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The Motor Rangers Through the Sierras


Word Count: 2018    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the forward portion of the tonneau and gripp

was nothing left now but to face the end as resolutely as possible. As long as they liv

nd as stiff as if cut out of tin. Their hair was blown back flat on their heads by the speed, and every now and then the car would strike a rock, which at the speed it wa

l the varnish stuck to his palms. He knew that the slightest mistake on his part might p

l on the right-hand side of the trail. So far over toward the rocky wall was it, in fact, that its hubs

lf, and Nat was quick to take advantage of it. As they saw what the boy intended to do the onlookers about the stage broke into a cheer,

en the stage and the wall of rock, bent low over the wheel. His heart underwent a terrible sinking sensation as it grew closer and he saw how n

t aimed the thundering runaway automobile for th

he realized it

vehicle and white, anxious human faces as he s

e in contact. To the left, Nat felt the scrub growing in the cracks of the rock brush his face, and then

g up at top speed. All were anxious to shake the hand of the daring boy wh

at bill-yards," admiringly cried a tall man in a long linen duster and sombrero, about whose thr

t-to-Hombre stage," he announced, "and any of you k

vous strain, "I really believe that if you only had hor

following his example. The Motor Rangers were anxious to see

twenty. An old man with fierce white whiskers stood beside them. They were evidently tourists. So, too, was a short

authoritative voice. "I vi

so curt an order, but the other

d. "He took them road agents a while back. Caug

. "I gedt find pigdures of all of de

had pressed a little lever, and behold they were "taken." But, in fact, their minds had

ed Nat. "You've be

," drawled Cal nonchalantly, as if it we

hev time ter say 'Knife' afore we found ourselves lookin' inter t

t in the German tourist. "Oh, I schall have me fine

nhitched our plugs and scampered 'em off up the trail.

to walk," cried the young

t, a oatmeal?-py my pig t

an a corn, Dutc

os some kindt of cer

cry, don't it?" said Cal, nodding his hea

-whiskered father began shouting. "Why were those

Cal. "Am I mistaken or did I hear you say you'

an. "It was your duty sure to protec

er then, except fer funeral poposes

sputtered the ang

," drawled Cal. "They might think we wuz an outf

t, sir?" begged the elderly lady. "She

er man yonder takes a try at carryin'

f him?" asked the German, bustling up excit

idn't know what he was saying," exclai

it of fun," said Cal. "Maybe when these boys get their

of us, sir," cried the lad

n-I mean 'Weep not them tears,'" comforted Cal.

and-my poor

hind them. The white-whiskered man had now

on't aggravate me, sir, or I'll have your blood. I'm a peac

to himself as the lady hastened to console her raging better h

o ther ole bell-wether,

get a picture of dot Bah, und he get madt

he meanwhile, the Motor Rangers had been examining the damage to their car. They found that the connecting rod working the band of the emergency brake had snappe

'un, too," h

equest for a ride on behalf of

n hoof it," he remarked. "It ain't a

pearance of interest as Joe finished unb

uns on 'bout this way

h a smile, "I'll save you a

kain't all pile in the ho

can give

on ahind your oleoma


ighted stage driver, capering about and snapping his fingers like a b

n turn made it fast to the front of the stage. The pole of the latter vehicle was then led over the tonneau

the gentle grade the plan was found to work perfectl

s later all the passengers, delighted with the novelty of the experience,

er get thar!" bellowed Cal,

d one indignantly, nevertheless skipping

came a f

ait! I vish a phote

houted Cal, "you'll hev a picter

from her overjoyed passengers, the stage, which moved

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