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The Peanut Plant: Its Cultivation And Uses

The Peanut Plant: Its Cultivation And Uses



Word Count: 1467    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

state. Some botanists regard the plant as a native of Africa, and brought to the New World soon after its discovery. Sloane, in his history of Jamaica, states that peanuts for

lant by early Egyptian and Arabic writers, and the fact that there is no name for it in Sanscrit and Bengalese, are regarded as telling against its Oriental origin. Moreover, there are six other

erted, and will continue to exert, an immense influence on the industries and commerce of the world. These are: the Potato, Cotton, Tobacco, Indian Cor

lf States. Nor has it yet reached its ultimate limits, for cultivation and acclimation will inure it to a sterner climate, until it becomes an important crop in latitudes considerably further north than Virginia. This is indicated by its rapid sp

s at sunset, or on the approach of a storm, the beautiful appearance of a field of it when full grown, and the remarkable wart-like excrescences found upon the roots, are some of its more

ar member of it is as unlike all the rest with which we are acquainted, as can well be conce

from a, privative, and rachis, a branch, meaning having no branches, which is not true of this plant. The specific appellation, hypo

t leathery with age, leaves closing at night and in rainy weather; Flowers papilionaceous, yellow, borne upon the end of an axillary peduncle. After flowering, the forming-pod is, by the elongation of its stalk, pushed into the soil, beneath which it

how the minute pods from above-ground flowe

o the bushel. The Tennessee Peanut is about the size of the Virginia variety, but has a seed of a much redder color and less agreeable flavor. There is a Bunch variety, that does not spread out like a mat over the soil, but grows upright like the common field pea. This last kind has been raised to some extent in Virginia, but has never become popular with planters, and is fast passing

ketful, and, unless they are paid an extra price for picking this sort, they cannot make as good wages. Nor do our planters seem

er[1] or guber, and pindar. Also "currency," "cash," "credit," and other expressive titles. Of all

to the south of the great lakes, and enters the Atlantic in the vicinity of Cape Cod. If our view is correct, the Peanut will thrive on any suitable soil within the limits of the United States lying to the south of this line. This would make the cultivation of the Peanut possible in by far the greater part of the entire country. In fact, there is no doubt but that it may be grown successfully wherever Indian corn will thrive luxuriantly. Any section having a growing season of five months exempt from frost, may raise the Peanut.

izer had been found out before an analysis of the plant had been made. Still there are some advantages in knowing what are the p

riculture at Washington, and published in the Report of that Department abo

ts of the husk and


brous matter a




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