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The Lost Cabin Mine

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 3346    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

's Prophecy

and to "make a pile" is the predominating thought in men's minds there, with an intensity that is known in few other lands. I was pondering the story of the Lost Cabin Mine as I went, and in my own mind had come to the decision that Apache Kid and his comrade kne

, to cross which one had to wade knee-deep in sand, pack-horses were constantly coming and going and groaning teams arriving from the mountains. To add to the barbarous nature of the scene, now and again an Indian would go by, not with feathered head-dress as in former days, but with a gaudy kerchief bound about his head, tinsel glittering here and there about his half-savage, half-civilised garb, and a pennon of dust following the quick patter of his pony's hoofs. I walked the length of Baker Street and then turned, walking back again with a numb pain suddenly in my heart, for as I turned right about I saw the great, quiet hills far off, and beyond them the ineffable blue of

and rattling of chairs within, revealed to me a face very sorely pock-marked, as was easily seen with the lamplight streaming out on him from the bar. On

see the hills f

me Apache Kid and Donoghue and threw themselves into the chairs near me, Donoghue taking the one beside me which Canlan had just vacated. If Canlan thought a man a fool for choosing the rear instead of the front, he was evidently, nevertheless, content to be a fool himself, for after one or two peregrinations and expectorations he drew a chair to the front of the verandah an

sed me somewhat to hear the reply: "O! I was only saying 'with how sad ste

!" replied Lar

d, hearing this, remarked: "A

en only by the gurgling of the newcomer's pipe and Canlan's "spit, spit" which came quicker now. Men are prone in such times as these to sit and exc

untains that was just what you could call all there i

" said

expect you to believe them. You can see from the way they talk that they believe 'em themselves. But I don't see why a man should lose his reason in th

the darker green, where the trees that soared above their neighbours caught the light. "And there must

d Apache in

, in the mountain

o you think if this gentleman knew where to find

hat I knew of three of these men here I began to see w

now speaking for the first

Donoghue. "That would-a crazy thing-to s

ke. "You see, he might be waiting to s

been posted in the matter that afternoon, and suddenly I heard Donoghue say: "By God! he knows right enough, Apache," and a gleam of light flashed in my eyes. It was the barrel of a revolver, but not aimed at me. It was in Donoghue's hand, and pointed fairly at Canlan's head. With a sudden intake of my breath in horror I

Laughlin, coming out, no coward, as one might ima

er-necking at the door there for?

that gun?" chall

the cause of it, by betting my partner here he could n't snap a bat on

would have thought him really infuriated by the sugges

le, I guess," and away indoors he went among the throng, and I heard him cry out in reply to the

in time to see whose p

, "not even in

, with his little eyes looking very fierce and determined, remarked: "Well, gentlemen, I can't be havin

oncealed weapons the law is against, and

said: "Say, here 's the sheriff, boys," and at these words two men sprang from the verandah; the one was Donoghue, and Canla

roprietor, who was very civil and polite, but lied ferociously, sa

e Kid. "Allow me, sir," and walking up to Apache Kid he

er, had fled at the cry of "sheriff." He, I guessed, would no

t as the sheriff turned to ask Mr. Laughlin if he could not describe the man who had fired the shot. "I ain't been out on the verandah no

heriff, "and wh

said the Apac

him with narrowing eyes, "and the na

as drunk to-night before sunset, and I believe you 'll fi

ed, on stealing a glance at Mr. Laughlin, that a qu

a long, eye-to-eye scrutiny of Apache Kid, he said slowly: "You 'r

d his hand on my shoulder in a fatherly fashion, "I 've had my eye on you, as I have my eye on everybody, and I know you 're an honest enough lad and doing your best to get a start here. I ain't even blaming you for being in the middle of this, but you t

ened again. "For Heaven's sake, Apache," he said, "if you and Canlan both know where the Lost Cabin is, why c

"but remember I 'm not saying I know, suppose he

for I think between the pair of you he 's

had at first considered him. He looked pleased at the sheriff's words and bowe

" he said. "I 'll se

then, without another word,

ng--" he began, and then the Chinama

ee jobee woth ha

you nothing for bri

ile. "Mishadonah think y

dollar; but remember, if I find out

a slight look of perturbation, "

your bluff very long. However, here you are, here's ha

would have ensued in proving Larry guiltless had the attempt been consummated. "This man," said I to myself, "for all that likableness in his manner, the kindly sparkle of his eyes, and the smile on his lips, is no better than the hang-dog fellow he sought to shield-worse, indeed, for he has the bearing of one who has had a training of another order." And then I saw Mrs. Laughlin's red head and freckled face and lean, lissome form in the doorway. She was beckoning me to her, and when I made haste to see what she wanted with me she looked on me with much tenderness and said: "

be a mighty convenient thing to find. And in my dreams that night I wandered up hill and down dale seeking for the Lost Cabin and engaging in hand-to-hand conflicts with all three of these men, Canlan, Donoghue, and the Apache Kid. It was on awakening from one of these conflicts that I lay thinking over all that I had heard of that mysterious Cabin and all that I had seen of the three principally connected with it. Revolving these

be," said I, "for undoubtedly Donoghue meant murder to-night and that would be to kill the goose with the golden eggs." I was no nearer a solution of the mystery but I could not dismiss the matter from my mind. "I believe,"

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