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The Motor Maids Across the Continent

Chapter 2 -PETER.

Word Count: 1740    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ss Campbell and Elinor, while Mary climbed in fron

ible young woman, waiting to start the car an

my way

," interru

e along the way, I'll be very much obliged

girls in one voice. "We're

ng smile which radiated his entire face and seemed

is?" h

tor cycle shot past them, stopped abruptly and a man jumped off

if you saw an aeroplane fl

e spokesman, could reply, t

but it is out

t drop. It looked very much as if he had lo

reetly silent, and the wrecked aeroplanist leaned out and looked u

, "I see you are not very observant when they are about. I bid you good-day," and touching his cap

bell, "what a crusty individua

the risk, and so far only a few have entered. This fellow, Duval, doesn't want any rivals, and he has done everything he could to disqualify me for the race. He didn't recognize me, because he's only seen me in leather clothes with goggles and a c

no aeroplane," obs

o find out what kind of machine I'm going to use. I have kept that a profound secret, and he wants to know how good I am at

be able to do this tremendous thing? Remember what you

ng ago a man flew from Italy over the Alps. If I hadn't sneezed this morning, I might have

He appeared exceedingly self-confident and very sens

credulously, "that you expect to fly

in any flying machine, although the one I intend to use i

ancy began

u are guying

ng man

nice return for

ut in Elinor. "She's o

petites and it was agreed to stop at the next village for lunch. In half an hou

a large frame building painted white with green shutters. On the front piazza sat a numb

get out, the aeroplani

dness. My name is Peter Van Vechten. May

eter Van Vechten that appealed to the little lady,

terrific speed. People and vehicles scattered at its approach, but just befor

chten. "I suppose you got wind that the

d through his glasses and he saw you get int

hese ladies," said Peter.


bell, I will say good-by. Thank you ag

s the race?"

starts the Fo

rting aeroplanist leaped into the motor car beside the

cles the head of him who flies through the air, and this ingratiating Peter Van Vechten, with his red

n and very stiff-looking mashed potatoes, watery canned peas and leathery pie for

this way. For some inexplicable reason they were a little homesick. The monotony of this level country oppressed them,

oline at a garage in a thriving little village

flying machi

way to fly from just

the world. The paper says 'he eluded his captors just as they were about to apprehend him; dashed through the hotel door and jumped in a taxi. At the park he showed a forged letter signed Peter Van Vechten, one of the aeroplanists, permitting him the use of one of the aeroplanes for practice befor

Motor Maids and Miss Campbell as th

ing for the right road, started the machin

it had been their object to leave the Middle West behind th

ss Campbel

e it. That nice

choed the others.

they reached the town where they had planned t

ll felt in her black silk reticule for her purse, Billie having paid all

the poor little l

at the expressions of doubt and agitation whi

d Morocco purse. I thought I had i

ags and even went to the garage and searched the Comet. B

stretched themselves wearily on the hardish bed in the hotel,

d Billie, "there ma

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