he relat

prietor feel justified in calling upon the widow

ould n

the humiliation of

le encouragement from th

had scarcely the perfunctory sm

address that forbidding

eflections wer

waved a beckoni

rried to

laced in the young man's hand an envelope addres

emote portion of the office, Dennis hastily opened the envelope and withdrew a s



d it's a bad spot you have to hoe it in. I know New

and an extry five to come back with

d, my boy, and I'll

dull place without you. T

; I've got a business pr

ou're getting


nce was wide awake now, had made it

etter in his hand, gazing, with unseei

had not fully

d skip along the summit of beatitude the next w

was no longer a reality, that his prosperity might be equally immaterial, and in unaware cor

o the Olympus, and climbing the rear approach to that elevation, found himself seated shortly with the galle

went into abrupt decline, for seated in one of the boxes, her glass surveyin

Dennis crouche

self, to escape the radius of her vision, which was i

esent situation. The elevation was degrading

, and caused the distance from where he sat to

the least of hi

leman sat, solicitous

able to comfort himself with the discovery that his bewitching companion devoted more attention to the stage and the house than to her escort, still,

ive glances which the young Irish

reboding ove

longer diverted, and he would have be

oomy contemplation to incongruous orchestration, he hastened from the t

he slept, and scarcel

an automaton, and breakf

ngth of Broadway without volition. His mind was making the visit in advance

reality; by six-thirty he had assum

m parading the street opposite the conservatory, and at eight he arrived with a pro

ore than ever convinced, by the richness of her attire

sed entirely in black with the exception of some exq

Dennis could never have desc

h an entrancing swish and suggestion of femininity as she moved, and that it was adjus

ewildering eyes and bent the Cupid bow of her lips into a curve which sent an i

lad to

is made no d

resented unmistakable shades of deference, and to save himself furt

from these ingenuous acknowledgments as ever, fo

himself, so to speak, and real

tary self-revelations, "'shure, an' you would know

heartily at this

have kissed the blarn

saw you at the theater last night," and a palpable d

ow, regarding him curio

" replied Denn

e performance?" asked his

he eyes with the light of inspi

not s

nt, reddened slightly, and, rising, proceeded to the mu

ad the story,"

self to him on the day before, that this woman had not only two bosoms of his in her possession, but h

this observing wo

ll tell you by-and-by," and added

it?" sh

, "I would like to hea


sincerity that was unmistakable, "I

s, at least, at one moment the rippling of silver brooks, the trill of woodbirds, the sigh of zephyrs

sured him that the handcuffs were in place, "no

atz instructed Robert to pick up the rem

stared with savage intentness in the direction of the disk of light, from the re

ion in his futile attempt to discover by whom he was addressed in this tone of insolent aut

and partly from the tawny hue of his saturnine visage, added

an absurd travesty of penitential clasp, gripped each other in his consuming resentm

ly sound came from the derisive click and fall of the gold-pieces

s fellows a neighboring cl

business before morning"; and turning to the Sepoy he

ceeded to obey these instructions, and Robert, unaccustomed to such episodes as this, in which he was a contributing

ttracting further regard, and the balance of the boarders slept away in snoring oblivion and

rt with the relief he required by instructing him to hasten to his uncle and summon

vicinity, and the unabashed directness of th

h his luminous eyes upon the countenance of the detective,

bush, and it seemed scarcely possible that the sharp directions of a few moments since could iss

ration of this negative aspect, the Sep

pupils of his eyes reduced their staring diamet

at his companion h

not m

iation of meeting that old

ee how," re

ain by it?" as

n advance; possibly n

y," replied th

ive. "I am working out a theory; I n

credit you with being something of a physiognomist.

do?" que

e, I will oppose it with all the resolution and dexterity at

ed an exasperating s

acts to discover; I know that you have managed to secure three se

plied the other with curio

rupted by the sound of

on, "I will try to grant your request in part. Retire

e they cannot see you, but I will sit he

he bedchamber, seating himself accord

there was a kno

on of the detective Raike

ed, they awaited with intense curiosity

ed inquiry in the sordid countenance of Raikes, Gratz, in order to prevent the

nt you to speak I will question you"; and fastening his strang

ost four ba

ikes, despite his ins

ot interrupt. I said four-and here is the four

essly, and he stared at the b

ogical outcome of a cunningly established sequence," and the speaker sho

tend me

ings you have heard some

with gloomy

e introduced a startling episode-the


rative the first instalme


; you retired. In the morning you are prompted, with mor

kes in indorsement of

f one of the bags urges a nearer examination. You discover that this indicates a difference in the contents. You grasp it;

red Raikes with im

gs of the door, an inspection of the window, that no human

repetition of the histo

other gem to examine-an additiona


nhappy series of events occur, fol

his again?" in

ollow my instructions or you will conclude as badly as you have begun. Now," continued Gratz, "it is incredible to me that, with

stonished Raikes. "Wh

ion," rep

ossibilities were r

impossible door; the window equally out of the qu

ency unfeasible, we must look with

" interrup


Raikes, "u

Gratz; "there was an

into his original helplessness. The facts of his lo

conscious visits of his astounded hear

e had concluded, "I have been th

m of transmission, and through this weird conduit the story

ls? It strikes me that a scheme so clever as all this

condition of mind, having discharged the coin upon the floor of t

to preserve some manifestation of the law of equivalents. In other w

fested in contributing to your loss, you attempted

hat you were engaged in a transaction wher

contributed; and what was intended by the narrator as a consistency of detail, to be explained later

self by allowing you to contemplate

the two together, the stories, the brilliants, it is not difficult to see that you have rece

s sharply disturbed by an unexpected and

irectly at Raikes, "in this apartmen

apparently very much ast

u l

their feet, their eyes bulging

rway stood

in my absence, or, at least, what you supposed was my absence," and raising

ltered Raik

business. It ought to be a simple proceeding. You want three mi

beginning to withdraw into himself

ng to Gratz. "You had better consent," he added as he analyzed the hesitation of the startled Raikes, "or

rded Gratz

s course, so nodding to Raikes, he said: "Leave the matter to me; I will restore your coin to you in

the miser were quickly dissipated by a look from the Sepo

e again alone, "what have you to say to

yes directed upon the handcuffs. "I do not have to resort to your elaborate reasoning to

ey require no trope or metaphor

st listened to the deductions of an unusua

d his ackn

d, "when there is such a

versight on my part. Still, your constructi

admit that there is an exquisite balance maintained between my analysis and my synthesis

o me the favor of assuming that your comprehensive résumé of a few

and," repl

I will extend to you the courtesy of offe

height of affability, under t

cover his coin; on that point he will be fully satisfied. But there still remains the recognition of your services to

ed Gratz; "i

brilliants?" inquire

d Gratz; "I have se

hand in my right vest pocket and withdraw a sm

z ob

d the Sepoy, "p

een case flew open and revealed the superb sapphire which had

nk of that?" inq

g, its magnificent bulk, its unrivaled purity overwhelmed him. "I

if you do, you can assure yourself on that point. Now f

alue high," su

as never been able to purchase it. There is

uired Gratz as

emory," repli

memory!" rep

ndcuffs and forget th

e, who, either to conceal the flush that was gradually transforming his pallid face, or from his reluctance to remove hi

ng the struggl

nction; his forehead was moist with a profuse perspiration

exasperating negation of de

hipped again into the firing line, there shadowed in his expre

ctive, reinspired by his better nature

brace himself morally and physically as he leaned back

is mental tumult was lost, again restored the

breast, in order to give the detective easier access to the point des

ult to refuse, how might he resist the second, or, he added to himself

ect itself to the persuasions of the evil one for the ostensible purpose of combating them and the private determination to yield, Gratz extended a trembling hand to

ge of the pocket rim, a pair of tense, sinewy hands shot upward a

rise was

wildly, grasping at nothing, and the next

. The frightful grasp conce

rom their sockets. His grip relaxed from the wrists of his antagonist, and th

sed his horrible clutch upon the detective's throat, and, despite his manacle

ther, the length of chain which held the two handcuffs t


poy inserted it in the latch-hole of the left manacle; a qu

o repeat these operations on his

whistle from his lungs with

ost, and with the smile of a re-embodied

by some devilish impulse, if one might judge from the expression of his counten

xpected endorsement of a vague possibility, he was up

was rewarded with a small bottle

ssued, the Sepoy returned to the unfortunate Gratz, and wetting the tip of his handkerchief wit

mes, the Sepoy believed that he rema

a sheet of paper and directed a

inhalation of the strong odor,

lt was s

le attempt to turn the head; a

saw, placed his arms beneath the body and lifted it to a semi-reclinin

ing the unresisting arms of the unfortunate Gratz, bent them with c

next instant the manacles embra

permeated the atmosphere of the entire room, could attack the sensitive nasal membranes more

it upon the reclining chair, into which it

bottle resulted in the opening of the

edroom, threw aside the coverlets and

d this into several lengths, with which h

tunate man had finally relaxed, and into this ugly opening the Sepoy inserted a

the remaining lengths of linen, and hastening to the washstand grasped

ad not only fully returned, but that he was perfectly awar

lushed countenance, and the next instant it returned to its customary apathy, from which it

iently restored to receive a farewell suggestion or two. You will notice," he went on with evil emph

n your present predicament, I extended to you the

ity, since I see"-pointing to the gag which he had inserted in the mouth of the de

e you in

such a brilliant argument as this," and the Sepoy caused the sapphire

tion to the reprimand offered by your plight to your cu

had in reserve," and the Sepoy produced the small shagreen case with which Raikes had been on such questiona

If the sapphire was argument, this was certainly conviction. The moral barrier which could withstan

of such considerations, I will be compelled to discontinue my

hand pocket of his waistcoat, "I place the argument in this repository"; and treating the diamond in l

iment of belles-lettres, having such d

yed no emotion whatever, nor did his eyes lose one whit of their usual placidity as he beheld the Sepoy, with a sort of l

bag in the case, "I have left room for this. I anticipated its

nd now I offer you my sympathy f

ome exceedingly intelligent mental processes, and, believe me, I part with you with a feeling so near

. I salute you!" and the next instant the Sepoy had slipped through the doorway int

he street was the work of the next few moments, and with a grin o

n from either side of the stone balustrade stepped

ped back the shield of a small lantern he carried and di

fellow on the other side of the

rd; you may be all right and we may be al

d the Sepoy. "Who are you? By

with the lantern. "There's a man inside

e mind of the Sepoy. "Ah!" h

r; it will save a d

Sepoy to himself, "are the subor

d out from behind a mask of cl

e bribery of the contents of my traveling-case," and at the thought of the absurd discrepancy between his present predicament and the cynical altitudes of a short time sinc

d on the ground, when one of the men, remarking his moveme

ated the Sepoy,

nside and show us where you have left the chief

ged by no ceremonious hands,

he doors, the raging Sepoy had no difficulty in co

hort time before disported himself, so to speak, with such waspish reprisal, and delivered such a

two understrappers came to a standstill and l

ament; the means of its accomplishment must have been ama

l of his watchfulness awakened by what he saw, the other proceeded to u

he embarrassing dénouement, managed to maintain a fair degree of

y of these handcuffs

d to the table, found the object of his quest, and inserting it in th

these ornaments to that gentleman. Secure him preci

y this w

tective said: "Leave me with this gentleman

ultation in his manner, addressed the unhappy Sepoy, with an emphasis, however, wh

hat have y

s, with a glance that was subtle in its insinuation

y right waistcoat pocket, a


agination of the author and his overworked vocabulary, she looked up from the absurd vehicle of all this hectic style

e melodious intonations of the widow had seemed like the incongruous orchestration

rrative with a refinement which contrasted with its cru

glance to the rapid analysis of her intuition, with a satisfacti

he end?" a

t is th

at the words of the reply of the widow were suggestive of o

to me as though the auth

e has left the subject open so that the r

riddle!" excl

t splendid sapphire, that magnific

ng that might lead one to suppose that he was an indispensable element in the situa

widow with an inde

that I am right

you are right"; and as she considered the frank revelation of character in his reply and contrasted

at we have re

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