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The Motor Rangers Through the Sierras


Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ercast, and in the second they were naturally tired after their exciting adventures of the preceding day and night. The

the stage having been held up the day before, he had been notified by telegraph early

d Nat, after he had extended his

north of here that I think I'll

h?" asked Nat

. I'm all packed ready ter g

t is, in pattern and design, but its woodwork gleamed, its barrel was scrupulously polished, and its mechanism well oiled. Like most goo

t. "Why, I should think there

le Dutchman bought a nag this mornin' and s

he hired one, don'

He tole the landlord that he means ter make a trip all throug

ng off alone in an unknow

th er mule or a Dutchman when their mind's set. He started off about a

ting captured by Col. More

that ther plug he bought was ther last one they had here. An' so n

tion with his chums, "why not take a ride with us as fa

you kids in thet

ow the roads and the people up through

Cal, a broad smile spreading over his fa

him, while Joe and Ding-dong nodded their he

ewise at his p

y outfit,

pay our bill and we'

eir big touring car rolled majestically out of the town of Lariat

he declared as the car gathered way and was soon lost t

e. It was a sparkling morning, with every object standing out clear and intense in the brilliant light of the high Sierras. A crisp chill lay in

ng on my ga

whinny it goe

bust up we'l

d sky-high by

hey could see in the distance. Cattle could be seen feeding at the far end of it and it was evidently used as a pasture by some mountain rancher. As they drew closer to a clump of large redwood trees at

s, with a figure in their midst. They were clustered about the

he tonneau and levelled them on the scene. He put

lynch that fello

lend me them peep gla

e Cal took a long look. H

over a limb of that

hose first and natural thought had bee

e sort of a horse thief or suthin'. You bet those fellers wouldn't be g

e West its impulsive citizens occasionally executed a m

trees, Joe," he

obeyed, while Cal s

' inter troubl

get out," said Nat more

a moment, but then hi

heartily, "and if ther's tro

mply, "that's the opinion

hers under the trees, they at least had achieved the delay of the execution. They could now see every detail of the scene, without the aid of the field glasses. But the visage of the intended victim was hidden from them by the circle of wild-looking

led, closing his hand over the

awled the newcomer, as

boys, not however,

a big, gauntleted hand, "don't come no furt

But Nat's eyelids never quivered as he looked the other full in the face

ng there, mister-

cher, "Now if you're wise you'll take that fer a

said Nat, cunningly stringing out the talk so that the car

't see n


six reasons here and th

el of his revolver with a meaning gesture. Nat s

the cowboy. "You've had

d curiously at the auto, which was nearing them. As they separated, the figure of the victim

Herr Muller!

man!" gasped Cal, "has

fly, "he hev. An' we're goin' te

ly, with a flashing light of

but it will

nto the driver's seat,

with a roar and a bound, headed full at the

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