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The Motor Maids Across the Continent


Word Count: 2907    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

had shown them into two neat bare-looking bedrooms

emanded h

s if we had rubbed Aladdin's lamp. W

it yet," said El

ous young person, who put infin

mini told us just now. And if two wishes come

econd wish, Nancy-

of us wish not

dn't s

he same as speaking. That wish has come true be

at it had. The adventure had

, then," said Mary, "seeing that the o

demanded Nancy. "Quick,

ell, "I believe that little head

e shall have to banish you from the magic circle if yo

me an outsider, I beg of y

mpbell was slightly s

to be the wis

we all of

wish common to five separate

ars back," observed Miss Campbell,

Francisco," laughed Billie; "but that w

Peter Van Vechten agai

retly of course, to meet once more that strange adventurer of t

your purse, Cousin He

there was some mistake

r, "then Miss Campbell can say, 'Mr. Van Vechten, kindly restore my prope

em into a close circle. "Now join hands and close your

dying dream books," exclaimed Miss Camp

together by a single wish, went out together into the vast universe. Then they separated and each took a different direction in search of that mysterious birdman, whose eyes at least were clear and brown and honest. And the

hands, and smiling quite gravely, considering it was all a joke, pr

ninity about it. It was as bare as a barracks and as plain as an old shoe. But the beds were soft and comfortable, as Miss

ck of dust from their neat traveling skirts, and washed the stains of the journey from their fresh young faces, t

, always a bookworm, began dipping her inquisitive little nose into these immediately.

road to

flying fis

side, which proved to be a photograph of a lovely girl holding a Boston bull terrier on a leash. She was tall and slender, and seemed to sway toward them from the picture like a young tree in the wind. It had evidently been quite bree

ut is it ever possible to examine a picture on a postcard without ta

t smile fr

ke City

ed it as a traveler in the Orient might look upon one of those mysterious Eastern c

irl is a Mormon?" exclaimed M

ty to be a Mormon," s

asked Billie, looking at the

ie," put in Elinor, nevertheless looki

ws and long white beards, and the women were small and plain

of Salt Lake City when the Japanese servant gave them a start b

he announced rapidly

there would be fried chicken, but she didn't care really if only there were no canned vegetables i

asy chairs, an immense writing table, and many books on shelves lining the walls. Mr. Moore's wholesome, manly face showed n

Moore," said Miss Campbell, "and here I

nswered. "I-" he hesi

out to be set before them drove al

sing hospitality to them most graciously, and here were they, even that fa

and new potatoes and asparagus, a very fine expensive salad made

ut while they feasted black clouds had been piling themselves into a formidable storm and now came flashes of light

rain, pourin

ll looked u

ou have undertaken more th

one of our three-day storms," he said smiling cordially. "The roads would be far too

Moore. You are too kind. We must go to

ven. You came in the nick of time to keep me from being plunge

look gloomy," p

e credit for being melancholy. But occasionally, you know,

ey were glad to see Takamini light a wood fire in the open brick fire-place. Miss Campbell, seated in a big leather chair

oore taking a large atlas from a shelf, opened at the

the trip. Are you the captain o

ed the other

I am chief guide because I know how to run the motor, but everybody ha

host. "You are five very brave ladies,

alt Lake City?" ask

y after she had made this impulsive speech. But Daniel Mo

u guessed right the very fir

tly embarrassed, "I just guessed," w

cy. Perhaps you would like to see a picture

," they exclaimed

ograph of the same beautiful girl whose face they had see

she is!" eja

he answered q

a Mormon?" d

row. "Her father is the most confounded old Mormon that ever grew up

hile her friends trembled for fear of wh

as. You guessed right again. If you had six guesses, I belie

not a Mormon?"

rvard and settled on this farm my uncle left me three years

ame!" excl


hed and s

she-I mean, tha

"And the worst of it is that I can't even write to her and as for seeing her, I might as well try and see th

to you?" asked Nancy, he

began laugh

ame. The other girls could not help joining in the laughter. Miss Campbell waked up a moment, smiled sleepily at the group and closed her eyes again.

ss Nancy. You kno

by s

d at her

her somewh

r snapsh

ed. "You've been

owed he

sage at the same time we saw the

ssage," said Daniel Moore. "It was th

nd find her?" sugge

e. I've done about everything I could do without breaking down the door

?" asked Billie. "We're

his chin on his ha

tingly in your debt. It could be done in this way without any risk for any one concerned.

know who I was,"

would recognise this line: 'Have you for

said B

he note from me and that w

c clap of thunder. Miss Campbell, frightened from her nap, hurried to them. They waited a moment in silence. Presently far down the avenue they heard the whirr of a motor car. There was something ominous and terrifying in the sound. Another moment, it had stopped in front of the house. The hall door was flung open; the

ispered Nancy as they pressed

ere speaking in muffled tones. Tramp, tramp, tramp down the hall went the footsteps. A door closed somewhere and

were frightened and uneasy. The house see

ooms they put on their prettiest frocks to do honor to his dinner, where he

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