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The Flaw in the Sapphire

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4334    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e a sunset mocked by the adjacent horizon, with tantalizi

on, there is a degree of

d to restore the gem to its owner in th

idealism was n

om a vampire which had alread

ire exhau

was one which Raikes inflic

the bank and watched with greedy interest the impassive tellers handle immense sums

nteresting bases of speculation for the reflective magistrate, since, if, ac

this strange being, intended to harass his shriveled

s, affected him with the exasperation which disturbs the lover who discovers in the eyes of his sweeth

ld be transformed by the alchemy of int

their vivid vertig

t resolution, he hurried to a button in the

n swinging aside the entire iron framework beneath it,

unded by a combination lock, which, under Raikes'

elancholy deposit in the vault, Raikes placed the sapphire in this second recess, closed the combi

e finally succumbed can be so designated, came to him, the d

t, to make a ventriloquial request for a passage across the Styx; so that, in the morning, it was with genuine

oked at Raikes with a glance at onc

ght in callin

you have it back again. Your trust in human nature would be sublime were it

e of assuring you that it

y. I see, I see. Well, I would appreciate the courtesy more if I could indorse its incaution. However," he added abruptly, "why did you


ows, to make an impression, and sufficiently recent to be definite

to my room at ten o'clock to-nigh

resented himself at the hour appointed, and his singul

velations you may trust. Examine these facets with its help," and again the Sepoy placed the sapph

ontemplation of the gem, the Sepoy at last began with the same

rious apathy of the prince vanished and was replaced by a demeanor

terruption during the recital of the narrator,

s of the speaker, nor had he seen the

the moment to contemplate the bl

t in the box, he proceeded, with a degree of absent preoccupation, to the c

de of the merchant, or to speculate upon the insinuating suggestions of complicit

trusion of the dangerous alternativ

ed by the sapphire and f

l he resumed, with singular precision of memory, the words

is a time-honored custom for the suppliant to signalize h

ination pervaded th

re was a ro

in proportion to the valu

other point of association;

prince, a heaping handful of the precious stones you hold so dearly will be missi

on did not appeal to his cynical humor. There was menace in

e over the anomaly, although reassured somewhat as he reflected upon the cunni

forms of the British in other sections, and instructed by the unhappy comparisons, had

aled about his person in any emergency

stly collection, contenting himself, for the present, with intelligent calculations a

oid of its customary insolence, Prince Otondo dismissed these unfamiliar apprehen

lf sinister, half genial, illumined the gloom of his fine countenance. As if in obedie

ectant, lithe agility, through an opening in the wall concealed hitherto by silken hangings, and

a gong suspended from the ceiling and which

e woman, pathetically ugly and servile, appear

ageway just traversed by the prince, who, satisfied as to her departure, parted the curtain

of expectation than alarm or dejection, a young girl

curtains and an unwonted emphasis of tread, which avoided the rugs and sought the tesselated floor for this purpose, the supple figure s

gnity, the girl seemed to express a subtle majesty, in w

, she appeared to the enamored gaze of the

rs of the climate, of every fraction of superfluous flesh, appeared to

gth of lash usually associated with the sensuous, were saved from that susp

ntour of refinement and high breeding, and manifested a degree of the tensio

h drooped gracefully to catch up the folds in front, clung softly to her fig

nce and desire as he disengaged the clasped hands of the maiden and held them clos

ent companion, as the warmth of his impulse deepened the dusk of his co

reflecting, with exquisite duplication, a degree of the color which burned in the

nt grasp, and stood, for a space, with his arms folded, directing upon the tremblin

al placid utterance, 'have you reflected, Lal Lu, how f

out its effect upon the prince, although it sharpened to the refi

said, m

th ruthless, fervent abandon, caught the trembling Lal Lu in his

newy arms, but the next instant, transformed into an indignant goddess, struggled, with surprising strength,

ied with unmistakable candor and

t save wher

l body? What is the joy of such a conques

intentness, upon the beautiful girl, superb in her denunciation, enchantin

of her virtuous outburst in the glance which held her in its ardent fascination, for

I known of t

others have I

sent the ignoble assumption t

is as roya

will; unasked, if it

ke no sign

s a maiden may no

er subsequent explanations, had recovered his native dignity of carriage and ele

had but to ask, and w

has been m

orward thou art as safe with

rrupted the maiden; 'what

ly chagrined at the incautious introduction of this d

y safety; of him will I spe

. I stand before thee, thy

; and with an indescribably fascinating tribute of surr

ervor which pulsed so warmly through every fiber of her being, the beautiful Lal Lu looked upon

s he advanced toward the tremblin

exclaimed Lal Lu, exten

th equal frankness. Yea, Prince Otondo, I love thee indeed. I f

u, with all the exquisite charm of womanly capitulation, threw her dusky arms about his

sing herself, she stood before the prince,

thou equally generous and restore me to my father, a

this last suggestion, the prin

re on the morrow; rest thyself until then,' and fearfu

nd fixing upon her a glance so ardent that she almost followed him in its fascination, the prince withdrew from her

he alarming alternative proposed by the merchant

urned, a handful of my preci


ace will be a


astened to a recess in the wall, where, in response to a pressure applied to a spot known only to himself,

ostly heap, he withdrew a motley of diamonds, sapphires, rubies and opals,

eyes, and sent mimic lightnings hither and thither by communicating the tremble of his hands

compartment, and withdrawing the shagreen case from his sash, he discharged the magnificent sapphire it contained upon the ape

d familiar calculation, the prince closed the panel with the mien of Paris mak

eased its revel in his mind the prince found himself reclining upon his couch

nce that he had only retired to rise the moment after, so pro

had assumed the definition of their customary insistence, or the menace of a restrained remorse had reannounced itse

xt instant he found himself at the panel, r

the prince, after one searching glance, stood t

celess apex. To his starting eyes his treasure was not a whit diminished, but directly in front

climax in his recital, the even modu

somnolent monotone

glance not unlike that of the sapphire upon which the miser

t last. "Why do you pause at such

Sepoy. "If you care to continue, I will resu

I must, at least, congratulate you upon your observance of the pro

us, then, to h

r confronted with his loss-and I am to conjecture his attitude until to-morrow night. Very well, I bid you good evening," and Ra

will be found on Dickey Series B, which m

s announcement his he

e that he had not remarked, in his absorption, an

e when this abrupt conclusion, which he had come to expect at t

admire the calculating geni

conscience seemed to have decided to reside in the pit of hi


o the fire-escape se

dingy glass, had never appe

idence, but was happily unaware of the

is first

breath of fresh air, and th

bub. Why not? A little exercise would bring

ning the balance of his garments, he fitted his hat to his head

mark that the course pursued by him had the house of the publisher as

f his arrival, that Providence had directed his footsteps thither, and, with the species of courage that can come from such a basis, he proceeded to the rearway

foreman's range of vision as to be compelled to accept, with enforced urbanity, the vituperation of

a certain degree of sullen system, and the drays began to move a

bed countenance of the latter sof

n' it's th

ennis with solic

, "roll up yer sleeves; ye

ehouse, and the latter at once began his instructions as to the system of marking, and Dennis mastered its simple mysteries with a

r had put him under obligations by prolonging his debauch, and tha

, of the possible state of mind of the previous incumbent when he realized that his niche had been filled, and it did not add to h

is, and he trusted that his predecessor

n possession of his proportion of the week's pa

f the dickies, and was finally successful, after

quired situation, Dennis proposed t

singular recital on the dickey bac

reakfasted, and boarded an elevated train, which pre

ncy, he withdrew Series B from the wr

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